
372 Diplomas Awarded at USJ Congregation 2020





USJ held its 2020 Congregation on Saturday, September 12th, at the Grand Hall of the Macau Tower.

The University of Saint Joseph (USJ) held its 2020 Congregation on Saturday, September 12th, at the Grand Hall of the Macau Tower, with a total of 372 students graduating this year.

The ceremony was officiated by the Representative of the Honorable Chief Executive of the Macao SAR Government, Ms. Ao Ieong U, Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, with the presence of distinguished guests, including representatives of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in SAR, of the Higher Education Bureau (DSES), the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (DSEJ), Diplomatic Corps accredited in Macao and Fellow from Higher Education institutions in Macao.

The Rector of USJ, Rev. Prof. Stephen Morgan conferred 4 PhD Degrees in the areas of Business Administration, Education and Science. The ceremony also saw the conferral of 76 Master Degrees, 114 Bachelor Degrees, and the award of 3 Associate Diplomas in Portuguese-Chinese Translation and 175 Post-Graduate Diplomas in Education.

Additionally, the ceremony also saw the First Installation of the Inaugural Fellow of the Chancellor’s Court of Benefactors of the University of Saint Joseph presented to Mr. Lucas Lo for being a long-term committed supporter of education in Macao with special attention to the University of Saint Joseph.

During the Ceremony, USJ Rector, Prof. Rev. Stephen Morgan, in his speech, remarked “Completing a University Degree or Diploma is always a challenge. (…) Doing all this against the background of COVID- 19 has made that whole process for you much, much more difficult. And yet you have done it and you’ve done it superbly. You have risen to this extraordinary challenge – a challenge no graduating class of students has faced in perhaps three generations – you have risen to that challenge in a manner that fills my heart fit to bursting, my heart and the hearts of all the academic and administrative staff of the University with overflowing pride. (…) USJ is blessed to have had you as our students”.

Following the Congregation Ceremony, the Mass for the Opening of the Academic Year will be taking place on 14th September 2020 at 11:00am at the Ilha Verde Campus Chapel. The Mass is celebrated by USJ’s Chancellor, Bishop Stephen Lee.



聖若瑟大學於 9 月 12 日(星期六)假澳門旅遊塔大禮堂舉行 2020 年度畢業典禮,今屆共有 372 位畢業


典禮由尊敬的澳門特別行政區政府行政長官代表,社會文化司司長歐陽瑜主禮,中央人⺠政府駐澳門特 別行政區聯絡辦公室,高等教育局(DSES),教育暨青年局(DSEJ),外交使團駐澳代表和其他來自 澳門高等教育機構代表皆出席。

聖若瑟大學校長,麥侍文教授共頒授四個,分別於工商管理、教育及科學範疇的博士學位。畢業典禮中 還頒授 76 個碩士學位、114 個學士學位,3 個葡中翻譯副學士文憑課程及 175 個學位後教育文憑課程。

另外,於畢業典禮中,大家亦見證了聖若瑟大學恩德堂創堂院士就職暨頒授頭銜的儀式,羅掌權先生作 為對本澳教育的熱衷及長期支持者,尤其特別重視聖若瑟大學。

在典禮上,聖若瑟大學校長麥侍文教授在致辭中表示:「完成大學學位或文憑是一個挑戰。在新型冠狀 病毒肺炎的疫情下使這整個學習過程變得非常困難。但是,您已經做到了,而且做得很棒。您已經接受 了這個挑戰 – 也許是三代人都沒有面臨過的挑戰 – 您已經成功應對了這個挑戰,以一種使我的內心熱烈 膨漲,使到我及大學所有教學和行政管理人員都為您們感到充滿自豪感的完成了。您是聖若瑟大學及您 家人的成就,但最重要的是,您是自己最大的成就。有您們為聖大學生讓我們感到幸運。」

在畢業典禮後,開學彌撒將由聖若瑟大學校監李斌生主教主持於 2020 年 9 月 14 日上午十一點在青洲校 舍聖十字架小堂舉行。


372 Diplomas atribuídos na Cerimónia de Entrega de Diplomas de 2020 da USJ

A Universidade de São José (USJ) realizou no passado dia 12 de Setembro, na Torre de Macau, a Cerimónia de entrega de Diplomas de 2020, com um total de 372 finalistas.

A cerimónia foi presidida pelo representante de Sua Excelência Chefe do Executivo da Região Admi- nistrativa Especial de Macau, Ao Ieong U, Secretária para os Assuntos Sociais e Cultura, com a pre- sença de ilustres convidados, incluindo representantes do Gabinete de Ligação do Governo Central na Região Administrativa Especial de Macau, da Direcção dos Serviços do Ensino Superior (DSES), da Direcção dos Serviços de Educação e Juventude (DSEJ), dos Corpos Diplomáticos acreditados em Macau e das Instituições de Ensino Superior de Macau.

O Reitor da USJ, Rev. Prof. Stephen Morgan, conferiu 4 Diplomas de Doutoramento nas áreas de Ges- tão de Empresas, Educação e Ciência. Foram também conferidos 76 Diplomas de Mestrado, 114 Di- plomas de Licenciatura, e concedidos 3 Diplomas de Associado em Tradução e Interpretação Portu- guês-Chinês e 175 Diplomas de Pós-Graduação em Educação.

Durante a cerimónia, assistiu-se também à nomeação do Sr, Lucas Lo como membro inaugural do Conselho de Benfeitores promovido pelo Chanceler da Universidade de São José, pelo seu contributo, empenho e generosidade de longa data na área da educação em Macau, com atenção especial à Uni- versidade de São José.

No decurso da Cerimónia, o Reitor da Universidade, Rev. Prof. Stephen Morgan, remarcou, com orgu- lho, aos alunos que é sempre um desafio completar um curso académico, especialmente na conjuntura actual da pandemia da COVID-19. “(…) Desafio este, não enfrentado por pelo menos três gerações de finalistas (…) A USJ sente-se abençoada por vos ter como alunos”.

Depois deste importante evento da Universidade de São José, será ainda realizado no próximo dia 14 de Setembro, a missa do início do novo ano lectivo no Campus da Ilha Verde, que será celebrada pelo Chanceler da USJ, o Bispo de Macau, D. Stephen Lee Bun Sang.


USJ Congregation Ceremony 2020 Full Video:


Congregation Ceremony Photo Album

Congregation Group Photoshoot Photo Album

Speech Transcripts:

Speech by Bishop (English)

Speech by Rector (English version)

Speech by Rector (Chinese version)

Speech by Student Representative – Eva Lo (English)

Speech by Student Representative – Eva Lo (Chinese)

Speech by Student Representative – Stacey Lam (English)

Speech by Student Representative – Joaquim Lei (English)