Registration Fee

Please use this on-line registration form to register your attendance at the conference. The conference registration fee includes attendance to all sessions and refreshment breaks, the conference dinner (on March 22) and the buffet (on March 23), and upload of presented papers to the IEEE Xplore digital library.

PhD students, who wish to participate only in the doctoral consortium, pay the doctoral consortium fee covering lunch and tea/coffees. Participation in the doctoral consortium is free for students registering for the LaTiCE 2013 conference.

All authors must register by February 10, 2013 and submit the Final Paper and Copyright Form by February 1st. All participants must register on or before February 10, 2012 in order to enjoy the discounted early bird rate. At least one author per paper must register and pay the conference fee in advance for the paper to be presented. No shows would result in the paper being withdrawn and not being included for upload to the IEEE Xplore digital library.

Early Bird on or before Feb 10, 2013 Regular after Feb 10, 2013
Conference fee for IEEE members US$ 450 US$ 500
Conference fee for non IEEE members US$ 500 US$ 550
Doctoral consortium fee for PhD students not attending the full conference US$ 70 US$ 75
Guest for conference dinner on March 22, 2013 US$ 100 US$ 120

Deadline for registration: March 10, 2013

Registration fee payment details:

Name of Bank:
Banco Nacional Ultramarino
Name of beneficiary:
Universidade de São José
Account number #:
Swift Code:
Bank address:
Avenida Almeida Ribeiro, No. 22, Macau (China)
Latice 2013; Participant name/s; Paper ID number (if applicable)

After registration on the web, please email with the scanned copy of the bank payment receipt. In the subject line of the email, please include:
LATICE 2013 Registration: Participant name/s. Paper ID# (if applicable).