Vincent Yang

Official Title: Adjunct Professor (Visiting Academic)
Faculty: Faculty of Business and Law
Short Bio
Prof. Vincent Cheng Yang, Ph.D., Adjunct Full Professor, Faculty of Business and Law, University of Saint Joseph, Macau. Overseas Chinese Delegate to the 11th Chinese People's Political Consultation Conference (CPPCC). Permanent resident of Macau.
Ph.D. in Criminology, Simon Fraser University, Canada, 1996; LL.M., Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, China, 1985; Diploma of Post Graduate Study in Law, East China University of Political Science and Law (ECUPL), China, 1984; College Diploma, Shanghai Normal University, 1980; also completed the course work in the LL.M. program at University of British Columbia, Canada in 2001. Overseas Visiting Scholar at Cambridge University in 1986-1987 (Institute of Criminology and Wolfson College) and 1990 (St. John's College).
Taught various university courses in law, international relations, criminology, criminal justice, and public administration, since 1984. Former Chair Professor of International Law at USJ (2010-2018) and Vice-Rector and ProRector (2014-1018). Full Professor and Acting Dean of Law School at Shantou University in 2008-2010. Former Chair Professor and Supervisor of Doctoral Students at the College of Criminal Law of Beijing Normal University, Visiting Professor at National Prosecutors College of China, and Visiting Professor at the Institute of International Criminal Law of Renmin University, Sichuan University, Shenzhen University, Central-South China University of Science and Technology, etc. Full Professor at Macau University of Science and Technology in 2002-2007, and Vice Dean of Law (2005-2007). Visiting Associate Professor at University Macau in 2001-2002. University Lecturer, Editor of the university law journal The World Jurisprudence, and Director of Comparative Legal Studies at East China University of Political Science and Law in Shanghai in 1984-1990.
Currently Senior Associate and formerly (1995-2010) China Program Director at International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy, in the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Expert of Canadian executing agencies for CIDA China technical cooperation programs and projects of law and justice reforms in 1995-2013. International Expert to the UN Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights. Called to the Bar in Shanghai in 1985 and practiced the law in China during 1985-1990. Legal Advisor to the CEO and editor of law monthly Democracy and Law in Shanghai in 1987-1990. International Chinese Legal Specialist at Gainer, Rient and Hotis in the United States in 1995-1997. Board member of ISRCL. Member of International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities and several other professional associations. Served as Council Member of the Guangdong Provincial Law Society and Acting Chair of Legal Education Society of Guangdong Province. Served as Expert Witness for CBSA of the Government of Canada in the most high-profile Chinese fugitive Lai Changxing's case etc.
Published extensively on law and justice topics including UNCAC, UNTOC, ICCPR, financial crime, criminal procedures, prosecution and community corrections. Co-editor of over 25 books. Presented papers at many international conferences held by the IAACA, UN, China Criminal Law Research Society, Macau Lawyers Association and International Association of Lawyers, and various other academic and professional associations.
楊誠 博士, 澳門聖若瑟大學商学及法律学院兼职正教授。第十一屆中國人民政治協商會議海外華僑華人列席代表,澳門永久居民。加拿大西門菲莎大學犯罪學博士(1996),上海市社會科學院法學碩士(1985),華東政法大學法學研究生畢業文憑(1984),上海師範大學專科文憑(1980),並于2001年修完加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞大學法學碩士的全部課程。英國劍橋大學訪問學者(犯罪學研究所及沃夫生學院1986-1987,聖約翰學院1990)。
1984年以來在多所大學任教,主講法律、國際關係、犯罪學及刑事司法和公共行政課程。2010-2018年任澳門聖若瑟大學國際法講座教授,2014-2018年任助理校长、副校长。2008-2010年任汕頭大學法學院代院長和教授。 曾任北京師範大學刑事法律科學研究院講座教授及博士生導師,获中國國家檢察官學院、上海市社會科學院法學所、中國政法大學訴訟法研究中心、人民大學國際刑法研究所、四川大學、深圳大學和華中科技大學等多所大學頒授的兼職教授/研究員榮譽性聘書。2002-2007年任澳門科技大學法學院教授和副院長(2005-2007)。 2001-2002年任澳門大學法學院訪問副教授。1984-1990年在上海任華東政法大學講師、《世界法學》期刊副主編、比較法研究室主任。
- Zhao Bingzhi and Vincent Cheng Yang (Eds.), (2011), The Implementation of United Nations Convention against Corruption in China. Beijing: Law Press China. ISBN9787511825520.
- Zhao Bingzhi and Vincent Cheng Yang (Eds.), (2009), The United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and Its Implementation in China. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Publishing House. ISBN9787303103904.
- Wang Jue, Wang Ping and Vincent Cheng Yang (Eds.), (2008), An Overview of Community Corrections in China and Canada. Beijing: The Law Press. ISBN9787503683923.
- Zhao Bingzhi and Vincent Cheng Yang (Eds.), (2008), Re-assessing and Reforming the Labor Re-education System in China. Beijing: Chinese People’s Public Security University Press. ISBN9787811391541.
- Zhao Bingzhi, Vincent Cheng Yang and Yin Jianfeng (Eds.), (2008), The Eleventh United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice. Beijing: Law Press China. ISBN9787503687655.
- Chen Guangzhong, Vincent Cheng Yang and Liu Mei (Eds.), (2007), A Study on Procedural Law Issues in UNTOC and UNCAC. Beijing: China University of Political Science and Law Press. ISBN9787562030621.
- Bian Jianlin and Vincent Cheng Yang (Eds.), (2006), A Study on Due Process in Criminal Proceedings. Beijing: China Procuracy Press. ISBN7801856449/D1620.
- Chen Guangzhong, Cheng Weiqiu and Vincent Cheng Yang (Eds.), (2006), Criminal Trial of the First Instance and Protection of Human Rights. Beijing: China University of Political Science and Law Press. ISBN7562029121/D2872.
- Zhao Bingzhi and Vincent Cheng Yang (Eds.), 2004, A Comparative Study of Financial Crimes. Beijing: Law Press China. ISBN750364873-2.
- Chen Guangzhong, Cheng Weiqiu and Yang Cheng (Eds.), 2004, A Study on Issues of Fair Trial. Beijing: China University of Political Science and Law Press. ISBN7562026378/D2597.
- Chen Guangzhong, Cheng Weiqiu and Vincent Cheng Yang (Eds.), (2002), A Study on Issues in Ratifying and Implementing International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. China Fa-zhi Publishing House. ISBN7800839478/D913.
- Cheng Weiqiu, Vincent Cheng Yang and Yang Yuguan (Eds.), (2002), Training Manual on International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights – International Standards and Chinese Rules of Fair Trial. China University of Political Science and Law Publishing House. ISBN756202281X.
- Zhang Zhihui and Vincent Cheng Yang (Eds.), (2002), The Roles and Standards of Prosecutors – A Comparative Study. China Procuracy Publishing House, 2002. ISBN7800868842/D884.
- Zhao Bingzhi and Wang Xiumei (transl.), Vincent Cheng Yang (ed. of Chinese edition), (2002), International Criminal Court – Manual for the Ratification and Implementation of the Rome Statute (ICCLR English publication, translated into Chinese). Beijing: CITIC Publishing House. ISBN7800735214/D19.
- Cheng Weiqiu, Vincent Cheng Yang and Yang Yuguan (Eds.), (2001), Compendium of United Nations Documents on Human Rights and Criminal Justice. Beijing: China Fa-zhi Publishing House. ISBN7800837580/D725.
- Jiang Li Hua and Vincent Cheng Yang (Eds.), (2001), The Defense in American Criminal Proceedings. Beijing: Law Press China. ISBN7503632755/D2993.
- Wang Zengduo and Vincent Cheng Yang et al. (Eds.), (2001), A Comparative Study of the Chinese and the Canadian Correctional Systems. Beijing: Law Press China. ISBN7503633662/D3084.
- Jiang Li Hua and Vincent Cheng Yang (Eds.), (2000), Essentials of Foreign Criminal Procedure (Training Materials for Prosecutors). Beijing: Law Press China. ISBN7503632321/D2951.
- Yang, Vincent Cheng and Shan Min (Eds.), (2000), Chinese and Foreign Systems of Public Prosecution. Beijing: Law Press China. ISBN7503632054/D2924.
- Chen Guangzhong, Daniel Prefontaine, Lei Xian, Fan Chongyi and Vincent Cheng Yang (Eds.), (1999), The Prevention and Control of Financial Fraud. Beijing: China Democracy and Law Press. ISBN7800783723/D290.
- Gong Xiaobing, Vincent Cheng Yang and Zheng Zhiwen (Eds.), (1999), Theories of Legal Aid in Various Countries. Beijing: China Fang-zheng Press. ISBN7801073428.
- Yang, Vincent Chen and Wang Ping (Eds. Of English-Chinese translation), (2009), Risk Assessment & Risk Management: A Canadian Criminal Justice Perspective. Beijing: Intellectual Property Rights Publication House. ISBN9787802472242/D734.
- Zheng Zhiwen et al. (transl.), Vincent Cheng Yang (ed. of English-Chinese translation), (1999), Selection of Foreign Legal Aid Regulations. Beijing: China Fang-zheng Press. ISBN7801073061.
- Bian Jianlin et al. (transl.), Vincent Cheng Yang and Bian Jianlin (Eds. of Chinese edition), (1999), The Canadian Criminal Code. Beijing: China University of Political Science and Law Press. ISBN7562017565/D1716.
- Chen, Prefontaine, Fan, Bian and Vincent Cheng Yang (Eds.), (1998), The United Nations Standards and China’s Legal System of Criminal Justice. Beijing: Law Press China. ISBN7503625473/D2161.
Selected Essays/Papers (after joining USJ in 2010)
- Yang, Vincent Cheng, 2013, “Canada’s Cyber Security Strategies and Issues in Law” (in Chinese). China Legal Science (CSSCI journal of China Law Society). 2013 Special Edition on Internet Information Security Laws. 41-48.
- Yang, Vincent Cheng, 2013, “The FTZ and the AML: An International Perspective” (in Chinese). Presentation at the Roundtable Conference on the Shanghai Free Trade Zone and Hengqing Development held at City University of Macau on Nov. 8, 2013.
- Yang, Vincent Cheng, 2013, “Combatting Corruption in China: Progresses and Problems” (in English). Presentation at the 57th Congress of the International Union of Lawyers (UIA) held in Macau during Oct. 31-Nov. 4, 2013.
- Yang, Vincent Cheng, 2013, “Wrongful Conviction Studies in Canada: Lessons and Reforms”, in Zhao Bingzhi (ed.), Criminal Law Review. Vol. 32. pp. 336-351. ISBN9787511843807. (in Chinese)
- Yang, Vincent Cheng, 2013, “Combatting Counterfeiting in China: An International Perspective of Criminal Justice” (in Chinese). Criminal Law Commentary (a law journal of China Law Society). Vol.22. pp.1-12.
- Yang, Vincent Cheng, 2012, “Is Canada not a Safe Heaven?” Presentation at 2012 Annual Conference of International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities held in Kuala Lumpa, Malasia during October 4-7, 2012. (in English)
- Yang, Vincent Cheng, 2012, “The Problem of Chinese Fugitives with Stolen Asset in Western Democracies”. Presentation at 2012 Conference of International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities held in Dalian, China during June25-29, 2012. (in Chinese and English)
- Yang, Vincent Cheng, 2012, “Combat Product Counterfeiting – An International Perspective”. Presentation at the Fourth Forum of Contemporary Criminal Laws held in Foshan, China during August 17-18, 2012.
- Yang, Vincent Cheng, 2011, “A Proposal to Criminalize Academic Fraud”, in Zhao Bingzhi et al. (eds.), 2011, The Protection of Intellectual Property by the Criminal Law in the Context of Internationalization. Beijing: Chinese People’s Public Security University Publishing House. pp. 490-502. ISBN9787565304583. (in Chinese)
- Yang, Vincent Cheng, 2011, “What can be borrowed and created next – From Setting up Halfway Houses to Developing a New Profession for Community Corrections”, in Liu Qiang (ed.), 2011, Community Corrections Review. Beijing: China Legal Publishing House. Vol. 1.pp.370-379. ISBN9787509327388. (in Chinese)
- Yang, Vincent Cheng, 2011, “Implement the UNCAC through Cooperation?” presentation at Sino-U.S. Rule of Law in China Conference, held in Hangzhou, China, on May 27, 2011. (in Chinese and English)
- Yang, Vincent Cheng, 2011, “Legal Issues for the Return of Chinese Fugitives.” Presentation at Third International Forum of Contemporary Criminal Laws, held in Beijing on Dec. 10-11, 2011. (in Chinese and English)
- Yang, Vincent Cheng, 2010, “The ICCPR and the Law of Criminal Procedures of China”. Presentation at 2010 Annual Conference of the Research Society of Procedural Laws of Guangdong Province hosted by Sun Yat-Sen University in Guangdong, China, on Dec. 3-4, 2010. (in Chinese)
- Yang, Vincent Cheng, 2010, “Cooperation in Fighting Corruption: Issues of Chinese Fugitives in Canada”. Presentation at the 4th Annual Conference of the International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities in Macau, Nov. 2-5, 2010. (in English)
- Yang, Vincent Cheng, 2010, “The Next to Borrow and Create: From the Creation of Halfway Houses to a New Profession”. Presentation at the International Conference on Halfway Houses in Beijing on August 4-5, 2010. (in Chinese and English)
- Yang, Vincent Cheng, 2010, “Cross-border Cooperation in Combating Corruption: Disputes and Consensus in Law”. Presentation at the 2010 Symposium on the Science of Policing and Security Management hosted by Taiwan Police Academic Foundation, Ming Chuan University, Taiwan Police Academy and Taiwan Police Academic Research Society in Taiwan, June 2-6, 2010. (in Chinese)
- Yang, Vincent Cheng, 2010, “Upholding the Rule of Law in Combating Corruption: From UNCAC to ICCPR”. Presentation at the Conference on Corruption and the Rule of Law hosted by the Macau Lawyers Association and the Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA) in Macau on May 14-15, 2010. (in English)