George Du

Official Title: Dean of the Institute for Data Engineering and Sciences | Professor
Faculty: Institute for Data Engineering and Science
Short Bio
Professor George Du Wencai
Official Title: Dean
Faculty: Institute for Data Engineering and Sciences
Short Bio
Professor Dr. George (Wencai) Du is the Dean and Director of the Institute of Data Engineering and Sciences (IDEAS) and is a lifelong scholar. He earned his bachelor's degree in geodynamics from Peking University in 1978 and two Master's degrees from Hohai University in 1986 and in computer sciences from Twente University, Netherlands in 1996, respectively. George Du registered his doctoral study at the University of Adelaide in 1996, then transferred his study to the University of Queensland and the University of South Australia following his supervisor’s transfer, finally earning his PhD in Informatics in 1999.
George Du was Chair Professor (2017-2021) and Founding Director of the Institute of Data Science at the City University of Macau (2017-2019) and Founding Director of the Macao Big Data Research Centre for Urban Governance (2017-2021). During his tenure at City University, Chair Professor Du created and taught on Master’s and doctoral programs in Data Science, together with working on advanced research projects with specialist teams and post‑doctorate staff.
Before coming to City University, George Du served as Dean of the College of Information Science & Technology at Hainan University for thirteen years, where he first proposed the concept of Maritime Communication and founded the research field of this subject; he also created doctoral programs in Communication and Information Systems, as well as serving as Director of the Hainan Province Research Center for Ocean Communication and Network Engineering (2005-2019) and as Director of the Institute of Information Science and Technology, Hainan University (2005-2015).
His main research areas include ccomputer sciences, communication and information systems, data sciences, and artificial intelligence, recently, with special interests in social media sentiment analysis, machine learning, smart elderly care, and data analytics. He has published over 176 academic articles in national and international journals and international conference proceedings in the last ten years, published 20 books and 6 book chapters, and earned one international invention patent and 15 national invention patents.
Du’s national leadership activities include serving as Member of the Selection Committee for the China State Natural Science Award (2013-present), Member of the Selection Committee for the China State Technological Invention Award (2013-present), Member of the Selection Committee for the China State Scientific and Technological Progress Award (2013-present). He has been the Chairman of the Hainan Electronics Society (2005-2015), a standing member of the Chinese Electronics Society (2015-2019), Chief Data Scientist in the Smart City Professional Association of China since 2019, and a standing member of the big data professional committee of China since 2017. He has been the Honorary President of the Macau Software Association and Vice-president of the AI Society of the Greater Bay Area since 2019.
Professor Du has been an external reviewer for more than 20 national and international journals (e.g. Journal of IEEE Access, Journal of Sensors, International Journal of Signal Processing, International Journal of Computer & Information Science, amongst others) and as Editor of several international journals and international conference proceedings. He has chaired nine IEEE international conferences and has been invited to give 6 keynotes by IEEE international conferences.
Professor Du has a manifest commitment to the contribution and benefits of a wide range of fields of data sciences in society and for bringing improvements to living for all, and his achievements here are internationally known and respected.
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Since 2016
Publications:2020-2021 Publications
(*. Corresponding Author)
1. Liang, S., Chen, X., Ma, J., Du, W*., Ma, H. An Improved Double Channel Long Short-Term Memory Model for Medical Text Classification. J. Healthcare Engineering. 2021, 2021, 6664893
2. Wang H., Du, W*., Li, S., Key issues for digital factory designing and planning: A survey. SCIS. Springer,2021
3. Liang, S., Du Wencai*. An improved ant colony optimization algorithm based on context for tourism route planning. PLOS One,2021
4. Yu, G., Wang, H., Du, W*. Cooperative spectrum sensing algorithm to overcome noise fluctuations based on energy detection in sensing systems. J. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2021, 2021, 5516540
5. Liu, J., Guo, R., Cai, Z., Liu, W., Du, W*.. Assessing the Complexity of Intelligent Parks' Internet of Things Big Data System. J. Complexity, 2021, 2021, 5528135
6. Wu, W., Jing, X., Du, W., Chen, G. Learning dynamics of gradient descent optimization in deep neural networks. J. Science China Information Sciences. 2021, 64(5), 150102
7. Wang, H., Xue, L., Du, W., Chen, L., Ma, H. The Effect of Online Investor Sentiment on Stock Movements: An LSTM Approach. J. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 2021, 985, pp. 1–14
8. Zong, L., Wang, H., Du, W., Zhao, C., Luo, G. Optimizing the end-to-end transmission scheme for hybrid satellite and multiloop networks. J. Neural Computing and Applications 2021
9. Yang, Q., Shen, D., Du, W., Li, W. A Deep Learning-Based Framework for Damage Detection with Time Series. IEEE Access, 2021, 9, pp. 66570–66586, 9419036
10. Ren, J., Liu, K., Cui, Y., Du, W. Search Path Planning Algorithm Based on the Probability of Containment Model. J. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2021, 2021, 7459239
11. Ala Barzinji, Chaoying Ma, Wencai Du, Jixin Ma. A Machine Learning Approach to Predict the Trend of Obesity Prevalence at a Global Level. Proceedings of the 6th IEEE/ACIS International Virtual Conference on Big Data, Cloud Computing, and Data Science Engineering (BCD 2021)
12. Han Wang, Wencai Du*, Ma Huawei. The Sentiment Analysis Model for Hospitality Domain with Python. Proceedings of the 6th IEEE/ACIS International Virtual Conference on Big Data, Cloud Computing, and Data Science Engineering (BCD 2021)
13. Han Wang, Wencai Du*, Xiaoping Wang, et al. “Channel Estimation Performance Analysis of FBMV/OQAM Systems with Bayesian Approach for 5G-Enabled IoT Applications,” Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2020,
14. Weijun Li, Wencai Du*, “Understanding Destination Image in UGC: A Lexicon Approach”, Journal of Travel, Tourism and Recreation, 2(1), 2020, pp 13-28.
15. Wang Han, Wencai Du*, Wan Qingqing. Outage Probability Performance Analysis of Mobile Wireless Sensor Cooperative Network. Chinese J. of Sensor and Actuators. 2020,vol.33, no. 2, pp. 293-298.
16. Wang Han, Du Wencai, Wan Qinqin, Qutage Probability Performance Analysis of Mobile Wireless Sensor Cooperative Network. Chinese J. of Sensor and Actuators, Vol 33., No:2,2 020
17. WU Wei , JING Xiao-yuan and DU Wen-cai. The Kernel Dynamics of Convolutional Neural Networks in Manifolds. Journal of Electronics. Vol.29, No.6, June 16, 2020
18. Dai Jingguo, Ren Jia, Du Wencai. Decomposition-based Bayesian network structure learning algorithm using local topology information [J]. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2020, published online, doi: 10.1016/j.knosys.2020.105602(sci).
19. Dai Jingguo, Ren Jia, Du Wencai, et al. An improved evolutionary approach-based hybrid algorithm for Bayesian network structure learning in dynamic constrained search space [J]. Neural Computing and Applications, 2020, 32(5): 1413-1434(sci).
20. Wei WU, Xiaoyuan JING, Wencai DU, Learning Dynamics of Kernel-based Deep Neural Networks in Manifolds. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences
Total 176 Academic Papers)
2021 (*Corresponding Author)
1. Liang, S., Chen, X., Ma, J., Du, W*., Ma, H. An Improved Double Channel Long Short-
Term Memory Model for Medical Text Classification. J. Healthcare
Engineering. 2021, 2021, 6664893
2. Wang H., Du, W*., Li, S., Key issues for digital factory designing and planning: A
survey. SCIS. Springer,2021
3. Liang, S., Du Wencai*. An improved ant colony optimization algorithm based on
context for tourism route planning. PLOS One,2021
4. Yu, G., Wang, H., Du, W*. Cooperative spectrum sensing algorithm to overcome noise
fluctuations based on energy detection in sensing systems. J. Wireless
Communications and Mobile Computing, 2021, 2021, 5516540
5. Liu, J., Guo, R., Cai, Z., Liu, W., Du, W*.. Assessing the Complexity of Intelligent Parks'
Internet of Things Big Data System. J. Complexity, 2021, 2021, 5528135
6. Wu, W., Jing, X., Du, W., Chen, G. Learning dynamics of gradient descent optimization
in deep neural networks. J. Science China Information Sciences. 2021, 64(5),
7. Wang, H., Xue, L. , Du, W., Chen, L., Ma, H. The Effect of Online Investor Sentiment on
Stock Movements: An LSTM Approach. J. Studies in Computational
Intelligence. 2021, 985, pp. 1–14
8. Zong, L., Wang, H., Du, W., Zhao, C., Luo, G. Optimizing the end-to-end transmission
scheme for hybrid satellite and multiloop networks. J. Neural Computing and
Applications ,2021
9. Yang, Q., Shen, D., Du, W., Li, W. A Deep Learning-Based Framework for Damage
Detection with Time Series. IEEE Access, 2021, 9, pp. 66570–66586, 9419036
10. Ren, J., Liu, K., Cui, Y., Du, W. Search Path Planning Algorithm Based on the
Probability of Containment Model. J. Mathematical Problems in
Engineering. 2021, 2021, 7459239
11. Ala Barzinji, Chaoying Ma, Wencai Du, Jixin Ma. A Machine Learning Approach to
Predict the Trend of Obesity Prevalence at a Global Level. Proceedings of the 6th
IEEE/ACIS International Virtual Conference on Big Data, Cloud Computing, and Data
Science Engineering (BCD 2021)
12. Han Wang, Wencai Du*, Ma Huawei. The Sentiment Analysis Model for Hospitality
Domain with Python. Proceedings of the 6th IEEE/ACIS International Virtual
Conference on Big Data, Cloud Computing, and Data Science Engineering (BCD
2020 (*Corresponding Author)
13. Han Wang, Wencai Du*, Xiaoping Wang, et al. “Channel Estimation Performance
Analysis of FBMV/OQAM Systems with Bayesian Approach for 5G-Enabled IoT
Applications,” Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing,
14. Weijun Li, Wencai Du*, “Understanding Destination Image in UGC: A Lexicon
Approach”, Journal of Travel, Tourism and Recreation, 2(1), 2020, pp 13-28.
15. Wang Han, Wencai Du*, Wan Qingqing. Outage Probability Performance Analysis of
Mobile Wireless Sensor Cooperative Network. Chinese J. of Sensor and Actuators.
2020,vol.33, no. 2, pp. 293-298.
16. Wang Han, Du Wencai, Wan Qinqin, Qutage Probability Performance Analysis of
Mobile Wireless Sensor Cooperative Network. Chinese J. of Sensor and Actuators,
Vol 33., No:2,2 020
17. WU Wei , JING Xiao-yuan and DU Wen-cai. The Kernel Dynamics of Convolutional
Neural Networks in Manifolds. Journal of Electronics. Vol.29, No.6, June 16, 2020
18. Dai Jingguo, Ren Jia, Du Wencai. Decomposition-based Bayesian network structure
learning algorithm using local topology information [J]. Knowledge-Based Systems,
2020, published online, doi: 10.1016/j.knosys.2020.105602(sci).
19. Dai Jingguo, Ren Jia, Du Wencai, et al. An improved evolutionary approach-based
hybrid algorithm for Bayesian network structure learning in dynamic constrained
search space , [J]. Neural Computing and Applications, 2020, 32(5): 1413-1434(sci).
20. Wei WU Xiaoyuan JING, Wencai DU, Learning Dynamics of Kernel-based Deep
Neural Networks in Manifolds. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences,2020
2019 (*Corresponding Author)
21. Ma Huawei, Wencai Du *. Search Tourism Information by Using Vertical Search
Engine based on Notch and Solr, Proceeding on 2019IEEE/ACIS, by IEEE,
ISBN978—1-7281-0978-1, 2019, pp128-132.
22. Dai Jingguo, Ren Jia, Du Wencai, et al. Adaptive learning algorithm of BN structure
based on two-scale constraint model [J]. Journal of Automation, 2019, doi:
10.16383/j.aas.c180226. (sci)
HASH, J. Nonlinear and Convex Analysis. Vol.20, Number 6, 2019, 1171-1181(sci)
2018 (*Corresponding Author)
24. Jingguo Dai, Jia Ren, Wencai Du. An improved evolutionary approach-based hybrid
algorithm for Bayesian network structure leaning in dynamic constrained search
space. J. Neural computing and application (Sci.), pp1-22, Aug. 2018; (sci)
25. Liang Zong, Wencai Du*, Yong Bai, Research on wireless sensor network for
mechanical vibration monitoring. IJICT 13(3):361-374, (2018) (sci)
26. Joseph Tassonem, Shaochun Xu, Chunning Wang, Jiao Chen, Wencai Du. Quality
Assessment of Open Source Software: A review. ICIS 2018:411-416. (sci)
2017(*Corresponding Author)
27. Shaochun Xu, Wencai Du*, Chunning Wang, Dapeng Liu. The Library Big Data
Research: Status and Directions. International Journal of Software Innovation, 2017,
V5, p77-81(EI)
28. Wencai Du, Emerging ITCT technologies Plunging MSMEs into Innovation, Keynote
Speaker, APEC, 22-25, Nov, Hangzhou, China
29. Zhong Jiezhuo, Tu Zhigang, Du Wencai *. Dynamic analysis and intelligent
prediction of environmental factors in aquaculture [J]. Journal of system simulation,
2017, 29(5):1049-1056.
30. Jiang Shuai, Du Wencai *, Ye Chunyang. Research on the topic communication
model of weibo based on stratification [J]. Journal of Hainan university (natural
science edition) 2017(3): 219-227
31. Liu Chang, Du Wencai *, Ren Jia. Topology control algorithm of unmanned ship
formation based on directional antenna [J]. Journal of Hainan university (natural
science edition) 2017, 35(2):106-110
32. Shi Yao, Li Hhui, Yang Yongqin, Du Wencai, Yang Yafei. Design and implementation
of multi-parameter intelligent monitoring system for Marine ranching [J]. Sensors and
33. Du Wencai: The development of recreational lakes should attach great importance
to ecological protection [J]. Well-off society,2017(32):70
2016(*Corresponding Author)
34. Wencai Du. Big Data in Society and Its Application Issues in Business Management
and Academia. Keynote Speaker, Published in: 1st Intl Conf on Big Data, Cloud
Computing, Data Science & Engineering (ACIT-CSII-BCD), 2016 (EI)
35. Wencai Du. Travel Information Research and Implementation based on NUTCH and
SOLR Vertical Search Engine, Vertical Search Engine, Keynote Speaker,
International conference on Soft Engineering and Applications (ICSEA 2016), Guilin,
China (EI)
36. Wencai Du. Use of Social media for marketing Detection Keynote Speaker,2016
International Conference on Computer Engineering and Information System,
Shanghai, China (EI)
37. Yao X, Du W, Zhou X, et al. Security and privacy for data mining of RFID-enabled
product supply chains [C]//SAI Computing Conference (SAI), 2016. IEEE, 2016:
1037-1046. (EI)
38. Wang H, Du W, Xu L. A New Sparse Adaptive Channel Estimation Method Based on
Compressive Sensing for FBMC/OQAM Transmission Network[J]. Sensors, 2016,
16(7): 966. (sci)
39. Wang H, Du W, Bai Y. Channel estimation based on compressed sensing in
FBMC/OQAM transmission system[J]. ICIC Express Letters, 2016, 10(9): 2091-2096
40. Wang H, Du W, Bai Y. Compressed Sensing Based Channel Estimation for OFDM
Transmission under 3GPP Channels [J]. International Journal of Future Generation
Communication and Networking, 2016, 9(4): 85-94. (sci)
41. Wang H, Wang X, Xu L, et al. Hybrid PAPR Reduction Scheme for FBMC/OQAM
Systems Based on Multi Data Block PTS and TR Methods[J]. IEEE Access, 2016, 4:
4761-4768. (sci)
42. Wang H, Cui Y, Du W, et al. Hybrid PAPR Reduction Scheme with Partial Transmit
Sequence and Tone Reservation for FBMC/OQAM[J]. Journal of Communications,
2016, 11(5). (sci)
43. Wang H, Du W, Xu L. Novel Preamble Design for Channel Estimation in
FBMC/OQAM Systems[J]. KSII Transactions on Internet & Information Systems,
2016, 10(8). (sci)
44. Wang H, Du W. Research on Maritime Radio Wave Multipath Propagation based on
Stochastic Ray Method[J]. (sci)
45. Wu W, Du W C, Xu H Z, et al. Popularity Prediction of Online News Based on Radial
Basis Function Neural Networks with Factor Methodology[J]. 2016, 17(5): 915-927.
46. Wu W, Du W, Zhong J. Using Radial Basis Function Neural Networks to identify river
water data parameters[J]. Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, 2016, 50(4):
285-292. (sci)
47. Lingwei Zeng, Zhenxing Wu, Wencai Du*. Improved self-supervised learning
collection intelligence based high performance data clustering approach[J]. Journal
of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications (NATURAL SCIENCE
EDITION), 2016(1):131-137.
48. Yani Cui, Jia Ren, Wencai Du*. Time-sensitive task dynamic allocation algorithm for
multi-UAVs in battlefield environments[J]. Systems Engineering and Electronics,
2016, 38(4):828-835.
49. Cheng Yang, Wencai Du*. Research on Community Mining Algorithm in Social
Network[J]. Natural, 2016(3):237-242.
50. Yang Zhan, Du Wencai. Deep boltzmann machine analysis of weibo users'
psychological pressure based on multi-mode learning [J]. Journal of Natural Science,
Hainan University, 2016, 34(2):121-130.
51. Jiezhuo Zhong, Wencai Du*, Wei WU. Adaptive Systemic Modeling for Wireless
Sensor Networks[J]. Data Analysis, 2016, 31(4):832-837
2015 (*Corresponding Author)
52. Huang F, Bai Y, Du W. Maritime Radio Propagation with the Effects of Ship
Motions[J]. Journal of Communications, 2015, 10(5). (sci)
53. Liao J, Lin S, Yang Y, et al. Highly selective and sensitive glucose sensors based on
organic electrochemical transistors using TiO 2 nanotube arrays-based gate
electrodes[J]. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2015, 208: 457-463. (sci)
54. Wang H, Du W, Chen X. Evaluation of Radio over Sea Propagation Based ITU-R
Recommendation P. 1546-5[J]. Journal of Communications, 2015, 10(4). (sci)
55. Wu W, Du W, Zhou H, et al. An Optimization Model on Virtual Machines Allocation
Based on Radial Basis Function Neural Networks[J]. International Journal of Hybrid
Information Technology, 2015, 8(6): 299-308. (sci)
56. Wu W, Du W, Ruan G. Network congestion control methods and theory[J].
International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing, 2015, 6(3-4): 200-206. (sci)
57. Zong L, Guo Y, Du W, et al. 1858. Design of a live animal vibration automatic control
screening machine based on meta-component and semantic similarity principle[J].
Journal of Vibro Engineering, 2015, 17(8). (sci)
58. Zong L, Du W, Bai Y. An Enhanced Transmission Control Protocol Scheme on the
Marine Ecological Environment Sensor Monitoring[J]. Sensor Letters, 2015, 13(2):
152-155. (sci)
59. Zeng Lingwei, Wu Zhenxing, Du Wencai. Application of data gathering in cloud
computing resource prediction [J]. Laser Journal, 2015, 36(4):185-188.
60. Duan Yucong, Gao Honghao, Tang Chao-sheng, Wencai Du*. Service quality control
method based on over-design and under-design constraints [J]. Computer
Engineering and Science2015, 37(1):84-92.
61. Huang Fang, Wencai Du*, Bai Yong, Maritime Radio propagation Features of TV
White Space, J Television Technology, 2015, 39(13):140-144.
62. Ji Liu, Liuyin Tan, Fa Fu, Wencai Du*. MPTCP and CMT-SCTP Congestion Control
Mechanism[J]. Computer
63. Lou Tao, Du Wencai, Zhong Jiezhuo. Scheduling of Hadoop cluster based on hybrid
ant genetic algorithm [J]. Journal of Natural Science, Hainan University, 2015,
64. PENG Yu-yan, DU Wencai*, REN Jia. Congestion control algorithm based on
probabilistic prediction. J. of Computer Engineering and Science. 2015(1):48-52.
65. Lou T, Du W, Wu W. Data mining to hepatitis b based on WEKA[C]// Proceedings of
the 4th International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Networks,
2015. CRC Press/Balkema, 2015: 1015-1020. (sci)
2014(*Corresponding Author)
66. Duan Y, Narendra N C, Du W, et al. Exploring cloud service brokering from an
interface perspective[C]//Web Services (ICWS), 2014 IEEE International Conference
on. IEEE, 2014: 329-336. (EI)
67. Huang M, Sun L, Du W. Collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm based on
item attributes[C]//Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and
Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD), 2014 15th IEEE/ACIS International
Conference on. IEEE, 2014: 1-6. (EI)
68. Liao J, Lin S, Liu K, Du W. Organic electrochemical transistor-based biosensor for
detecting marine diatoms in seawater medium[J]. Sensors and Actuators B:
Chemical, 2014, 203: 677-682. (EI)
69. Zhou X, Ma J, Du W, et al. A Dynamic Multiple Digital Watermarking Model based on
Temporal Series[C]//P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC),
2014 Ninth International Conference on. IEEE, 2014: 367-371. (EI)
70. Zong L, Du W, Bai Y. TCP ADaLR+: Enhanced TCP Scheme for GEO Satellite
Networks J. of Computer Engineering and Science. 2014: 324-331. (EI)
71. Yani Cui, Jia Ren, Wencai DU*. UAVs Distributed Communication Decision Model
under Multi-targets Tracking[J]. Computer Simulation, 2014, 31(7):68-72.
72. Tong Feng, Wencai Du*. A Map Matching Algorithm Based on Ideal Implicit [J].
Journal of Hainan University (Natural Science), 2014, 32(3):212-216.
73. PENG Yuyan, DU Wencai*, REN Jia. Congestion control of Ad Hoc network based
on Bayesian Network [J]. Computer simulation 2014(5):312-315.
74. Shu Lei, Du Wencai. Research on cognitive radio spectrum resource management
based on cross-layer optimization [J] Journal of Hainan University (Natural Science,
2014, 32(4):327-333.
75. Wu Wei, DU Wencai* Analysis of Social Economy Data of Hainan Province Based
on Radial Basis Function Neural Networks. Natural Science Journal of Hainan
76. ZHANG Nan nan, DU Wencai*, REN Jia, NIE Zedong. Study on phase
characteristics of human communication channel. J. of Television technology,38(15),
77. Zhong Jiezhuo, Du Wencai. A connection algorithm of bloom screening program
based on Hadoop [J]. Journal of Hainan University (Natural Science), 2014,
2013(*Corresponding Author)
78. Elfaki A O, Duan Y, Fong S L, et al. Designing Learning Object Repository Using
First Order Logic [C]//Proceedings of the 2013 Second IIAI International Conference
on Advanced Applied Informatics. IEEE Computer Society, 2013: 413-414. (EI)
79. Elfaki A O, Duan Y, Bachok R, et al. Towards Measuring of E-Learning Usability
through User Interface[C]//Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAIAAI), 2013 IIAI
International Conference on. IEEE, 2013: 192-194. (EI)
80. Li H, Du W, Yao X, et al. A steganographic scheme based on image scrambling and
coding techniques[C]//Communications, Circuits and Systems (ICCCAS), 2013
International Conference on. IEEE, 2013, 1: 220-223. (EI)
81. Junqing L, Wencai D, Mei C. A new adaptive parallel genetic algorithm[C]//2013 5th
International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics.
2013. (EI)
82. Xu P, Du W. ERDSR: Efficient and Reliable Dynamic Service Routing in Enterprise
Service Bus[C]//Intelligent System Design and Engineering Applications (ISDEA),
2013 Third International Conference on. IEEE, 2013: 712-715. (EI)
83. Li Y, Yan Y, Du L, et al. Comparisons of Dynamic ECG Recordings between Two
Groups in China–A Preliminary Study[C]//International Conference on Health
Information Science. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013: 250-257. (Sci)
84. Wang Y, Wei J, Srivatsa M, et al. IntegrityMR: Integrity assurance framework for big
data analytics and management applications[C]//Big Data, 2013 IEEE International
Conference on. IEEE, 2013: 33-40. (EI)
85. Bai Y, Du W. VoIP services for ocean fishery vessels over integrated wireless and
wireline networks[C]//2013 IEEE 24th Annual International Symposium on Personal,
Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC). IEEE, 2013: 3461-3465. (EI)
86. Duan Y, Wang Y, Wei J, et al. Constructing E-Tourism platform based on service
value broker: A knowledge management perspective[C]//Big Data, 2013 IEEE
International Conference on. IEEE, 2013: 17-24. (EI)
87. Duan Y, Kattepury A, Getahun F, et al. Releasing the Power of Variability: Towards
Constraint Driven Quality Assurance[C]//Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAIAAI),
2013 IIAI International Conference on. IEEE, 2013: 15-20. (EI)
88. Duan Y, Kattepury A, Zhou H, et al. Service value broker patterns: An empirical
collection[C]//Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and
Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD), 2013 14th ACIS International Conference
on. IEEE, 2013: 675-682(EI).
89. Duan Y, Kattepur A, Zagarese Q, et al. Service value broker patterns: Integrating
business modeling and economic analysis with knowledge management (short
paper) [C]//2013 IEEE 6th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing
and Applications. IEEE, 2013: 140-145. (EI)
90. Duan Y, Kattepur A, Zhou H, et al. Service value broker patterns: Towards the
foundation[C]//Computer and Information Science (ICIS), 2013 IEEE/ACIS 12th
International Conference on. IEEE, 2013: 149-154(EI).
91. Ren J, Du W, Du F. A UAV 3-D space dynamic path planning in complex battlefield
environment[C]//2013 IEEE Third International Conference on Information Science
and Technology (ICIST). IEEE, 2013: 1379-1383. (EI)
92. Zhou X, Ma J, Du W. SoW: A hybrid DWT-SVD based secured image
watermarking[C]//Sensor Network Security Technology and Privacy Communication
System (SNS & PCS), 2013 International Conference on. IEEE, 2013: 197-200. (EI)
93. Zhou Y, Liu A, Du W, et al. EF-ESPRIT: A simplified ESPRIT algorithm without
generalized eigenvalue calculation[C]//Computer Science and Network Technology
(ICCSNT), 2013 3rd International Conference on. IEEE, 2013: 772-776(EI).
94. Bai Yong, Du Wencai. Research on maritime ship communication using wireless
Mesh networks and heterogeneous networks [C] Proceeding of National Conference
on Radio Applications and Management. 2013.
95. Du Wencai He Tingrun. Strategic research on maritime radio management based on
sovereignty declaration [C] Proceeding of National Conference on Radio
Applications and Management. 2013.
96. Yong Fan, Jian Gu, Wencai Du*. Research on high-speed stream encryption system
based on smart IC card [J]. Microelectronics and Computers, 2013, 30(4):53-57.
97. Li Junqing, Du Wencai, Cai Mei. A new APGA algorithm and its Java implementation
in multi-core CPU environment [J]. Software Guide,2013(7):59-62.
98. Jia Ren, Wencai Du*, Yong Bai. UAV mission decision-making based on Bayesian
networks [J]. J. of System Engineering Theory and Practice, 2013, 33(10):2575-
2582. (EI)
2012(*Corresponding Author)
99. Feng C, Zhou Y, Du W. The comparison and analysis of ad-hoc routing protocols
based on energy and the modification of the OLSR[C]//Computer Science and
Network Technology (ICCSNT), 2012 2nd International Conference on. (EI)
100. Wang F, Du W. A test automation framework based on web[C]//Computer and
Information Science (ICIS), 2012 IEEE/ACIS 11th International Conference on. IEEE,
2012: 683-687(EI).
101. Zhou H, Du W. How Network Reverse Engineering Differs from Software Reverse
Engineering[C]//International Conference on Wireless Communications and
Applications. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011: 33-43(EI).
102. Kwong K H, Wu T T, Goh H G, et al. Practical considerations for wireless sensor
networks in cattle monitoring applications[J]. Computers and Electronics in
Agriculture, 2012, 81: 33-44(EI).
103. Yan L, Du W, Wei Y, et al. A Novel Heuristic Search Algorithm Based on Hyperlink
and Relevance Strategy for Web Search[M]//Advances in Electronic Commerce,
Web Application and Communication. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012: 97-102. (EI)
104. Xu P, Huang M, Wang L, et al. Semantic Matchmaking for an Agricultural Materials
Exchange Platform: An Ontology-Based Approach[C]//Intelligent System Design and
Engineering Application (ISDEA), 2012 Second International Conference on. IEEE,
2012: 913-916(EI).
105. Bai Y, Du W, Shen C. Over-the-Sea Radio Propagation and Integrated Wireless
Networking for Ocean Fishery Vessels[C]//Wireless Communications and
Applications: First International Conference, ICWCA 2011, Sanya, China, August 1-
3, 2011, Revised Selected Papers. Springer Science & Business Media, 2012, 72:
106. Li J, Du W, Bai Y, et al. 3D-DCT Based Zero-Watermarking for Medical Volume Data
Robust to Geometrical Attacks[C]//Wireless Communications and Applications: First
International Conference, ICWCA 2011, Sanya, China, August 1-3, 2011, Revised
Selected Papers. Springer, 2012, 72: 433. (EI)
107. Shen C, Du W, Atkinson R, et al. Policy based mobility & flow management for IPv6
heterogeneous wireless networks[J]. Wireless Personal Communications, 2012,
62(2): 329-361. (EI)
108. Liu Wenjin, Du Wencai, Chen Mingrui. Teaching research and discussion of
introduction to electronic communication engineering based on CDIO [J]. Journal of
Hainan University (Natural science edition), 2012, 30(4):389-392.
109. Li J, Du W, Huang M, et al. Multiple watermarks for medical image based on DWT-
DFT[C]//Computing and Convergence Technology (ICCCT), 2012 7th International
Conference on. IEEE, 2012: 257-260. (EI
110. Li J, Du W, Liu Y, et al. The medical image watermarking algorithm based on DFT
and logistic map[C]//Computing and Convergence Technology (ICCCT), 2012 7th
International Conference on. IEEE, 2012: 1-6(EI)
2011(*Corresponding Author)
111. Huang M, Wu W, Du W, et al. A SCA-Based System for e-Tourism[C]//ACIS-ICIS.
112. Yan L, Du W, Wei Y, et al. An Efficient Web Search Algorithm Based on Differential
Evolution and Hyperlink Structure[C]//2011 7th International Conference on Wireless
Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing. (EI)
113. Li J, Du W, Du F, et al. 3D-DFT Based Robust Multiple Watermarks of Medical
Volume Data[C]//2011 Third International Conference on Multimedia Information
Networking and Security. IEEE, 2011: 484-488. (EI)
114. Feng W, Du W. The Research on Grid Capacity Test Based on
Load[C]//International Conference on Information and Management Engineering.
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011: 1-8. (EI)
115. Yao X, Du W, Li T, et al. Data Consistence for Distributed Vision-based Traffic
Surveillance Systems[C]//2011 International Conference on Internet Computing and
Information Services. 2011. (EI)
116. Zhou X, Ma J, Petridis M, et al. Temporal ordered image
encryption[C]//Communications and Mobile Computing (CMC), 2011 Third
International Conference on. IEEE, 2011: 23-28. (EI)
117. Liu D, Xu S, Du W. Case Study on Incremental Software Development[C]//Software
Engineering Research, Management and Applications (SERA), 2011 9th
International Conference on. IEEE, 2011: 227-234. (EI)
118. Yao X, Du W, Li T, et al. Statistical Modeling for LSB-Based Image Steg_analysis: A
Systematic Perspective[C]//International Conference on Applied Informatics and
Communication. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011: 663-671. (EI)
119. Yan L, Gui Z, Du W, et al. An improved PageRank method based on genetic
algorithm for web search[J]. Procedia Engineering, 2011, 15: 2983-2987(EI).
120. Zhou H, Du W. Estimating End-to-End Available Bandwidth with Single End
Host[M]//Advances in Electrical Engineering and Electrical Machines. Springer Berlin
Heidelberg, 2011: 425-432. (EI)
121. Li J, Du W, Bai Y, et al. 3D DWT-DCT based multiple watermarks for medical
volume data robust to geometrical attacks[C]//Electronics, Communications and
Control (ICECC), 2011 International Conference on. IEEE, 2011: 605-609. (EI)
122. Shen C, Du W, Zhang Y, et al. Multihomed HWN Policy Framework Signalling
Delivery[C]//Computer and Information Science (ICIS), 2011 IEEE/ACIS 10th
International Conference on. IEEE, 2011: 48-52. (EI)
123. Li J, Du W, Bai Y, et al. Robust multiple watermarks for volume data based on 3D-
DWT and 3D-DFT[C]//Electronics, Communications and Control (ICECC), 2011
International Conference on. IEEE, 2011: 446-450. (EI)
124. Huang M, Du W. A Service Chain for Digital Library Based on Cloud
Computing[M]//Knowledge Engineering and Management. Springer Berlin
Heidelberg, 2011: 261-266. (EI) (EI)
125. Du W, Xin Q, Xu S, et al. Information and communication technologies in destination
management and marketing: The China scene[C]//Computer and Information
Science (ICIS), 2011 IEEE/ACIS 10th International Conference on. IEEE, 2011: 381-
126. Du W, Xin Q, Xu S, et al. A Preliminary Study on the Use of the ICTs in the Tourism
Industry in China[C]//Computer and Information Science (ICIS), 2011 IEEE/ACIS
10th International Conference on. IEEE, 2011: 373-376. (EI)
127. Shen C, Du W, Atkinson R, et al. A mobility framework to improve heterogeneous
wireless network services[J]. International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous
Computing, 2011, 7(1): 60-69. (EI)
2010(*Corresponding Author)
128. Du F, Du Y, Du W, et al. Nonlinear control for wireless networked control systems
based on novel smith predictor[C]//2010 5th IEEE Conference on Industrial
Electronics and Applications. IEEE, 2010: 1967-1971. (EI)
129. Du F, Du Y, Du W, et al. Networked Control systems based on novel Smith predictor
and GPC[C]//2010 5th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications.
IEEE, 2010: 254-258. (EI)
130. Du Y, Du F, Du W. A streaming media play-out based on the adjustment of receiver
control algorithm[C]//Industrial Mechatronics and Automation (ICIMA), 2010 2nd
International Conference on. IEEE, 2010, 2: 659-663. (EI)
131. Du F, Du W, Du Y, et al. Wireless networked control systems with GPC and new
Smith predictor[C]//2010 Chinese Control and Decision Conference. IEEE, 2010:
1920-1924. (EI)
132. Du F, Qian Q Q, Du W C. Networked Control Systems Based on New Smith
Predictor[J]. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2010, 4(1). (EI)
133. Yao X, Du W, Feng S, et al. Image-based plant nutrient status analysis: An
overview[C]//Intelligent Computing and Intelligent Systems (ICIS), 2010 IEEE
International Conference on. IEEE, 2010, 1: 460-464. (EI)
134. Wu T T, Cao D, Stephen B, et al. A Practical Data Reporting Solution for Free-
ranging Cattle Monitoring Applications Using Wireless Sensor Networks[C]//2010
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 20-June 23, 2010. American Society of Agricultural
and Biological Engineers, 2010: 1. (EI)
135. Yao X, Du W, Wu W, et al. A Robust EMD-like Steganographic
Scheme[C]//Intelligent Information Technology and Security Informatics (IITSI), 2010
Third International Symposium on. IEEE, 2010: 134-137. (EI)
136. Huang M, Du W. Research on a Cooperative Model for Service Chain of Digital
Library[C]//Software Engineering Artificial Intelligence Networking and
Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD), 2010 11th ACIS International Conference
on. IEEE, 2010: 221-226. (EI)
137. Zhou X, Ma J, Du W, et al. Cryptanalysis of the bisectional MQ equations
system[C]//Computer and Information Technology (CIT), 2010 IEEE 10th
International Conference on. IEEE, 2010: 1038-1043. (EI)
138. Huang M, Du W. A Cooperative Service Architecture for Digital Library Federation
Based on Grid[C]//Computer and Information Science (ICIS), 2010 IEEE/ACIS 9th
International Conference on. IEEE, 2010: 659-664. (EI)
139. Yao X, Du W, Chen B, et al. An integrated p2p mobile learning model for timely
farming guidance[C]//Intelligent Information Technology and Security Informatics
(IITSI), 2010 Third International Symposium on. IEEE, 2010: 84-87. (EI)
140. Zhou X, Dreibholz T, Becke M, et al. The software modeling and implementation of
reliable server pooling and RSPLIB[C]//Software Engineering Research,
Management and Applications (SERA), 2010 Eighth ACIS International Conference
on. IEEE, 2010: 129-136. (EI)
141. Dreibholz T, Zhou X, Becke M, et al. On the security of reliable server pooling
systems[J]. International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems,
2010, 4(6): 552-578(EI).
142. Yao X, Du W, Huang M, et al. Pattern-Based Blind Spatial Image
Watermarking[C]//Intelligent Information Technology and Security Informatics (IITSI),
2010 Third International Symposium on. IEEE, 2010: 92-96. (EI)
143. Du W, Zhengxin M, Bai Y, et al. Integrated wireless networking architecture for
maritime communications[C]//Software Engineering Artificial Intelligence Networking
and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD), 2010 11th ACIS International
Conference on. IEEE, 2010: 134-138(EI).
144. Zhou X, Ma J, Du W, et al. BMQE system: a MQ equations system based on
ergodic matrix[C]//Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT), Proceedings of the 2010
International Conference on. IEEE, 2010: 1-5(EI).
145. Feng W L, Du W C. The Research on Grid Resource Management Based on
WSDM[C]//Applied Mechanics and Materials. Trans Tech Publications, 2010, 20:
155-160. (EI)
146. Li Honglei, Du Wencai, Yao Xiaoming. A method of image scrambling evaluation
based on standard deviation [C]// International Conference on Circuit and Signal
Processing & 2010 Second Iita International Joint Conference on Artificial
Intelligence. 2010.
147. Wang Longjuan, Du Wencai, Yao Xiaoming. Discussion on wireless network security
[J]. Information Security and Technology, 2010(6):87-90.
148. Du Feng, Qian Qingquan, Du Wencai. Network control system based on new Smith
estimator [J]. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2010, 45(1):65-69. (EI)
149. Zhou Xiaoyi, Ma Jixin, Du Wencai, et al. An effective algorithm for solving linear
equations over finite field F_q [J]. Journal of Hainan University (Natural science
edition) 2010, 28(4):306-310.
2009(*Corresponding Author)
150. Du W, Du F, Du Y, et al. New Smith Predictor and RBF Neural Network Control for
Networked Control Systems[C]//Environmental Science and Information Application
Technology, 2009. ESIAT 2009. International Conference on. IEEE, 2009, 3: 556-
151. Du F, Du W. FRBF neural network and new Smith predictor for wireless networked
control systems[C]//2009 Chinese Control and Decision Conference. IEEE, 2009:
3689-3694. (EI)
152. Du W, Du F. New Smith Predictor and FRBF Neural Network Control for Networked
Control Systems[C]//Computer and Information Science, 2009. ICIS 2009. Eighth
IEEE/ACIS International Conference on. IEEE, 2009: 210-215(EI).
153. Du F, Du W. Wireless Networked Control Systems with Nonlinear Control and Novel
Smith Predictor[C]//Control, Automation and Systems Engineering, 2009. CASE
2009. IITA International Conference on. IEEE, 2009: 648-651(EI).
154. Du W, Du F. Wireless networked control systems with neuron adaptive control and
novel smith predictor[C]//Control, Automation and Systems Engineering, 2009.
CASE 2009. IITA International Conference on. IEEE, 2009: 644-647(EI).
155. Du F, Du W. Networked Control Systems with Novel Smith Predictor and CMAC-PID
Control[C]//Control, Automation and Systems Engineering, 2009. CASE 2009. IITA
International Conference on. IEEE, 2009: 671-674(EI).
156. Du W, Du F. New Smith predictor and single neural adaptive control for Wireless
networked control systems[C]//2009 4th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics
and Applications. IEEE, 2009: 1699-1703(EI).
157. Du F, Du W. Networked control systems with RBF neural network control and new
Smith predictor[C]//2009 4th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and
Applications. IEEE, 2009: 2744-2748(EI).
158. Du W, Du F. CMAC-PID control and new smith predictor for networked control
systems[C]//2009 4th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications.
IEEE, 2009: 969-974. (EI)
159. Du F, Du W. Fuzzy immune control and new Smith predictor for wireless networked
control systems[C]//2009 Chinese Control and Decision Conference. IEEE, 2009:
160. Du F, Du W, Lei Z. A Novel Smith Predictor for Wireless Networked Control
Systems[C]//Control, Automation and Systems Engineering, 2009. CASE 2009. IITA
International Conference on. IEEE, 2009: 667-670(EI).
161. Du F, Du W. Wireless Networked Control Systems with Generalized Predictive
Control and Novel Smith Predictor[C]//Control, Automation and Systems
Engineering, 2009. CASE 2009. IITA International Conference on. IEEE, 2009: 640-
643. (EI)
162. Zhou X, Dreibholz T, Rathgeb E P, et al. " Takeover Suggestion"-A Registrar
Redundancy Handling Optimization for Reliable Server Pooling
Systems[C]//Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligences, Networking and
Parallel/Distributed Computing, 2009. SNPD'09. 10th ACIS International Conference
on. IEEE, 2009: 168-173(EI).
163. Yao X, Du W, Fu J. A Similarity Attack to Correlation-Based Public Watermarking
Detection[C]//Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, 2009. MUE'09. Third
International Conference on. IEEE, 2009: 168-171(EI).
164. Dreibholz T, Zhou X, Rathgeb E P, et al. A PlanetLab-based performance analysis of
RSerPool security mechanisms[C]//Telecommunications, 2009. ConTEL 2009. 10th
International Conference on. IEEE, 2009: 213-220(EI).
165. Zhou X, Dreibholz T, Fa F, et al. Evaluation and optimization of the registrar
redundancy handling in reliable server pooling systems[C]//2009 International
Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications. IEEE, 2009:
166. Zhou X, Dreibholz T, Du W, et al. Evaluation of attack countermeasures to improve
the DoS robustness of RSerPool systems by simulations and
measurements[C]//Communication in Verteilten Systemin (KiVS). Springer Berlin
Heidelberg, 2009: 217-228. (EI)
167. Du F, Du W. RBF neural network control and novel smith predictor for networked
control systems[C]//Information Processing, 2009. APCIP 2009. Asia-Pacific
Conference on. IEEE, 2009, 1: 67-70(EI).
168. Du W, Du F. New smith predictor and cmacpid control for wireless networked control
systems[C]//Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligences, Networking and
Parallel/Distributed Computing, 2009. SNPD'09. 10th ACIS International Conference
on. IEEE, 2009: 162-167. (EI)
169. Du F, Du W. Novel Smith Predictor and BPNN for Wireless Networked Control
Systems[C]//Information Processing, 2009. APCIP 2009. Asia-Pacific Conference
on. IEEE, 2009, 1: 63-66. (EI)
170. Du F, Du W. A novel Smith predictor for wireless networked control systems with
uncertainty delay[C]// Environmental Science and Information Application
Technology, 2009, ESIAT 2009, International Conference on IEEE, 2009, 3: 552-555,
171. Du W, Du F. Novel smith predictor and fuzzy control for networked control
systems[C]//Information Processing, 2009. APCIP 2009. Asia-Pacific Conference on.
IEEE, 2009, 1: 75-78. (EI)
172. Du F, Du W. Novel Smith Predictor and CMAC-PID Control for Wireless Networked
Control Systems[C]//Information Processing, 2009. APCIP 2009. Asia-Pacific
Conference on. IEEE, 2009, 1: 59-62(EI).
173. Du F, Du W, Lei Z. Networked control systems with nonlinear control and novel
smith predictor[C]//Information Processing, 2009. APCIP 2009. Asia-Pacific
Conference on. IEEE, 2009, 1: 71-74. (EI)
174. Du Wencai, Gu Jian, Zhou Xiaoyi. Key solutions to the security problem of mass
payment in e-commerce [J]. Journal of University of Electronic Science and
Technology, 2009, 38(s1):34-36(EI).
175. Yang Houqun, Du Wencai. Research on fuzzy clustering algorithm of path division
based on Web mining [J]. Journal of Natural Science of Hainan University2009,
176. Chen Qi, Du Wencai, Zhang Zhigang. Thoughts on software outsourcing [J]. Fujian
Computer, 2009, 25(4):9-10.
4、 Published Books and Book Chapters (Total 20 Books and 5 Book
1. Wencai Du, E-commerce for Tourism Industry, (National Higher education "Twelve-
Five Year" plan of general higher education). Beijing, Tsinghua University Press
(2nd edition) 2015
2. Du Wencai. Network operating system (application-oriented characteristic planning
textbook for higher education institutions), Beijing, Tsinghua University Pres, 2014
3. Du Feng, Du Wencai. Network control system based on the new Smith estimation
compensation. Beijing. Science Press(2012.6)
4. Li Jing and Wencai Du. Robust digital watermarking technology for 2D and 3D
medical images, Beijing, State intellectual property Publishing House
5. Wencai Du, Management Information System for Tourism Industry (Ministry of
Education, support 21st century teaching reform-oriented planning materials,),
Beijing, Tsinghua University Press, The second edition, 2010
6. Wencai Du, E-commerce for Tourism Industry, Ministry of Education, support 21st
century teaching reform-oriented planning materials, Beijing, Tsinghua University
Press, 2009
7. Jingbing Li, Wencai Du, Yong Bai, and Yen-wei Chen. 3D-DCT Based Zero-
Watermarking for Medical Volume Data Robust to Geometrical Attacks in P. Senac,
8. Wencai Du, E-commerce Technologies and Applications (National business
"Eleven-Five yeas" planning application-oriented teaching materials), Beijing
Foreign Economic and Trade University Press, 2008,
9. Wencai Du, A new tourism information management system Textbook (China NTA
college planning materials), Nankai University Press,2006
10. Wencai Du, E-commerce Technologies and applications (National vocational
education planning materials), Beijing, China Labor and Social Security Publishing
11. Wencai Du, E-government Technologies and applications, National vocational
education planning materials, Beijing, China Labor and Social Security publishing
12. Wencai Du, E-logistics Technologies and applications, National vocational
education planning materials, Beijing, China Labor and Social Security publishing
13. Hui Zhou, Wencai Du, Shaochun Xu and Qinling Xin. Computer Network Reverse
Engineering, in R. Lee (Ed.), Computer and Information Science 2011, SCI 364,
14. Hui Zhou, Wencai Du, Shaochun Xu, and Qinling Xin. in R. Lee (Ed.), Computer
and Information Science 2011, SCI 364, Springer-verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2011.
15. Shaochun Xu and Wencai Du. Programming Expertise during Incremental Software
Development: An Empirical Study in R. Lee (Ed.), Computer and Information
16. Chong Shen and Wencai Du. Mobility Modelling for Vehicular Communication
Data Dissemination. in R. Lee (Ed.), Computer and Information Science 2010, SCI
17. Weijun Li Wencai Du, (2021). Tourist Sentiment Mining Based on Deep Learning,
IntechOpen, London.
18. Cheng Yang, Wencai Du. Detecting Communities Based on Edge-Fitness and Node-
Similarity in Social Networks, in Jasmine Dou, Lecture Notes in Electrical
Engineering, Springer 29 June 2016.
19. Roger Lee, Jixin Ma, and Wencai Du. Software engineering, artificial intelligence,
networking and parallel/distributed computing. Studies in computation intelligence
20. R Lee, Wencai Du, and Shaochun Xu, Proceedings of IEEE/ACIS International
Conference on Computer and Information System. Los Alamiors, Calif. USA,
21. Simon Xu, Wencai Du, Roger Y. Lee (Eds.). Proceedings of IEEE/ACIS
International Conference on Computer and Information System, Sanya, Hainan
Island, China. IEEE
22. Byeongho Kang, Wencai Du, Proceedings in the 3rd International Conference on
Computer and Computing Science, COMCOMS 2015,
23. Cui Yani, Ren Jia, Du Wencai. Task optimization of multi-intelligence and
coordination in adjacent sea space [M]. Beijing: National Defense Industry Press
24. Du Wencai. Electronic commerce technology and application, Beijing, Tsinghua
University Press (2nd edition), 2018
25. Marcelo C., Carriss F., Kim, George {Wencai} Du. Green and Smart Technology, SERSC,
Korea, 2016.
No modules