
USJ Representatives Attended Police Affairs Meeting





On October 16, the Public Security Police Bureau held a police affairs meeting with the Higher Education Institutions and the liaisons and student unions of various universities in Macao.

The Public Security Police Force of Macau organized police affairs meeting with the Higher Education Institutions at Pac On Immigration Department on 16 Oct 2020. USJ representatives, Ms. Jenny Lam from the Office of Student Affairs and Miss Kam Leng Ho from the USJ Student Association attended the meeting.

The frontline police officers reported the work progress and preventive measures in combating the Covid-19 pandemic. The meeting focused on campus security, crime report channels, and other difficulties that university students are facing. By strengthening the relationship between the Public Security Police Force and the higher institutions, it is hoped that the cooperation of between both parties will be enhanced and crime prevention among university students will also be promoted.
