USJ Graduation 2024 | Speeches
USJ Graduation 2024 聖若瑟大學畢業典禮
Speech by Ambrose António,
Bachelor of Business Administration
Hello! I am Ambrose, a graduate of the Bachelor of Business Administration programme. It is a great honour for me to be here today to share my thoughts with all of you.
Allow me to take us on a brief journey through time, back to the moment when we first stepped through the gates of USJ four years ago. Is the version of yourself who was full of dreams and aspirations for the future still present? Let me turn the clock hand a little further back and take us back to our childhood. Do you remember what you aspired to be when you were young? Are you now the person you wanted to become ten, twenty, or thirty years ago?
I vividly remember my five-year-old self determined to become a bus driver. Every Sunday afternoon, I would beg my mom to take me on a bus ride. A decade later, I developed a dream for flying because of “Triumph in the Skies” (A Hong Kong TV drama series) and “Top Gun.” As I contemplated whether to study abroad in Australia, the world was impacted by an unprecedented crisis that affected everything, particularly the travel industry. “Captain” Ambrose therefore adapted to the changing reality by pragmatically choosing to study Business Administration.
Although I could not fulfil my aviation dream, it was through participating in youth organisations that I befriended many like-minded, talented people. I also had the chance to serve as the Chairman of the Student Association and study abroad in Europe for a year.
During my exchange in Portugal, I had the opportunity to take some master’s level courses, one of which was related to entrepreneurship. The course lasted for approximately three months, during which we were required to submit an original business plan as a group for final evaluation. I formed a “United Nations” team with six other exchange students from six different countries. With seven different cultural backgrounds, seven perspectives, and seven different approaches to handle things, it felt like we were constantly playing an eight-legged race. Moreover, none of us had prior entrepreneurial experience, yet we were expected to simulate every stage of entrepreneurship, from seed to maturity, in just three months…It felt like an impossible mission at the time.
At the end, we went from a team of seven to only four working together. We encountered arguments, encountered “free-riders”, and, at times, felt discouraged. Despite the setbacks, we persevered, day after day, discussing and reading in the study room. Each of us took on different roles, and I was the “navigator.” I may not be a pilot or a bus driver, but as a leader, my mission was also to safely guide everyone to our destination. Fueled by our shared ideals, we successfully navigated through the test with outstanding results.
Dear graduates, each one of you is a talented individual, and the future world will be built upon our dreams. There’s a saying, “Calm seas don’t make skilled sailors.” So, when faced with difficulties, remember to stand up for each other; when you stumble, remember to support one another. No matter the circumstances, always remember to “stay humble in victory and resilient in defeat.” After today, we may go our separate ways, pursuing our own dreams. In the days to come, whether in joy, anger, sorrow, or happiness, I hope that all of you will someday return here and share your adventures with us. Life passes in the blink of an eye, as the famous Hong Kong comedian Stephen Chow once said, “If we don’t have any dream in life, we’ll look like a salted fish”
I would like to take this opportunity to express, on behalf of Class of 2024, my heartfelt gratitude to the University of Saint Joseph. USJ is not just a Catholic university; it is the bridge between Macao and the world. Thank you for providing us with valuable learning opportunities and the platform to shine. We, the Class of 2024, will bear the mission of being a “USJer,” to persevere in safeguarding justice just as Saint Joseph did, to strive for excellence, and to love God and one anothers.
Finally, I would like to thank all the parents present here on behalf of my fellow classmates. Thank you for your accompaniment, which has given us the strength to strive until the end. Thank you for forgiving us when we commit mistakes and for being understanding when we lose our temper. Your love and silent support have helped shape us into who we are today!
It is a great honour to deliver my Words of Appreciation on behalf of the Class of 2024. I firmly believe that we are the best cohort USJ has ever seen! July 6th, 2024, we’ve graduated! I wish all of you smooth sailing and a happy and fulfilling life. God bless!
大家好!我是工商管理系的準畢業生李卓謙 Ambrose。非常榮幸今天能在這裡與各位分享我的畢業感言。
我清楚記得,五歲的Ambrose,立志長大後要當一名巴士司機。那時我每逢週日下午都會要媽媽帶我坐巴士兜風。十年後的 Ambrose,因為《衝上雲霄》和 Top Gun 而萌生了一個「飛行夢」。就在斟酌是否赴澳洲進修之際,全球的所有行業受了一場前所未有的衝擊,而旅遊業更是首當其衝。於是,「Captain Ambrose」就順應現實的改變,「貼地啲」選擇了修讀工商管理。
在葡萄牙留學期間,我因為一些緣故而有機會修讀一些碩士程度的課程,其中一門課和學創業相關的。課程為期約三個月,我們須以小組的形式撰寫一份原創的商業計劃書。我和另外六位不同國籍的交換生組成了一支「聯合國」隊伍。七種文化背景、七種世界觀、七種不同的處事方式,彷彿在玩七人八足;更可況,大家都沒有創業的經驗,要我們把創業的所有階段,由種子期到成熟期,用短短的三個月模擬了一遍,當時覺得簡直是 mission impossible。
最終,我們剩返四人完成這個project。我們四人在工作中遇過磨擦,遇過 free rider,遇過氣餒的時候。儘管如此,我們依然咬緊牙關,堅持日復一日地在自修室內討論和閱讀。我們四人各司其職,而我負責「領航」。我當不上飛機師,又不是巴士司機,但作為一個領袖,我的使命同樣是把大家安全送抵目的地。中間雖然發生了插曲,但憑著大家共同的理想,我們還是順利以優異的成績順利通過考驗。
非常榮幸能夠代表 2023/2024 學年的準畢業生致感謝辭。我相信我們將是聖若瑟大學最引以為榮的一屆!2024 年 7 月 6 日,我們畢業了!祝願各位在人生的道路上一帆風順,幸福美滿。主祐!