Bachelor Programme

Faculty of Business and Law

4 Years Full-Time (Day) English Ilha Verde Campus


This programme is a unique opportunity to learn, work in teams, and gain the skills needed to excel as a business leader upon graduation.

The Bachelor of Business Administration lays a foundation in core areas of business while also providing the flexibility to choose a specialisation to focus on. The first two years of the programme are a common curriculum that covers the areas of accounting, economics, finance, management, and marketing. For the final two years, students can choose from one of four specialisations: Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Global Management, and International Trade.

The Entrepreneurship specialisation prepares you to create and develop new businesses for markets in Macao, Mainland China, and Portuguese-speaking countries. Choosing the Marketing specialisation can open doors in medium and large firms for advertising, branding, sales, and consumer research. The specialisations in Global Management and International Trade are for students interested in pursuing careers in transnational corporations and firms with a presence in multiple countries.

The programme coordinator is Alessandro Lampo.

Student Experience

  • Students are trained in both hard and soft business skills with a focus on societal and humanistic value to become skillful and ethical business leaders
  • Students are exposed to local, regional, and international business cases to prepare them for future decision making and management application
  • Students are nurtured to be creative and innovative business leaders with good understanding of  cross-cultural interactions

Career Opportunities

  • Entrepreneurs
  • International business leaders
  • Banking and Finance
  • Social innovators

Typical Applicants

  • Have an innovative mind

Admissions Information >

Study plan & description of modules

For the programme’s government approval [in Chinese and Portuguese] click here.

Please click on any specific module below to see its description.
