
USJ and Macau Lawyers Association signed Memorandum of Understanding





University of Saint Joseph and the Macau Lawyers Association signed a Memorandum of Understanding to create a cooperation base between both institutions.

On the 30th of July 2020, the University of Saint Joseph (USJ) and the Macau Lawyers Association signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to create a cooperation base between both institutions.

The objective of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU replica watches) is to express the willingness of both parties to engage in an effort to collaborate and promote the legal training in Macau. In this regard both parties desire on one hand to develop an academic co-operation in teaching, research, and training and other hand to share facilities for training purpose.


Read article here:
https://www.oclarim.com.mo/local/universidade-de-sao-jose-e-associacao-dos-advogados-de-macau-assinaram-memorando-de-entendimento/ (PT)

http://www.oclarim.com.mo/zh/2020/08/07/universidade-de-sao-jose-e-associacao-dos-advogados-de-macau-assinaram-memorando-de-entendimento/ (CN)