
Visit to the Correctional Services Bureau





On October 30, the Rector, Rev. Prof. Stephen Morgan, the Dean of the FSSE, Prof. Elisa Monteiro, and the Outreach Programme Leader, Prof. Helen Liu met with members of the Correctional Services Bureau to strengthen the collaborative effort between the two institutions.

On October 30, the Rector, Reverend Professor Stephen Morgan, the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Education, Prof. Elisa Monteiro, and the Outreach Programme Leader, Prof. Helen Liu met with members of the Correctional Services Bureau. The members of the Correctional Services Bureau included Mr. Chio Song Un, Acting Director of Correctional Services Bureau, Mr. Lam Kam Sau, Acting Director of Coloane Prison, Ms. Karen Vong, Head of Public Relations and Information Division, Ms. Candida Ho, Head of Social Assistance, Education and Training Division.

The purpose of the meeting was to strengthen the collaborative effort between USJ and the Correctional Services Bureau. The focus of the meeting was to discuss future directions for USJ’s outreach programme development (Prison Education Initiative) and to improve access to education and resources for offenders.

The University has been working closely with the Correctional Services Bureau since 2009, offering university courses to promote learning and employment which can support the reintegration of offenders into the community. The Rector, Prof. Monteiro, and Prof. Liu highlighted key features of USJ’s Outreach Programme, in particular, scholarships for outstanding and low-income students, support needed to expand the programme, and research findings. Mr. Chio Song Un expressed his appreciation to USJ for the continued support in providing education through the Prison Outreach Programme. 


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