Jacky Ho

Official Title: Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences | Associate Professor | Director of Macao Observatory for Social Development
Faculty: Faculty of Health Sciences
Email: jackyh@usj.edu.mo
Short Bio
Dr Jacky Ho completed his studies in Health Sciences at the Faculty of Medicine and Health from the University of Sydney (Australia), specialized in Gerontology, dementia and sleep science. He established the Department of Innovative Social Work and the Macau Healthy Lifestyle Research Centre, and was appointed as the Head of the department during his service at the City University of Macau. His research interest including 'ageing and health', 'hypertension and CVD', 'chronic diseases prevention and management', 'dementia and social support', 'physical activity', 'sleep physiology and pathology' and 'occupational health and risk'. His current study is focusing on the establishment of community-based telemedicine and chronic diseases management model in Macau and the Greater Bay Area. He has published on international and peer-reviewed journals including 'American Journal of Hypertension', 'Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health', 'Journal of Sleep Research', 'Journal of Women's Health', 'Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology' and 'Journal of Public Health Nutrition', and currently serves as the editorial board member for the Journal of Chinese Life and Death Studies. He has often been invited as keynote speaker at international conferences and symposiums and has served as an expert member on the Macau Social Worker Professional Registration and Licensing drafting committee. Actively participated and served as the Vice President for the Macau Association of Caring For Children, consultant and board member in several organizations including the Macau Social Workers Association, Macau Hypertension Alliance, Macau Alzheimer Disease Association and Hung Wing Sport Association, as well as an life-time member in the Golden Key International Honour Society.
· Liu, X., Ke, L., Ho, J., Abboud, M., Mpofu, E., Brennan-Speranza, T.C., Mason, R.C., Brock, K. (2020) Sleep duration is associated with vitamin D deficiency in older women living in Macau, China: a pilot cross-sectional study. PLOS One.
· Leung, T. C. H. and J. C. K. Ho (2020). Social Responsibility and Ethics in Health Care. Primary Care Revisited for the New Era: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Singapore, Springer.
· 洪婉婷., 岑麗嫦., 朱乃彤., 阮麗梅., & 何鍾建 (2019). 二十一世紀下半葉人類面對的挑戰:澳門雙層社會保障制度與澳門長者養老保障之探討粵港澳大灣區下社會養老保障. 北京市海淀區: 經濟管理出版社.
· Ho, J & Ng, J. (2018) Take It or Leave Us? Occupational Stress, Burnout And Its Coping Strategies Among Social Workers In The Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in Macao. The Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development, Special Issue.
· Moores, C.J., Ke, L., Mason, R.S., Gill, T. Mpofu, E., Ho, J., Dibley, M. &Brock, K.E. (2019) Body Mass Index Increases with Ageing and Risk Factors for Overweight/Obesity in a Representative Macau Population. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health.
· Ng, W., Leung, P., & Ho, J. (2017). Development of Performance Measure and Accreditation Approach of Elderly Care Service Providers: Experience from East and West Sustainable Health and Long-Term Care Solutions for an Aging Population. Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global.
· Ho. J, R. Mark Mathews, Mark Halaki, Chin Moi Chow (2021) ‘Dementia nursing home residents: physical functioning, activity, light exposure and sleep patterns’ (Asian Nursing Research – English, Under review).
· Ho. J R. Mark Mathews, Mark Halaki, Chin Moi Chow (2021) ‘Exercise and natural light interventions: their effects on sleep patterns in dementia nursing home residents’ (Clinical Gerontologist – English, Under review).
· Ke, L., Ho, J., Feng, J., Mpofu, E., Dibley, M.J., Li, Y., . . Brock, K.E. (2015). Prevalence, Awareness, Treatment and Control of Hypertension in Macau: Results From a Cross-Sectional Epidemiological Study in Macau, China. American Journal of Hypertension, 28(2), 159-165. doi: 10.1093/ajh/hpu121
· Brock, K.E., Ke, L., Ho, J., Bauman, A., & Mason, R.S. (2015). Modifiable Predictors of Vitamin D Deficiency Differ by Age in Women Living in Macau, China. Journal of Women's Health, 24(4), 9-10.
· Ke, L., & Ho, J. (2014). Report on the Epidemiological Study of Hypertension of Macau Residents (2011-2013) (pp. 1-124). Macau: Macau Hypertension Alliance.
· L. Ke, Ho. J, J. Feng, E. Mpofu, M. Dibley, X. Feng, F. Van, S. Leong , W.Lau, P. Lueng, C. Kowk, Y. Li, R. S Mason, K. Brock (2013), ‘Modifiable risk factors including sunlight exposure and fish consumption are associated with risk of hypertension in a large representative population from Macau’, The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology DOI: 10.1016/jsbmb.2013.10.019.
· Ho. J, R. Mark Mathews, Rob Heard, Chin Moi Chow (2014) ‘Differences in sleep patterns, activity, and light exposure between Sydney and Macao nursing home dementia residents’, Macau Journal of Nursing, vol. 12, no.2, p. 52-57.
· Ho, J., Leung, T., & Cleak, H. (2016). What We Do Matter, Especially In The Long Run: Self-Reflection On The Social Work Profession Within The Healthcare Settings in Macao, China. Paper presented at the The Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development 2016, Seoul, Korea.
· Ke, L., Ho, J., Gill. T., Bauman, A., Feng, J., Li, Y. & Broke, K (2014), ‘Behavioural and metablolic associations with BMI (body mass index) in a representative population living in Macau, China’, 12th International Congress on Obesity, Malaysia.
· Ke, L., Ho, J., Feng, J., Mpofu, E., Dibley, M., Li, Y., Bauman, A. & Broke, K (2013), ‘Modifiable risk factors, especially physical activity, are associated with vitamin D deficiency (25OHD) nmol/L in a representative population living in Macau, China’, IOF Regionals 4th Asia-Pacific Osteoporosis Meeting, Hong Kong.
· Ke, L., Ho, J., Feng, J., Mpofu, E., Dibley, M., Feng, X., Van, F., Leong, S., Lau, W., Leong, P., Kwok, C., Li, Y., Mason, R. S., Broke, K (2013), ‘ Sunlight exposure and diet are associated with risk of hypertension in a large representative population from Macau’, 16th Vitamin D Workshop, San Francisco, United States.
· Ke, L., Ho, J., Feng, J., Mpofu, E., Dibley, M., Feng, X., Van, F., Leong, S., Lau, W., Leong, P., Kwok, C., Li, Y., Mason, R. S., Broke, K (2013), ‘Prevalence and associated risk factors of hypertension among Macau SAR, China’, The 23rd European Meeting on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection.
· Ke, L., Ho, J., Feng, J., Mpofu, E., Dibley, M., Feng, X., Van, F., Leong, S., Lau, W., Leong, P., Kwok, C., Li, Y., Mason, R. S., Broke, K (2013), ‘Absolute ten year risk estimate for ischemic cardiovascular disease based on prevalence data from adults resident in Macau SAR, China’, The 23rd European Meeting on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection.
· Ho, J., Ke, L., Feng, J., Mpofu, E., Dibley, M., Feng, X., Van, F., Leong, S., Lau, W., Leong, P., Kwok, C., Li, Y., Mason, R. S., Broke, K (2012), ‘Prevalence of isolated hypertension in adults in Macau SAR, China’, The 14th International Symposium on Hypertension & Related Disease (12ISHRD).
· L. Ke, Ho, J., J. Feng, E. Mpofu, M. Dibley, X. Feng, F. Van, S. Leong , W.Lau, P. Lueng, C. Kowk, Y. Li, R. S Mason, K. Brock (2012), ‘Prevalence, awareness and treatment of hypertension among adults residents in Macau SAR, China’, The 14th International Symposium on Hypertension & Related Disease (14ISHRD).
· L. Ke, Ho, J., J. Feng, E. Mpofu, M. Dibley, X. Feng, F. Van, S. Leong , W.Lau, P. Lueng, C. Kowk, Y. Li, R. S Mason, K. Brock (2013), ‘Sunlight exposure and diet are associated with risk of hypertension in a large representive population from Macau’, 16th Vitamin D Workshop.
· Ho, J., Mathews, R.M., Chow, C.M., (2011) ‘A comparison of sleep-wake patterns between Sydney and Macao nursing home dementia residents’ 8th World Congress on Long Term Care in Chinese Communities and Asian Ageing Development Conference.
· Ho, J., Mathews, R.M., Chow, C.M., (2010) ‘How does anybody sleep around here? Sleep disturbance in dementia care unit’ 2010 ABAI Annual Convention Symposium.