


Putonghua Course (B2 Level) is an intermediate course. This course is designed for students whose mother tongue is not Mandarin-based, it is suitable for Cantonese dialect speakers or those who want to improve their spoken Putonghua ability. The course system teaches the basic theories and basic knowledge of Putonghua so that students can master the basic knowledge of Putonghua phonetics and the pronunciation essentials of Putonghua’s sound, rhyme, tone, and tone changes; can use standard standards or relatively standard standards reading, speaking and other oral communication in Mandarin will lay a solid foundation for living and working in Mandarin in the future.


  • To understand and use Chinese phonetic symbols, pronunciation and phonetic principles
  • Mandarin tone and training
  • Mandarin initials and training
  • Finals and training in Mandarin
  • Mandarin and Cantonese reverse. Local people are easy to make mistakes
  • Common mistakes in conversion between Mandarin and Cantonese
  • Practice idiom vocabulary
  • Reading and reciting In Chinese
  • Speechwriting, Unscripted speech


  • Know basic phonetic knowledge, phonetic symbols and spelling rules
  • Know what a tone is, and can distinguish and mark the Yin-ping, Yang-ping, tone, and tone symbols
  • Know what initials are, and can distinguish and mark the symbols of 21 initials
  • Know what finals are, and can distinguish and mark 39 symbols of finals
  • Can correctly use common numerals and quantifiers
  • Know the grammar of common adverbs
  • To understand the usage of commonly used auxiliary words can flexibly use the function of adjectives to describe or describe the daily lifestyle through abundant words

評估/測驗要求 :

  • Chinese writing exercises
  • Presentation
  • Quiz
課程內容 (按此了解詳情):
Session 1

  • Introduction of Chinese Pinyin Scheme
  • Lesson 1 – Tone
  • Recognize tone Marked the tones, Count the tones
  • Tone Training (1)
Session 2

  • Lesson 2 Tone
  • Recognize tone Marked the tones, Count the tones
  • Tone Training (2)
Session 3

  • Lesson 3 Single final
  • Single finals training
Session 4

  • Lesson 4 Initials – b p m f d t n l
  • Read, read, recite
  • Initial training
Session 5

  • Lesson 5 Initials -g k h
  • Quiz – 1
Session 6

  • Lesson 6 Complex finals – ai、ei、ao、ou
  • Complex finals training
Session 7

  • Lesson 7 Initials – zh、ch、sh、r、z、c、s 、j 、q、 x
  • Initial training
  • Comprehensive Spelling of Chinese pinyin
  • Reading and Comprehension
Session 8

  • Lesson 8 An ang en Eng long
  • Nasal finals training an, Ang, en, Eng, long
  • The use of idioms 2
Session 9

  • Lesson 9 The final at the beginning of U
  • Ua uo Uei (UI) Uan uen (UN) Uang Ueng finals training
Session 10

  • Lesson 10 Initials The final at the beginning of i,ü
  • Final exam



時間:週一至週五, 18:00 – 21:00
網上登記表:Click here


┃95折優惠(澳門幣 1,900)

  • 報名早鳥優惠

┃9折優惠(澳門幣 1,800)

  • 在職員工及學生優惠
  • 聖若瑟大學校友會成員(AAUSJ)
  • 本校在職員工、學生或校友會成員之直系親屬,即配偶、子女或父母
  • 持續進修處課程舊生

註:教育及青年發展局 2023-2026"持續進修發展計劃"不適用於報讀此課程

請注意:以上符合優惠計劃條件之人士,須受此有關"報讀持續進修公開課程使用學費優惠指引及守則"(LLO-529) 之條款及細則約束,完整版可於持續進修處網站瀏覽(按此連結)。請務必仔細閱讀有關文件中包含的條款及細則,因為使用該持續進修處公開課程學費優惠即表示閣下已接受所列出的條款及細則。如對上述條文存有任何爭議,聖若瑟大學持續進修處將保留最終決定權。


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A three-step flow of “Registration, Notification, Enrolment” applies.

Applicants should first register (through methods listed in the “Registration” section on our website) during the application period of a Programme. Accepted Registrants will be notified through SMS and they must complete the application process in person during the period mentioned in the SMS, with a valid copy of Macao Resident ID Card.

A certificate of completion will be issued for participants fulfilling an attendance rate of 70%.

Withdrawal applications must follow stated policies.

Remark: Programmes may be cancelled due to insufficient registration.