
Public Lecture | Machine Translation: What Role Does Linguistics Play?



The Faculty of Arts and Humanities is hosting a Public Lecture titled “Machine Translation: What Role Does Linguistics Play?” with You Mu, Ph.D. student in Applied Linguistics, on 19 April, 2022.


Machine translation is an automated translation technology that relies on computer programs as opposed to human translation, and has created great convenience for translation work since its birth, as well as made an inescapable contribution to the development of linguistics. It has a positive effect on improving the conversion efficiency from the source language to the target language, accelerating the expansion of the scope and direction of linguistic research, and enriching the expression of many languages in the world. In contrast, the current development dilemma of machine translation is that machine translation of sentences, paragraphs and other linguistic units is imprecise; it is unable to deal with cross-cultural communication texts with rich connotation and full emotional atmosphere; the translation results lack flexibility and diversity, and the translation results are single; the construction of corpus is delayed and the scale of data is limited. In this context, this talk will start from a brief introduction to the history of machine translation, introduce the classical machine translation architecture and machine translation evaluation, and discuss what linguistic researchers can contribute to the development of machine translation in the context of reality.


You Mu is a Ph.D. student in Applied Linguistics (Portuguese) at the University of Macau, and has been awarded the Chancellor’s Honor List, Nam Kwong Education Scholarship, University of Macau Full Scholarship, and Bank of China Academic Award. His current research interests include the theory and practice of manual evaluation of machine translation and the study of Portuguese foreign language teaching.


Date: Tuesday, 19 April 2022
Time: 19:00 – 21:00 Macau time (GMT+8)
Location: Classroom 202, USJ Ilha Verde Campus

Organised by: Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Moderated by: Prof. Lidia Zhou

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*This Public Lecture will be conducted in Mandarin
**USJ Public Lectures are free to attend and members of the public are very welcome