
USJ Opened its first MOOC on Kadenze





USJ Opened its first MOOC on Kadenze about Introduction to Sound and Acoustic Sketching

The University of Saint Joseph has opened the first Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Kadenze, the leading worldwide platform in the field of Arts and Creativity. This first course is entitled Introduction to Sound and Acoustic Sketching and is instructed by Prof. Álvaro Barbosa, Dean of the Faculty of Creative Industries. It consists of 7 sessions which is equivalent to one of the USJ’s Bachelor of Communication and Media modules (2 University credits). Over 2000 students from all over the world are already enrolled in the course.

The MOOC provides students with foundational knowledge and practical tools to analyze and use soundscapes and acoustic impulse responses in projects. In addition, a basic taxonomy of sound terms is introduced, allowing students to develop a language for communicating and establishing dialogues about sound with all stakeholders in an audiovisual project.

Kadenze is a MOOC platform that hosts a coalition of prestigious Higher Education and Industry institutions from around the world, including Stanford University, Goldsmiths University of London, National University of Singapore, Columbia University, Calarts, etc. USJ is one of the founding Institutions of this network.