EDUCATION CONFERENCE: Innovations in Pedagogy and Assessment to Promote Students’ Self-Regulated Learning
EDUCATION CONFERENCE: Innovations in Pedagogy and Assessment to Promote Students’ Self-Regulated Learning
EDUCATION CONFERENCE: Innovations in Pedagogy and Assessment to Promote Students’ Self-Regulated Learning by SED on 6th February 2018
This conference aims to introduce the latest development of Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) in the global context with particular focus on application to classroom instruction and e-assessment platform. A variety of innovative pedagogical and assessment practices to promote students’ SRL will be showcased in the conference. Participants will have chance to exchange ideas and experiences with scholars and practitioners from Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau.
時間 Time | 內容 Content | 主講人 Speaker |
14:30 – 14:50 | 致開幕辭 | Opening Address | 聖若瑟大學校長 Rector Fr. Peter Stilwell |
14:50 – 15:30 | 二十一世紀自主學習的發展—西方與亞洲地區的經驗 | The development of Self-Regulated Learning in the 21st Century – lessons from the West and the Asian regions (*以粵語進行In Cantonese)
| 何世敏教授 聖若瑟大學客座教授 Dr. Ho Sai Mun, Stanley Visiting professor of USJ |
15:30 – 16:10 | 促進自主學習的適性評估 | Adaptive Assessment for Self-Regulated Learning (*以普通話進行In Putonghua)
| 郭伯臣教授 國立臺中教育大學 教育學院院長 Prof. Kou Bor Chen Dean of College of Education, NTCU |
16:10 – 16:30 | 小休 coffee break | — |
16:30 – 17:00 | 在香港學校課堂推行自主學習 | Implementing Self-Regulated Learning in classrooms of Hong Kong schools (*以粵語進行In Cantonese) | 李雪英校長 香港中學校長會主席 Miss Lee Suet Ying President of HKAHSS
17:00 – 17:30 | 自主學習:翻轉教室初探 | Self-Regulated Learning: Exploring the Emerging Use of Flipping Classrooms (*以英語進行,粵語簡報 In English, with Chinese slides) | 蘇輝道神父 澳門聖保祿學校校長 Dr. Fr. Alejandro Salcedo Garcia Principal of Saint Paul School, Macau |
17:30 – 17:50 | 答問及意見交流 Q&A | |
17:50 – 18:00 | 閉幕詞 Closing Remarks
| 高安雅院長 聖若瑟大學教育學院院長 Prof. Ana Correia Dean of School of Education, USJ
何世敏博士 Dr. Ho Sai Mun, Stanley | |
澳門聖若瑟大學客座教授 Visiting Professor of University of Saint Joseph Macau | |
國立臺中教育大學兼職副教授 Part-time Associate Professor of National Taichung University of Education, Taiwan | |
香港教育大學兼職客座講師 Part-time Guest Lecturer of Education University of Hong Kong | |
香港中學校長會前副主席 Former Vice Chairman of Association of Heads of Secondary Schools of Hong Kong |
郭伯臣教授 Professor Kou Bor Chen | |
國立臺中教育大學教育學院院長及教育資訊與測驗統計研究所特聘教授 Dean, College of Education and Distinguished Professor, Graduate Institute of Educational Information and Measurement, National Taichung University of Education, Taiwan | |
台灣科技部數學教育學門召集人 Discipline Coordinator, Mathematics Education Division, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan | |
中國測驗學會理事長 President, Chinese Association of Psychological Testing, Taiwan | |
2009年台灣教育團體聯合會木鐸奬得主 Outstanding and Excellence Research Award from The R.O.C. Education and Research Society in 2009 |
李雪英校長 Miss Lee Suet Ying | |
香港中學校長會主席 President of Association of Heads of Secondary Schools of Hong Kong | |
香港嗇色園主辦可譽中學暨可譽小學校長 Principal of Ho Yu College and Primary School (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen), Hong Kong |
蘇輝道神父 Dr. Fr. Alejandro Salcedo Garcia | |
澳門聖保祿學校校長 Principal of Saint Paul School, Macau | |
2006年澳門特別行政區教育功績勳章 Merit Medal in Education by the Macau Government in 2006 | |
在香港和澳門擁有超過30年的教學、學校管理和領導經驗 Over 30 years of experience as a teacher, manager and Principal in Hong Kong and Macau. |