USJ Graduation 2024 | Speeches

USJ Graduation 2024 聖若瑟大學畢業典禮

Speech by Kong Chi Meng,
Director of Education and Youth Development Bureau
教育及青年發展局局長 龔志明 致辭



首先,我謹代表社會文化司歐陽瑜司長向各 位畢業生致以衷心的祝賀。很高興能夠出席聖若 瑟大學高等學位頒授典禮,見證同學們努力學習 的成果並分享你們的喜悅!

特區政府十分重視高等教育發展,今年 3 月 兩會期間,國家主席提到“要牢牢把握高質量發 展這個首要任務,因地制宜發展新質生產力”。 特區政府通過發佈《澳門特別行政區經濟適度多 元發展規劃(2024-2028 年)》,提出“1+4”經濟 適度多元發展策略,加快推動澳門經濟適度多 元,朝可持續和高質量的方向發展。 

為此,特區政府積極推動教育環境設施的優 化,支持高等院校有更大的發展空間,包括全力 支持聖若瑟青洲校舍的建設,隨着大學青洲校舍於 2019 年正式啓用,為師生提供更佳的教學和 學習環境。此外,教青局與內地相關部門緊密溝 通,協調高等院校到內地招生的工作,而聖若瑟 大學自 2021/2022 學年開始獲國家教育部同意試點招收內地研究生,除體現出國家對澳門特區教 育事業發展的肯定外,亦有助本澳院校發揮學科 優勢,為本澳以至國家培育更多優秀人才。 

聖若瑟大學立足澳門,憑藉悠久的教學傳 統,以及與葡萄牙天主教大學的密切聯繫,致力 推動中葡在學術及文化方面的交流和合作;聖若 瑟大學師資及生源國際化,讓校園凝聚多元文 化,深化彼此的人文交流,有助促進本澳高等教 育國際化進程;此外,大學於今年 4 月成立了聖 大-江瀚細胞營養與健康研發院,進一步凝聚科研 力量,加強科技發展,培育創新人才。 

展望未來,特區政府將繼續推動高等院校結 合自身發展優勢與學科特色,提升本澳高等教育 的整體水平,期望聖若瑟大學能秉持融合中西教育和文化的人緣網絡及學術資源,為中國與葡語 國家合作搭建橋樑,並配合國家和區域發展的需 要,進一步完善學科建設,培育更多優秀人才, 

助力本澳發展重點產業,為國家新質生產力的發 展貢獻澳門應有的力量。我相信,在辦學實體和 校長等帶領下,聖若瑟大學一定會發展大學的特 色優勢。 

最後,祝願各位畢業生擁有美好的發展前 景,抓緊每個發展機遇,在未來的人生道路走得 更高、更遠;祝願在座的嘉賓生活愉快,身體健 康!多謝各位!



On behalf of the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, Ms Ao Ieung U, I would like to begin by congratulating the graduates. I am very pleased to be able to attend the conferral ceremony of higher degrees of the University of Saint Joseph and witness the fruits of your hard work and share your joy!

The Macao SAR Government places great importance on the development of higher education. During the two sessions of the National People’s Congress and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) in March this year, the President of the People’s Republic of China mentioned that “we should firmly grasp the primary task of high-quality development, and develop new-quality productive force in accordance with the local conditions”. The Macao SAR Government, through the release of the “Development Plan for Appropriate Economic Diversification of the Macao Special Administrative Region. (2024-2028)”, has put forward the “1+4” strategy for the development of the Macao SAR’s economy, with a view to speeding up the promotion of Macao’s economic diversification and development in the direction of sustainability and quality.

To this end, the Macao SAR Government has been actively promoting the enhancement of the education environment and facilities to provide tertiary institutions with more room for development, including full support for the construction of the University of Saint Joseph’s Ilha Verde Campus, which has been officially opened in 2019 to provide teachers and students with a better teaching and learning environment. In addition, the Education and Youth Development Bureau (DSEDJ) has been in close communication with the relevant Mainland authorities to co-ordinate the enrolment of students by higher education institutions in the Mainland. The approval of the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China for USJ to enrol postgraduate students on a trial basis in the Mainland starting from the academic year of 2021/2022 not only demonstrates the Country’s affirmation of the development of education in Macao SAR, but also helps the local institutions to give full play to their disciplinary strengths, and to cultivate more talents for the local community as well as for the country.

Based in Macao, the University of Saint Joseph is committed to promoting Sino-Portuguese academic and cultural exchanges and co-operation based on its long pedagogical tradition and close ties with the Catholic University of Portugal. The internationalisation of the University’s faculty and student body has helped to consolidate the multiculturalism of the University and deepen humanistic exchanges with each other, which is conducive to the internationalisation of Macao’s tertiary education; furthermore, the establishment of the USJ-Kong Hon Academy for Cellular Nutrition and Health in April this year has further consolidated the strengths of local institutions in the field of nutrition and health, further consolidate scientific research efforts, enhance technological development and nurture innovative talents.

Looking ahead, the Macao SAR Government will continue to encourage tertiary institutions to enhance the overall standard of tertiary education in Macao by taking into account their own strengths and academic characteristics. We hope that the University of São José will be able to build a bridge for co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking countries by integrating the Chinese and Western education and cultures with its human resources and networks, and will further improve the construction of its academic programmes in line with the development needs of the country and the region, so as to train more talents and assist in the development of key industries in Macao.

We will further improve our academic programmes to meet the needs of national and regional development, nurture more outstanding talents, and assist in the development of key industries in Macao, so as to contribute Macao’s contribution to the development of the country’s new quality productivity. I believe that under the leadership of the university entity and the Rector of the University, USJ will certainly develop its distinctive strengths.

Last but not least, I wish all graduates a bright future, seize every opportunity for development, and walk higher and farther in their future lives; and I wish all guests here a happy life and good health! Thank you all!

Last Updated: July 5, 2024 at 11:34 pm
