Rector’s Message to USJ and Exchange Students

Dear Students,

As you know, all classroom work, meetings and other activities that require gathering people in one place or travelling outside the territory to Mainland China have been cancelled by Macao’s higher education institutions (HEIs), until further notice, in line with the measures published by Macao SAR government.

This does not mean that we are closed for business. On the contrary, we are following the government’s recommendations and working hard to provide alternative methods for teaching and learning. We expect you to continue to study and learn during these exceptional times and are taking steps to help you as quickly and efficiently as possible. Note that the government guidelines foresee the full recognition of work and assessment carried out by the Macao HEIs using mixed and online solutions. We are aware that this is something that especially worries our Exchange Students. We can confirm, however, that despite changes in the pedagogical and didactic methods, credits and grades for this semester will have the same standing as in normal times. It may be necessary, in the case of some modules, to hold makeup classes at non-standard times, when the emergency ends (especially those that need laboratory or other forms of hands-on work). We may also need to stretch classes into Block 7 of our calendar (normally reserved for exams). There will be a lot of work to be done, but we are committed to making this an interesting and challenging learning experience for all. Later this week we will provide further information, but one important variable in this equation that we do not control is the time that the current preventive measures will be kept in place.

Below, is the summary of a long meeting that USJ’s extended management held last Thursday, during which we discussed those and many other matters.

The main point is that we will be shifting much of our academic, administrative and management work to online solutions. This alteration is an excellent opportunity but calls for a steep learning curve if we are to begin to implement the changes by the end of this week.

Over this last weekend, we have set up a schedule for the rapid preparation of staff. It will occupy the first half of the week. We will inform you as soon as we are ready to move to the online preparation of students. It will probably be later in the week. We will keep you informed.

Meanwhile, keep in touch with your teachers. They will help you find useful ways of studying for their modules. Each teacher will probably start with the online methods they are more used to working with until they have acquired other skills and try them out with you.

Please remember that the Library has many resources that are available online to all staff and students. For those of you who are less familiar with working that way, the Library team will share with you and post on the Library webpage the guidelines you need to get started.

If you need help, go to our website. We will be posting the main contact points at USJ. Take care and keep safe!

Yours sincerely,

Fr Peter



這些措施並非意味着大學停止運作。相反,我們正按照政府的建議,努力為教學提供其他方法。大學正在採取迅速和有效的措施為您們提供支援,並希望在這個非常時期,您們能繼續學業和學習。特區政府的指引指出將會全面認可澳門各高等院校於這期間的一切混合式和線上教學等解決方案。我們知道這是交換生們特別擔心的事。可以確定的是,學校儘管在教學方式上有所改變,但本學期的學分和成績將會與平時一樣具有同等效力。在疫情的緊急狀況結束後,如需要,學校可能會為一些課程(尤其涉及實驗室或實踐工作的課程)在非一般上課時段作出補課安排。大學亦有可能將本學期的課程延伸至Block 7(通常為考試時段)。這將會涉及大量工作。但我們致力為所有人提供一個有趣及有意義的學習經驗。大學將於本週內為大家提供更多信息。但是,一個難以控制的因素是,我們暫時無法預計疫情引發的相關措施將會持續到什麼時候。





如需協助,請登入我們的網站。 我們將在大學網站上發佈主要聯繫方法。




Last Updated: February 7, 2020 at 5:46 pm
