Official Title: Emeritus Professor

Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Humanities


Short Bio

Isabel Maria da Costa Morais ( a.k.a Isabel Morais) graduated in German Philology from the University of Lisbon (Faculty of Arts), followed by a post-graduation course on Career Counseling and Guidance at the Institute of Career Guidance, University of Lisbon. She also received an M.A. in Luso-Asian Studies (Literature) from the University of Macau and a doctorate in Comparative Literature/ Cultural Studies from the Department of Comparative Literature of the University of Hong Kong.

Born and raised in former Portuguese East Africa, she was educated in Mozambique, South Africa, Portugal, Germany, and Hong Kong. Isabel has resided in Macau since 1987, where she worked at the Center of Language Diffusion, the University of East Asia ( today, the University of Macau) and the Macau Polytechnic Institute.

At USJ, Isabel developed and taught Master's and Doctorate programs in history, heritage, cultural and cross-cultural studies, and women's studies and was involved in developing and opening a research centre at USJ – the Centre for Heritage and Studies in History) (CHERISH) – in these fields. Besides, she has supervised master's and doctoral students and taught undergraduate courses. In her work at USJ, she has set up conferences, scholarly seminars, and forums. She held several academic positions, including being Vice-rector, and also played a role in creating the Centre for African Research and Development Studies (CARDS) at USJ.  

Her long-term research project combines the study of cultures and her main research interests in second language teaching, comparative and transcultural studies, diasporic memory, gender/ ethnicity, postcolonialism, and marginal cultures. She has authored Portuguese language textbooks, published in different journals and books on Macau and other Portuguese-speaking countries, and presented conference papers at local, regional, and international meetings.



 List of Most Recent Peer-Reviewed Publications, Conference Papers, Research Projects & Grants/Awards


Scopus profile:

Google Scholar:

ResearchGate: :


1. Morais, Isabel e M. do Vale (1990), Continuar a Falar Português (Handbook), Macau: Centro de Difusão da Língua Portuguesa, Direcção dos Serviços de Educação. (hand   

2. Morais, Isabel e M. do Vale (1990), Continuar a Falar Português (Workbook), Macau: Centro de Difusão da Língua Portuguesa, Direcção dos Serviços de Educação. 


3."Entre Histórias. Memória e Vivências, A Noite Desceu em Dezembro de Henrique Senna Fernandes",  Cem Anos de Henrique Senna Fernandes, Macau: Praia Grande Edições, 2023:pp.143-162.

  1. "Breve Abordagem ao percurso Vivencial e Póético de um ‘Poeta Maldito’: C. A. Montalto de Jesus (1863-1932) na China e pelo Mundo Fora, “ Mapas Esquivos”: No centenário de Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen (1919-2019), Navegação a Oriente, no.2,Departamento de Língua e Cultura, Faculdade de Artes e Humanidades, USJ, 2022:pp.62-84.

5. “The Post-colonial Imaginary & Politics of Representation in the Macao SAR: the TEATRAU (Theatre showcase from Portuguese-speaking countries) & the (Re) emergence of 'Lusofonia' under Chinese stars, in African Theatre 15 China, India & the Eastern World (eds.  J. Gibbs, F. Osofisan &  J. Currey), UK: Boydell  & Brewer, Ltd. Woodbridge, 2016.   

6.“Darwinism, Freemasonry, and Print Culture: The Construction of Identity of the Macanese Colonial Elites in the Late Nineteenth Century, in C.X. George Wei (Ed.  Macao - The Formation of a Global City (Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia) Hardcover Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia, 2013, pp.53-72.

7. Henrietta Hall Shuck: Engendering Faith, Education, and Culture in Nineteenth-century Macau”, in  Paul Van Dick (org.),  Americans, Macau and China 1784-1950: Historical Relations, Interactions, and Connections.Hong Kong University Press, 2012, pp. 105-126.Publication link:

8.“Jan Jacob Slauerhoff’s The Forbidden Realm: in Camoes ‘s Footsteps from Lisbon to Macau”, in Jonathan White (org.) The City and the Ocean:  Journeys, Memory, Imagination, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012, pp.139-194.Publication link:

9."Binding Ties of Miscegenation and Identity: the Narratives of Henrique Senna Fernandes ( Macau) and Rex Shelley ( Singapore), in Laura Jarnagin (Ed.) Portuguese and Luso-Asian Legacies in Southeast Asia, 1511-2011 Vol. 1: The Making of the Luso-Asian World: Intricacies of Engagement, Institute of South East Asian Studies, Singapore, 2011. Publication link:

10. “Little Black” Rose at the 1934 Exposição Colonial Portuguesa,  in  T.J. Boisseau and A.M. Markwyn (eds.),  Gendering the Fairs: Histories of Women and Gender Affairs, University of Illinois Press, 2010. Publication link:

11.“The Inquisition in Goa and Macao in the 16th Century; The Untold Story of Leonor da Fonseca, A Macanese New Christian (1593-1595), in 郝雨凡澳门学引论, Social Sciences Academic Press China, 2010, pp.342-363.

12." Images of Law in Chinese Crime Fiction" in Culture, Law and Order, Chinese Western Traditions, Macau Ricci Institute, 2004, pp.251-277.


13.“Ruy Guerra”, in Henry Louis Gates and Emmanuel K. Akyeampong (eds), Dictionary of African Biography, 20011, Edited by  Oxford University Press.

14.“Francisca Diniz”,  in  Tiffany K. Wayne, Feminist Writings from Ancient Times to the Modern World, A Global Sourcebook and History, Santa In d (Barbara, CA: Greenwood/ABC-CLIO, 2011.Publication link:

15.“Law on Race and Slavery, Brazil, 1824 -1888” in Stewart R. King, Encyclopedia of Free People of Color in the AmericasThe African-American Heritage of Freedom (Vol. 2, Set 2009).Publication link:

 16.“João dos Santos Albasini, Mozambique”  in Immanuel Ness (ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest, 1500-Present, Brooklyn College, City University of New York and Blackwell Publishing, 2009. Publication link:



17."Macau entre a “China Tropical” e a lusofonia a Oriente: Algumas achegas sobre os contextos colonial e pós-colonial", Portuguese Studies Review, 26(1),2018, pp.63-98.

 18.“African Female  Nascent Entrepreneurship in the Macao S.A.R”, Special issue on ‘Global African Entrepreneurs’, Michaela Pelican and Mahir Saul (Eds.), Journal: Urban Anthropology and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development  (“UAS”),  May 2014, Volume 43(1-3):57-104. 

19.“Sofia Agrebom’s Truth ( ‘A Verdade’) : Gender, Republicanism and Freemasonry in Macao’s Printing Press ( 1927-1929)”, Review of Culture, International  Edition, Special Issue on The Relations between Portugal and South East Asia: 500 years of history”,2013.

20.“China Wahala”: the Tribulations of Nigerian “Bushfallers” in a Chinese Territory”, (Re)inventing Realities in China, Transtextes, Transcultures, Journal of Global Cultural Studies, University of Jean Moulin, Lyon, France, 2009. Publication link: 

21.”The Introduction of Smallpox Vaccinations in the Pearl River Delta Region”, Soc Sci Guangdong 2007, Vol. 1.

22.“Smallpox Vaccinations and the Portuguese in Macao,” Review of Culture, International Edition, N. 18 (Abril 2006), pp.112-124.

23. “The Chinese Diaspora in Mozambique,” in The Chinese Heritage Centre Bulletin, Singapore: 6 December 2005, pp.25-29.


  1. “Remembering Helena Kuo’s ‘I’ve Come a Long Way’ From Macau to the Diaspora” , Spring Conference 2022 About Macau, The Macau Scientific And Cultural Center in Lisbon(CCCM),  March 9th-12th 2022. March 9th-12th 2022. 

  2. Helena Kuo’s Westward to Chunking; Tales of Displacement and Resilience at Troubled Times in China”, The Annual Conference of Macao Studies 2022, University of Macau, jointly convened by Journal of Contemporary Asia, China Information, and Journal of Macau Studies, 28 Nov-2 December 2022,  Macau SAR, China.

  3. 26. “The Macanese Diaspora communities and their ‘Casas de Macau” in the XXI century”, The  International Conference on The Lusophone World: Global and Local Communities, Universidade de Évora, Évora, Portugal, 25-29 June 2019.  

27.Macau entre a "China Tropical " e a Lusofonia an Oriente: Novas Perspectivas sobre o Luso-Tropicalismo", Lusophone Studies Association (LSA) 2017 Conference, The Lusophone World in Motion: Past, Present, and Future, Aracaju, Brasil.

28. The Cult of Fatima in Post-Colonial Macau: Confraternities, Gender, and Heritage as 'Re(invented Traditions'in a Chinese territory",7th South and Southeast Asian Association for Culture and Religion (SSEASR) Conference, Vietnam Buddhist University, and Ho Chi Min City Vietnam National University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Ho Chin Min, Vietnam. 

29."King David Kalakaua’s visit to the British colony of Hong Kong (1881): Trans-Pacific Freemasonry Encounters and Exchanges in the late nineteenth century", paper presented at The international conference 2017 World History at the Cross-Roads of the Pacific & Teaching World History Workshop in Honolulu,  Department of History and International Studies and the College of Arts of the Hawai’i Pacific University,

30. "Unfolding Veronica’s Veil: Political Change, Identity, and Confraternities in Post-Colonial Macao", Workshop Contemporary Christianities in the Lusophone World at the Centre of World Christianity, SOAS, University of London. 

31. "Mama Benz on the Move: African Women in-and-out of China", The Crossroads in Cultural  Studies Conference 2016, to be presented at the University of Sydney/ Western Sydney University, 14- 17 December 2016.

32. "Os Entrecruzamentos da imigração chinesa (1858-2015): Macau, Moçambique e Brasil” at the International Conference “III Crossings: Brazil, Portugal e Grande China” held at the University of S.Paulo, Brazil on 27-31 July 2015. 

33."The Scope of the Holy Office of the Inquisition of Goa in cases of "heresy', superstition and idolatry in Macao: The Case of the trader António Vicente Rosa in the late eighteenth century", Faculty of Law, University of Alcalá de Henares, Spain on 10-12 June 2015.

34.Uma  Breve Abordagem Ecocrítica às obras de Alberto Osório de Castro e Rui Cinatti, Simpósio O Simpósio Poesia e Viagem, Rui Cinatti- o Centenário de um Nómada, USJ, 17 March 2015.

35. “The “Chee Kung Tong” (致公堂) in Mozambique: Survival Strategies of the Early Chinese Modern Social Networks under Colonial Rule in Portuguese East Africa”, International Conference, University of Macau, December 2014

36.O  Sonho e o Desejo Libertários da "Lusa Macaense" Lee Li-Lyang: O Heterónimo Feminino na poética de Virgílio De Lemos", International Conference, Entre a desmistificação e a utopia: indagação sobre as Lusofonias, the University of St. Joseph,  22-23 October 2014.

37.“From Luanda to Guangzhou: the Trials of Angolan Transnational Traders in China”, International Colloquium Epistemologies of the South: South-South, South-North, and North-South Global Learning, University of Coimbra, 10-12 July 2014.

38.“A Long –Kept Secret”: The Jews of Macau”, Eight International Conference of Asian Scholars (ICAS 8) Macau, June 24-27, 2013.

39.“Ann Noble’s Tribulations in the China Seas: A Narrative of Travel, Captivity, and Mysticism during the First Opium War (1839-1842), International Conference on Macau Narratives,8-10 May 2013, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities/ New University of Lisbon, Lisbon. 

40.“Sofia Agrebom’s Truth ( ‘A Verdade’) : Gender, Republicanism and Freemasonry in Macao’s Printing Press ( 1927-1929), Conference on the Relations between Portugal and South East Asia: 500 years of history, University of Macau, Oct . 30 - Nov.1, 2012.

41.“Resurgence and Reinvention of Macanese Creole Theatre, 9th  International Conference  Crossroads in Cultural Studies 2012, Unesco and Sorbonne, Paris July 2-6, 2012.

42.“Goan Triatr and Macanese Theatre in Patuà: The Persistence and Resurgence of Popular Theater in Contemporary India and China", Goa: 1961 and Beyond, Centro de Estudos Sociais (CES, Centre for Social Studies), Coimbra University,  Goa University, 18-20 December 2011.

 43.“Mount Ramelau, an Eternal Nationhood Symbol: Exploring Narratives of Identity, Myth, Religion and Politics in East Timor”, 4th South and Southeast Asian Association for the Study of Culture and Religion (SSEASR) Conference in Thimphu, Bhutan,  June 30 -July 3, 2011.

44.“Daring to Break The Gold Cangue: Eileen Chang and Deolinda da Conceição’s Feminine Tales of Struggle and Survival”  ( ‘A Libertação da Canga Dourada: Histórias de Luta e Sobrevivência no Feminino de Eileen Chang e Deolinda da Conceição), VI International Sinology Forum, Lisbon, February24-26, 2011.

45.“The Inquisition in Macau and Goa in the 16th century”,  The First International Conference on Macaology, University of Macau, Macao Foundation and The Institute of European Studies of Macau, de 15 -16 May 2010, Macau

46."L'Asie parle Portugais, L'Heritage lusophone à Macao et en Asie du Sud-Est", Seminar presented at the Confucius Institute, University of Lyon, 6 April, France.

47.“Binding Ties of Miscegenation and Identity: the Narratives of Henrique Senna Fernandes ( Macau) and Rex Shelley ( Singapore)”, International Conference “Portuguese and Luso-Asian Legacies in South East Asia, 1511 -2010”, 28- 30 September 2010, Institute of South East Asian Studies, Singapore.

48.“Jan Jacob Slauerhoff’s The Forbidden Realm: in Camoes’s Footsteps from Lisbon to Macau”, 4th International Conference of the Center for the Humanities and Social Sciences, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 16-17 October 2010.

49.“Darwinism, Freemasonry, and Macanese Colonial Elites in the late Nineteenth Century Hong Kong and Macau”, paper presented at the First International Interdisciplinary Conference on Macau Studies: Intercultural Exchanges between East and West, University of Macau, 25-27 May 2009.

50.“Henrietta Hall Shuck: Engendering Faith, Education, and Culture in Nineteenth-century Macau”, paper presented at the International Conference on “Americans, Macau, and China, 1784- 1950: Historical relations, Interactions, and Connections”, University of Macau, 8-9 December 2008.

51.“Chinese Cubans: Tradition and Revolution”, paper presented at the Conference on “Cultures in Transit”, University of Liverpool. 20 July 2008.

52.“Illusory Worlds, Imagined Communities:  Liao Zixin’s Hallucinations d’Ao Ge”, paper presented at the I European-Asian Cultural Encounters, May of 2008 in Macao-Zhuhai, organized by the University of Lyon, IIUM and Sun Yat-Sen University, May 2008.

53.“On Rizal’s Trail in the late nineteenth Century world of Hong Kong and Macau”, paper presented at the FIEALC Conference, Macau, April 2008.

54.Towards Enhancing Transborder (Cross –Border) higher education: IIUM and SYU, a case study”, paper presented at the UNESCO Conference on “Towards a New Agenda in Higher Education”, Macau, October 2007.

55.“Development, Heritage, and Social Issues: New Challenges on Higher Education and Research in a «Global Town»  – The Case of Macao, paper presented at the 11th UNESCO Conference, Bangkok, June 2007.

56.“The European Language Portfolio (ELP): A New Challenge for Language Learning and Linguistic Diversity in China”, paper presented at the IIUM Conference “Day of Europe 2007”, 9 May 2007.

57."Macau’s Other Half: Power and Silence on Female Social Marginalization", paper presented at  IIUM Women’s Day, March 8, 2007.

58.(Re) imagining Macau: The Power of Memory and the Realms of Memory, Conference,  Conference on Asian Heritages at the Crossroads, University of Hong Kong, Department of History, 2007.

59.“Luso- Asia Communities”. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Multiculturalism in Cyberspace. University of Campina, UNICAMPO, Brazil, 2007.

60.“INVASIA - Inventário do Património Histórico e Cultural das comunidades de representação lusófona no Sul da China e no Sudeste Asiático”.Paper presented at (Universidade do Vale do Paraiba – Univap São José dos Campos), Brazil, 2007.

61. “Smallpox Vaccinations and the Portuguese in Macao,” paper presented at the International Seminar “ International Conference on the Celebration of the 200 years of Smallpox Vaccines in Macau”, Macau Inter-University Institute, 13 January 2005.

62. Seminar “Balmis in China,” paper presented at Zhongshan University of Guangdong, Department of History, 14 January 2005.

63. “Images of Law in Chinese Crime Fiction”- International Symposium on “Culture, Law and Order: Chinese and Western Traditions”, Macau Ricci Institute, 2004.

Book-Lenght Translations 


64. Macau Days, a tri-lingual book (English, Portuguese, Chinese) that includes a series of poetic texts by Brian Castro and artworks by John Young, edited by A+ A Publishing, Australia, 2017.

Research Grants and Awards


Morais, Isabel (2016), “The Post-colonial Imaginary & Politics of Representation in the Macao SAR: the TEATRAU (Theatre showcase from Portuguese-speaking countries) & the (Re) emergence of 'Lusofonia' under Chinese stars, in African Theatre 15 China, India & the Eastern World (eds.  J. Gibbs, F. Osofisan &  J. Currey), UK: Boydell  & Brewer, Ltd. Woodbridge.    The Fifth Outstanding Achievement Award for Macao Research in Humanities and Social Sciences (2018). Macao Foundation, the Social Sciences in China Press. and the Guangdong Social Sciences Association. LinkS; Chinese:; Portuguese:


USJ-Bank of China Best Research Award in Humanities And Social Sciences for Book Chapter:  "Binding Ties of Miscegenation and Identity: the Narratives of Henrique Senna Fernandes ( Macau) and Rex Shelley ( Singapore)", in Laura Jarnagin (Ed.) Portuguese and Luso-Asian Legacies in Southeast Asia, 1511-2011 Vol. 1: The Making of the Luso-Asian World: Intricacies of EngagementInstitute of South East Asian Studies, Singapore, 2012. Publication link:


"Mama Benz on the Move: Angolan and Mozambican Women Entrepreneurs in-and-out of China".  Macau Foundation Grant.


"The Scope of the Holy Office of the Inquisition of Goa in cases of "heresy', superstition and idolatry in Macao", Macao Foundation Grant.

Pilot Projects with USJ students from the module Cross-Cultural Interaction in collaboration with The Council of Europe, Language Policy Division, Directorate of Democratic Citizenship and Participation, Department of Education/ Ministry of Education,  Portugal.


 Images of and The Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters through Visual Media.


The Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters


European Portfolio of Languages (Portuguese, English, Chinese, Japanese, and Spanish)


Member - IETT Institute for Transtextual and Transcultural Studies, Lyon III University - Jean Moulin 

Member -  Lusophone Studies Association, University of York , Canada. 

Member - Association of Cultural Studies  (ACS)

Member- International Association of Comparative Literature



Year 1 Master
3 credits
Year 1 Bachelor
2 credits
Year 2 Bachelor
Year 3 Bachelor
2 credits
2 credits
Year 4 Bachelor
2 credits
Year 3
3 credits
2 credits
3 credits
2 credits