Official Title: Assistant Professor

Faculty: 商學及法律學院


Short Bio


  1. Wei, D. & Rafael, A. P. (2023) Influencing companies’ green governance through the system of legal liability for environmental infractions in China and Brazil: lighting the way toward BRICS cooperation, BRICS Law Journal, Volume X(2).

  2. Wei, D. & Rafael, A.P. (2023), China’s Approach to Sustainable Development in Free Trade Agreements, Law and Development Review, Vol. 16(2).

  3. Wei, D. & Rafael, A.P. (2023), O Direito do Consumidor de Macau. Rumo à Modernização da Regulação das Relações de Consumo" [Consumer Protection in Macau. Towards the Modernisation of Consumer Relations Regulation], Almedina, pp. 365-386. Ataíde, R.P.C.M. et al (eds) Vol. I.

  4. Wei, D. & Rafael, A.P. (2020), Digital Art and the Belt and Road Initiative: Opportunities, Challenges and Perspectives, Brazilian Journal of International Law, Vol. 17(3), pp. 257-273.

  5.  Wei. D., Rafael, A.P., Machava, A.Z., Cipriano, A.C.M., Freire e Almeida, D (2019), Food Exports from Brazil to China: a Legal and Economic Analysis, Springer.

  6.  Wei, D. & Rafael, A.P. (2019), The Role of Collective Bargaining in Macau Labour Law, Springer, pp. 399-415. Liukkunen U. (eds) Collective Bargaining in Labour Law Regimes. Ius Comparatum – Global Studies in Comparative Law, Vol. 32.  

  7. Wei, D. & Rafael, A.P. (2019), Os regimes jurídicos da divulgação ambiental pública na China e no Brasil e as suas implicações para o desenvolvimento inclusivo [The legal regimes of public environmental disclosure in China and in Brazil and Their Implications on Inclusive Development], Revista Direitos Humanos & Sociedade (PPGD UNESC), Vol 1(2),pp. 168-182.

  8. Wei, D. & Rafael, A.P. (2017), Abordagem da Região Administrativa Especial de Macau da Defesa do Consumidor: uma Visão Panorâmica [The Macau Special Administrative Region’s Approach on Consumer Protection – A Panoramic View], Revista do Direito do Consumidor (Brazil), Year 26, Vol. 110 Mar./Apr.

  9. Rafael, A.P. (2014),Contratos de Investimento Internacional sobre Recursos Minerais – O Papel das Renegociações na Prevenção e Resolução de Litígios [International Investment Contracts on Mineral Resources – The Role of Renegotiations in the Prevention and Resolution of Disputes], Journal of Faculty of Law of the University of Macau, XVIII(35), pp. 295-316.


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