Official Title: Senior Lecturer | Head of the Department of Architecture and Design

Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Humanities


Short Bio

Nuno Soares is an architect and urban planner based in Macau since 2003, spreading his practice through architectural design, teaching, and research.

Nuno is the Head of the Department of Architecture and Design at the University of Saint Joseph in Macau and a frequent speaker, lecturer and juror internationally. He was an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the School of Architecture at The Chinese University of Hong Kong between 2013 and 2020, where he lectured studio in the Master in Urban Design and supervised over 40 master dissertations.

He graduated in Architecture of Urban and Territorial Planning from the Faculty of Architecture – Lisbon Technical University (2004). Under the Socrates-Erasmus mobility program, he developed a Final Thesis at the Faculty of Architecture - Polytechnic Institute of Milan, Laboratorio di Sintesi (2000). Nuno has a Post-graduation in Modern and Contemporary Architecture Culture at the Faculty of Architecture – Lisbon Technical University (2007) and a Diploma of Advanced Studies in Urbanism from the Faculty of Architecture – Lisbon Technical University (2010). He is a PhD candidate in Urbanism at the School of Architecture – University of Lisbon, to be completed in 2024. 

Nuno is the Co-Director of the UNESCO-UIA Validation Commission (2023–2026). He has been a member of the Education Commission of the International Union of Architects (UIA) and the UNESCO-UIA Validation Council for Architectural Education since 2014, representing UIA Region IV. He has experience as a member and chair of report groups for the validation of architecture programmes internationally under the UNESCO-UIA VCAE.

He is the Secretary General of the Council of Portuguese Speaking Architects (CIALP), Vice-President of the Architects Association of Macau (AAM), and a Member of the Council of Architecture, Engineering and Urbanism of Macau SAR (CAEU). Nuno is past Vice-President of ARCASIA (Architects Council of Asia) Zone C and past Chairman of the ARCASIA Committee for Architectural Education.

He is the founder and president of the Macau-based CURB – Center for Architecture and Urbanism, a non-profit that promotes research, education, production and dissemination of knowledge in architecture and urbanism, taking local issues to a global audience. CURB is an associate member of the World Urban Campaign, part of UN-Habitat, and a founding member of the Greater Bay Area Urban Designer Alliance. In 2018, Nuno founded and curated the Open House Macau, the first in Asia.

As principal of his office, UP - Urban Practice, he develops projects ranging from the urban scale to architecture and design in Macau and abroad. His work has been awarded and exhibited internationally, at the ExperimentaDesign (2005), Salone Satellite (2007, 2008, 2009, 2010), UABB Bi-city Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture (Shenzhen) (2013, 2015), Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism (2017), and Venice Biennale of Architecture (2013), amongst others. 




Soares, N. 
(ed.) (2023). Open House Macau - Architecture Beyond Walls. CURB - Center for Architecture and Urbanism. ISBN: 978-99981-927-1-3.

Soares, N. (ed.) (2018)The Inner Harbour Vernacular Heritage. CURB - Center for Architecture and Urbanism. ISBN: 978-99981-927-0-6.

Soares, N. (ed.) (2014)The Inner Harbour – Policy Recommendations on the Revitalization of Macau’s Vernacular Heritage. Center for Architecture and Urbanism.

Soares, N. (ed.) (2014)The Inner Harbour - Background Document on the Revitalization of Macau’s Vernacular Heritage. Center for Architecture and Urbanism.

Book Sections
Soares, N.
; Simões, F. (2017). Macao Shaped by Use – Formalizing the Vernacular Customization of the City. In Choi, H. & Pai, H. (ed.) Imminent Commons: Commoning Cities: Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2017 (pp. 66-67). Actar Publishers. ISBN 978-1-945150-66-1.

Soares, N. (2015). Urban Practice – Macau Lab in The Hong Kong Institute of Architects (ed.). CADSA 2015 - HKIA Cross-Strait Architectural Design Symposium and Awards. 

Conference Papers
Tieben, H.; Chu, J.; Soares, N.; Yiu, C.Y. (2015). Environmental Urban Design and Planning Rules and their Impact on Street Spaces in Hong Kong and Macau. 8th Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism. 22 - 24 June 2015. Incheon, Republic of Korea.

Tieben, H.; Chu, J.; Soares, N.; Yiu, C.Y. (2014). Comparing Urban Rules for Urbanizing Villages in Hong Kong, Macau, and Shenzhen. ISUF 21st International Seminar of Urban Form. 3 - 6 July 2014. Oporto, Portugal.

Soares, N. (2012). Shaped by use. Urban space appropriation in Macau in Morfologia Urbana nos Países Lusófonos. Actas da Conferência Internacional - PNUM 2012 - Portuguese Network of Urban Morphology, ISCTE, July 2012. Lisbon, Portugal. ISBN: 978-989-732-023-1

Magazine Articles
Soares, N.
 (2009).  Shop-houses at 69-81 Rua Ribeira do Patane. AM – Architecture Macau Magazine. December 2009. Macau.

Soares, N. (2005). Landscape project for the Macau-Taipa third bridge north access. Architecture Asia Magazine. December 2005.

Technical Reports
Soares, N.
 (coord.) (2022). Southern Inner Harbour Public Domain – Conceptual Master Plan. March 2022. University of Saint Joseph, Macau.

Soares, N. (coord.) (2022).《內港南部公共領域 – 概念性總體規劃》. March 2022. University of Saint Joseph, Macau.

Soares, N. (coord.) (2022).  Southern Inner Harbour Public Domain – Conceptual Design: Zone 01 –Manduco. March 2022. University of Saint Joseph, Macau.

Soares, N. (coord.) (2022).《內港南部公共領域 - 概念設計:區域 01下環街區》. March 2022. University of Saint Joseph, Macau.

Soares, N. (coord.) (2022). Southern Inner Harbour Public Domain – Conceptual Design: Zone 02 - Padre António. March 2022. University of Saint Joseph, Macau.

Soares, N. (coord.) (2022).內港南部公共領域 - 概念設計:區域 02高樓街區》. March 2022. University of Saint Joseph, Macau.

Soares, N. (coord.) (2022). Southern Inner Harbour Public Domain – Conceptual Design: Zone 03 – Ponte e Horta. March 2022. University of Saint Joseph, Macau.

Soares, N. (coord.) (2022).《內港南部公共領域 - 概念設計:區域 03司打口街區》. March 2022. University of Saint Joseph, Macau.

Soares, N. (coord.) (2022). Southern Inner Harbour Public Domain – Conceptual Design Zone 04 – Harbour. March 2022. University of Saint Joseph, Macau.

Soares, N. (coord.) (2022).《內港南部公共領域 - 概念設計:區域 04海濱街區》. March 2022. University of Saint Joseph, Macau.

Soares, N. (coord.) (2022). Southern Inner Harbour Public Domain – Conceptual Design: Zone 05 - Felicidade. March 2022. University of Saint Joseph, Macau.

Soares, N. (coord.) (2022).《內港南部公共領域 - 概念設計:區域 05福隆街區》紙本文件. March 2022. University of Saint Joseph, Macau.

Soares, N. (coord.) (2022). Southern Inner Harbour Public Domain – Conceptual Design: Zone 06 – Santo Agostinho. March 2022. University of Saint Joseph, Macau.

Soares, N. (coord.) (2022).《內港南部公共領域 - 概念設計:區域 06崗頂街區》. March 2022. University of Saint Joseph, Macau.

Soares, N. (coord.) (2021). Southern Inner Harbour Public Domain – Strategic Vision. April 2021. University of Saint Joseph, Macau.

Soares, N. (coord.) (2021). 內港南部公共領域 - 策略願景. April 2021. University of Saint Joseph, Macau.

Soares, N. (coord.) (2021). The Lotus Network – Masterplan and Design Guidelines for Iao Hon and Toi San Community Public Spaces. University of Saint Joseph, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Macau.

Soares, N. (coord.) (2020). Contribution for the Public Consultation on the Macao SAR Masterplan 2020-2024. Macau.

Soares, N. (coord.) (2012)Study on Urban Fabric and Public Space in Macau. Architects Association of Macau. Macau.


The Architectural Morphology of Coloane Stilt Houses: A Computational Method for the Study of Wood-based Vernacular Buildings in Macau 
Project Code MF/2022/ACA/02 , funded by the Macao Foundation, amount funded: 78,000.00 MOP
Principal Investigator 

Inventário da Arquitectura Representativa do Século XX nos Países e Territórios Lusófonos 
CPLP - Comissão Temática Ambiente, Cidades e Territórios (CACTO), CPLP Community of Portuguese Language Countries

Shophouses in Macau – The Architectural Morphology and Local Characteristics of a Southeast Asian Building Type
Coordinated by CURB – Center for Architecture and Urbanism, funded by the Macao Foundation, amount funded: 141,000.00 MOP
Principal Investigator  

Macau Villages: Beco da Ostra – Evolution, Community and Perspectives
Coordinated by CURB – Center for Architecture and Urbanism, funded by the Macao Foundation, amount funded: 141,000.00 MOP
Principal Investigator 

INTERTWINE Bamboo Pavilion
Project for Art Macau 2021
Funding by the Higher Education Bureau, Higher Education Fund, amount funded: 106,200.00 MOP
Project Leader

Conceptual Master Plan for the Public Domain of Southern Inner Harbour
Coordinated by the Architecture Programmes of the University of Saint Joseph for the Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM), amount funded: 1,732,500.00 MOP

Património Arquitectónico Notável do Século XX no Espaço Lusófono
Organised by the Cities and Territories Working Group of CIALP – International Council of Portuguese Speaking Architects

XX Pavilion
The Bamboo Pavilion Building Process and Exhibition – Research on vernacular construction methods and their potential for the future development of Macau, granted by the Higher Education Bureau, Higher Education Fund.

Urban Thinkers Campus (UTC) 3.0 Macau - “Density for the common good”
Organised by CURB – Center for Architecture and Urbanism, Macau

Macau Digital Mapping – Georeferencing and Visualizing Urban Data
Project Code 268/2017/A Grant awarded under the “Projecto de Aplicação e Solução da Cidade Inteligente de Macau”, a programme of the Science and Technology Development Fund
Principle Investigator 

Investigating the Urban Design Guidelines of the PRD cities Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Macau and Shenzhen
(GRF453312) awarded by the Hong Kong University Grants Committee, Principal Investigator Hendrik Tieben (CUHK), Co-investigator Doreen Heng Liu (CUHK), 
Jan 2013 - Dec 2014

The Inner Harbour – Study on the Revitalization of Macau’s Vernacular Heritage
Co-organized by the International Institute of Asian Studies, the Institute of European Studies of Macau and the University of Macau with the research support of the Center for Architecture and Urban Studies, Macau
2011 – 2012

Study on Urban Fabric and Public Space in Macau
Research on Contemporary Architecture and Urbanism in Macau for the New Reclamation Land Plan developed by the Architects Association of Macau for the Macau Government
2009 – 2011

Street in Portugal – Mainland a Public Spaces inventory
Organised by FormaUrbis Lab – Faculty of Architecture Lisbon Technical University, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Carlos Dias Coelho
2000 – 2007

Squares in Portugal – Azores a Public Spaces inventory
Organised by the Urbanism Department of the Faculty of Architecture – Lisbon Technical University, coordinated by Prof. Dr. José Lamas and Prof. Dr. Carlos Dias Coelho
2004 – 2006


Soares, N. (2022, May 3). Pavilhão de Bambu Intertwine – Preservação, Inovação e Promoção do Património Imaterial de Macau [Conference presentation]. VIII Fórum Internacional CIALP. Luanda, Angola.

Soares, N. (2022, May 24)Uma Questão de Arquitectura: Luz [Radio Broadcast]. Rádio Macau.

 Soares, N. (2022, March 22)Uma Questão de Arquitectura: Programa [Radio Broadcast]. Rádio Macau.

Soares, N. (2022, February 15)Uma Questão de Arquitectura: Público e Privado [Radio Broadcast]. Rádio Macau.

Soares, N. (2021, October 26)Uma Questão de Arquitectura: Materiais [Radio Broadcast]. Rádio Macau.

Soares, N. (2021, October 5)Uma Questão de Arquitectura: Pré-existência [Radio Broadcast]. Rádio Macau.

Soares, N. (2021, May 15). Public Matters: Identity, Design, and Placemaking in Macau’s Inner Harbour[Conference presentation]. Making Place in the Greater Bay Area International Symposium. Hong Kong.

Soares, N. (2020, November 25). Reframing the Urban Edge - Design Strategies for Macau x Zhuhai Waterfront [Conference presentation]. The Greater Bay Area Urban Design Conference. Hong Kong.

Soares, N. (2020, October 3). Cross Border Lab: Reframing the Urban Edge - Macau x Zhuhai [Conference presentation]. Manipal International Symposium on Design. Manipal, India.

Soares, N. (2020, August 9). Local Matters - Design Driven by Urban Conditions [Video]. TEDx Senado Square. TED Conferences. Macau

Soares, N. (2018, September 27). A experiência de Macau e Hong Kong – Ensino de Arquitectura entre o Local e o Global [Conference keynote presentation]. VI Congresso Internacional do Conhecimento Científico ISECENSA. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

Soares, N. (2018, July 4). ASIA URBAN LAB – Comparative Studio [Conference presentation]. DATUM: EDU International Education Conference 2018. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Soares, N. (2018, March 27). SHAPED BY USE - Mapping, Debating and Envisioning the Customization of Urban Space [Keynote presentation]. AIA (American Institute of Architects) Japan CES Lecture Series. Tokyo.

Soares, N. (2018, February 16). SHAPED BY USE - Individual Designs Reshaping the City[Conference presentation]. VI Forum CIALP.  Maputo, Mozambique.

Soares, N. (2017, July 16). Architecture Education in Asia – Future Challenges and Visions[Conference keynote presentation]. International Seminar “On Architecture Education: What’s Next”. Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Soares, N. (2017, July 11). Architecture Education in Asia [Conference keynote presentation]. APTARI National Conference 2017. Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Soares, N. (2017, June 17). Shaped by Use - Individual designs reshaping the city [Conference keynote presentation]. CADSA - Cross-Strait Architectural Symposium and Awards. Hong Kong.

Soares, N. (2017, May 6). Asia Urban Lab – Comparative Studio [Conference presentation]. Education and Practice - The Future Architect, Joint ACE-EAAE Symposium in coordination with CNAPPC, ACE General Assembly. 6 May 2017. Rome, Italy.

Soares, N. (2016, March 5). One city two pavilions [Conference keynote presentation]. USJ Architecture & Design Symposium. Macau.

Soares, N. (2015, September 27-29). O ensino de Projecto e o ensino do professor de Projecto[Conference keynote presentation]. XXXIV ENSEA and XVIII CONABEA. Natal, Brazil.

Soares, N. (2015, December 8). Urban Practice – Macau Lab [Conference presentation]. This is my city TIMC Conference. Macau.

Soares, N. (2015, July 14). CIALP Cidades Arquitectura Património na lusofonia – Macau como caso piloto [Conference presentation]. II Fórum da Sociedade Civil da CPLP. Díli, Timor Lorosae.

Soares, N. (2015, April 18). Macau Informal Housing Prototype [Conference presentation]. IV International Forum of Architects. Panjim, Goa, Índia.

Soares, N. (2014, June 18). The Inner Harbour - Policy Recommendations on the Revitalization of Macau’s Vernacular Heritage [Presentation]. Ponte 9. Macau.

Soares, N. (2013, March 16). Macau Figured [Conference keynote presentation]. HKIA Cross-Strait Architectural Design Symposium CADS 2013. Hong Kong.

Soares, N. (2013, December 10). The Inner Harbour - Roundtable on the Revitalization of Macau’s Vernacular Heritage. Ponte 9. Macau.

Soares, N. (2013, March 27). Macau Identified. Reflections on Urban Identity [Conference presentation]. IPOR Seminars. Macau.

Soares, N. (2013, March 12). Macau em projecto. O presente e caminhos de futuro [Conference presentation]. Forum CIALP Professional practice in Portuguese-speaking countries. LNEC, Lisbon.

Soares, N. (2012, November 19). Study on Urban Fabric and Public Space in Macau [Conference presentation]. Workshop by the AAM. Macau.

Soares, N. (2011, November 11). Architectural Heritage - An Essay on Urban Clusters [Conference presentation]. International Conference on Heritage Preservation & Urban Renewal. Macau.

Soares, N. (2011, February 11). From Heritage to Urban Clusters – Architectural Heritage as a Tool for Urban Renewal in Macau [Conference presentation]. ASA International Conservation Forum. Bangkok.

Soares, N. (2010, December 4). Biking in Macau - A Personal View on Urban Mobility [Conference presentation]. This is my city TIMC 10 - Green Grey City - Pecha Kucha. Macau.


Year 1 Master
Year 1 Bachelor
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Year 2 Bachelor
2 credits
2 credits
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2 credits
6 credits
Year 3 Bachelor
3 credits
3 credits
Year 4 Bachelor
2 credits
4 credits
6 credits
Year 5 Bachelor
3 credits
3 credits