USJ Videos – Archive

  • USJ English Poetry Writing and Recital Contest 2022 >> Watch
  • USJ Laboratory of Applied Neurosciences >> Watch
  • USJ 25th Anniversary Ceremony >> Watch
  • University of Saint Joseph | The most international university in Macao >> Watch
  • USJ 2021 Graduates share their stories >> Watch
  • USJ Congregation 2021 >> Watch
  • Rector’s welcome address for the 2021/2022 Academic Year >> Watch
  • “Formula 3D: A Tangible Experience” >> Watch
  • Macao’s Mangroves: Our Coastal Treasure >> Watch
  • USJ Transparency Fashion Show 2020 >> Watch
  • USJ Congregation 2020 >> Watch
  • Installation of the Fourth Rector of the University of Saint Joseph >> Watch
  • International Day of Living Together in Peace 2020 >> Watch
  • USJ Promotion video 2020/2021 >> Watch
  • “Aiming Higher” – University of Saint Joseph November 2019 >> Watch
  • “Engaging with Ecosystems” >> Watch
  • USJ V Career Fair 2020 聖大V就業展2020 >> Watch
  • USJ Fight against COVID-19 >> Watch
  • 聖大舉行2019/2020社區奬助學金頒奬典禮(22/01/2020) >> Watch
  • 聖若瑟大學舉辦《透過創業精神改變世界》講座(21/11/2019) >> Watch 
  • USJ Congregation 2019 | Group Photo Shooting >> Watch
  • USJ Congregation 2019 >> Watch
  • USJ International Cultural Fair & Languages Day 2019 >> Watch
  • USJ Open Day 2019 >> Watch
  • USJ Career Day 2019 >> Watch (Highlights / Stream)
  • USJ Community Scholarships and Fellowships Award Ceremony 2018 >> Watch
  • USJ Congregation for Master and Doctoral Degrees 2018 >> Watch
  • USJ Promotional Video 2018 >> Watch
  • USJ Congregation for Bachelor Degrees 2018 >> Watch
  • USJ Open Day 2018 >> Watch
  • USJ International Cultural Fair & Languages Day 2018 (Highlights video by USJ Student Association) >> Watch
  • USJ Career Day 2018 >> Watch
  • USJ Congregation 2017 >> Watch
  • World Social Work Day 2017 >> Watch
  • USJ International Cultural Fair 2017 >> Watch
  • USJ Career Day 2017  >> Watch
  • USJ 2016 Congregation >> Watch
  • USJ International Culture and Food Fair 2016 >> Watch
  • TDM Interview – 2nd June, 2015 >> Watch
  • “Good Morning Macau” – Episode 6 – Communication & Media Course >> Watch
  • “Good Morning Macau” – Episode 5 – Science Lab >> Watch
  • “Good Morning Macau” – Episode 4 – Architecture Course >> Watch
  • “Good Morning Macau” – Episode 3 – Social Work Programme >> Watch
  • “Good Morning Macau” – Episode 2 – Education and Christian Studies Programmes >> Watch
  • “Good Morning Macau” – Episode 1 >> Watch

Last Updated: August 4, 2022 at 3:37 pm
