Official Title: Assistant Professor

Faculty: 宗教研究及哲學學院


Short Bio

My name is Jarosław Marek Duraj, S.J. I come from Poland. I graduated from the Professional School for Mechanics and Automatics. After joining the Jesuit religious order in 1992, I majored in philosophy (Cracow) and theology (Warsaw). Later I earned a postgraduate licentiate (S.T.L) in Missiology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, after which I pursued Mandarin Chinese language studies, first in Taipei, and then in Beijing. In 2008 I obtained a M.A. in Buddhist Studies (with distinction) from the University of Hong Kong. Moreover, I pursued postgraduate research on Chinese Buddhism at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in London. In 2017 I earned my Ph.D. in political philosophy from the Pontifical Gregorian University (PUG) in Rome. Currently, based in Macau, I serve as the Vice-Director at the Macau Ricci Institute (MRI) and as an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Religious Studies and Philosophy at the University of St. Joseph (USJ). My research interests focus on political philosophy, interreligious dialogue, intercultural philosophy, missiology, sinology, and Buddhology. I am the author of The Role of Metaxy in the Political Philosophy of Eric Voegelin, (New York: Peter Lang, 2021).

ORCID: 0000-0002-9350-0324




The Role of Metaxy in the Political Philosophy of Eric Voegelin (New York: Peter Lang, 2021).


Book Chapters:

“Zen-Ignatian Training Program in Japan: A Personal Experience” (Chapter 1). In The Wheel & The Cross. An Anthology by Jesuits & Friends on Buddhism and Dialogue, edited by Cyril Veliath, SJ, pp. 1-23. Published on behalf of the JCAP Buddhist Studies & Dialogue Group by MAGGA Jesuit Research Center, Phnom Penh & Manila, 2021.


Available at:

“The Metaxological Philosophy of Dialogue with Buddhism” (Chapter 14). In The Wheel & The Cross. An Anthology by Jesuits & Friends on Buddhism and Dialogue, edited by Cyril Veliath, SJ, pp. 177-198. Published on behalf of the JCAP Buddhist Studies & Dialogue Group by MAGGA Jesuit Research Center, Phnom Penh & Manila, 2021.

Available at:

“Re-thinking Chinese Ecumene in the Global Age” (Chapter 1). In Eric Voegelin’s Asian Political Thought, ed. Lee Trepanier, 9-27. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc., 2020.


Jarosław Duraj. Becoming Chinese with the Chinese: The Missionary Contribution of Matteo Ricci (Menjadi Tionghoa bersama Orang Tionghoa: Kontribusi Matteo Ricci dalam Evangelisasi), Diskursus, Volume 20, Nomor 1, April 2024: 33-55.


Jaroslaw Duraj, Semel Eligenti, Quotidie Eligere Debeo: Metanoia of a Missionary, O'Clarim (English Monthly Edition No. 16) Year 76 (26.01.2024), p. 5.

"Benedykt XVI a Kościół katolicki w Chinach" (Benedict XVI and the Catholic Church in China), DEON (3 January 2023),2381426


“Bodhidharma i początki szkoły buddyzmu chan,” (Bodhidharma and the Origin of Chan School of Buddhism), Chiny Dzisiaj, Rok XV, Numer 1 (2022): 32-34.


“Transformacja buddyzmu w kontekście chińskim,” (Transformation of Buddhism in the Chinese Context), Chiny Dzisiaj, Rok XV, Numer 1 (2022): 40-46.


“Narodziny buddyzmu humanistycznego na Tajwanie: Mistrz Shengyan i szkoła Góry Bębna Dharmy,” (Emergence of Humanistic Buddhism in Taiwan: Master Shengyan and the School of Dharma Drum Mountain), Chiny Dzisiaj, Rok XV, Numer 2 (2022): 55-63.


“The Role of Metaxy in the Political Philosophy of Eric Voegelin,” Studia Bobolanum 29 Nr 4 (2018): 127-145.


“The Hermeneutics of Metaxy in the Philosophy of Plato,” Studia Bobolanum 28 nr 4 (2017): 5-22.


Public Forum Talks:


“Fr. Yves Raguin, S.J. and Interreligious Dialogue,” Macau Ricci Institute Public Forum, University of Saint Joseph, Macau (11 December 2023).


“Contemplation and Leadership: In the Footsteps of Fr. Yves Raguin, S.J.,” Macau Ricci Institute Public Forum, University of Saint Joseph, Macau (5 May 2021).


Conference Papers/Lectures:


“Re-thinking Chinese Ecumene in the Global Age,” The Unity of Mankind and the Conversation of Civilizations. Reflections on the Basis of Eric Voegelin's “The Ecumenic Age” at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany (1-2 December 2023).


“Spirituality, Chinese Culture, and Interfaith Dialogue,” Round Table Conversation with the representatives of five different religions during International Symposium on “Spirituality, Culture, and Chinese Societies: Interdisciplinary and Interfaith Dialogues,” at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Hong Kong, China (6-7 October 2023).


“El Cristianismo en China Hoy” (The Catholic Church in China Today), Casa de Oración San Ignacio, Chihuahua, Mexico (9 December 2021).


“Between Pleroma and Sunyata: Yves Raguin and the Dialogue with Buddhism,” In Actione Contemplativus”: Contemplation, Mission and Martyrdom. A symposium organized by the Ricci Institutes of Macau, Taipei and the University of Saint Joseph, Macau (17-18 October 2019).


"Re-considering Chinese Ecumene in the Global Age," One Belt One Road Conference Annual Symposium organized by Macau Ricci Institute at USJ, Macau (22-23 November 2018).


“Jesuit Contribution to Dialogue with Buddhism in Contemporary China” presented during the conference: Between Knowledge and Evangelization: Symposium of Publishing Mission of Sinological Institution and Publishing Institutions sponsored by Catholic Church (專業與福傳之間: 專業漢學機構與天主教會創辦出版機構國際會議) at Fu Jen Academia Catholica, Xinzhuang, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan (2 May 2018).




“Czekając na dobre owoce” (Waiting for Good Fruits. Interview about the situation of Chinese Catholics and about the consequences of the Sino-Vatican agreement), Gość Niedzielny, Numer 33 (August 2022).


“Inter-religiosidade da Rota da Seda não pode ser esquecida,” (21 September 2018), “The interreligiosity of the Silk Road cannot be forgotten,” interview with O’Clarim (28 September 2018).




張文儒, 『梁漱溟與佛學』, Zhang Wenru, “Liang Shuming and Buddhist Studies,” translated from Chinese into English by Jarosław Duraj, in Thierry Meynard, ed., Liang Shuming’s Thought and Its Reception, Contemporary Chinese Thought, Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, vol. 40, no. 3, Spring 2009, 67-82.



Year 1 Master
Year 1 Bachelor
Year 3 Bachelor
Year 4 Bachelor