Ruth Hayhoe

Official Title: Adjunct Professor (Visiting Academic)
Faculty: School of Education
Short Bio
Ruth HAYHOE is a professor at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto. Her professional engagements in Asia have spanned 55 years, including Secondary School teacher at Heep Yunn School in Hong Kong (1967-1978), Foreign Expert at Fudan University, 1980-82, First Secretary for Education, Science and Culture at the Canadian Embassy in Beijing, 1989-1991, Visiting Professor at Nagoya University on a Japan Foundation fellowship in 1996, and Director of the Hong Kong Institute of Education, now the Education University of Hong Kong, 1997-2002, where she holds the title of President Emerita.
Ruth has authored or edited more than a dozen books and published about 80 articles in refereed journals. Her most recent co-edited books include Religion and Education: Comparative and International Perspectives (Oxford: Symposium Books, 2018), Comparative and International Education: Issues for Teachers (Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press, 2017) and Canadian Universities in China’s Transformation: An Untold Story (Montreal:McGill Queens University Press, 2016). China through the Lens of Comparative Education: The Selected Works of Ruth Hayhoe, came out in 2015 with Routledge’s World Library of Educationalists. Other recent books include Portraits of 21st Century Chinese Universities: In the Move to Mass Higher Education, co-authored with Jun Li, Jing Lin and Qiang Zha (Comparative Education Research Centre, University of Hong Kong [CERC] and Springer, 2011) and Portraits of Influential Chinese Educators (Hong Kong: CERC and Springer, 2006).
Ruth has received many honors, including Honorary Fellow, University of London Institute of Education (1998), the Silver Bauhinia Star of the Hong Kong SAR Government (2002), Commandeur dans l’ordre des Palmes Académiques of the Government of France (2002) and an Honorary Doctorate from the HKIEd (2002). In 2011 she was made an Honorary Fellow of the Comparative and International Education Society and in 2012 she was appointed C J Koh Professor at the National Institute of Education, in Singapore. In 2015 she received the Mingyuan Prize for an Outstanding Contribution to Chinese Education Research and an Honorary Doctorate of Letters from the Open University of Hong Kong. In 2019 she was conferred an Honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters by Victoria University in Toronto and in 2020 she was awarded the David Wilson Award for Distinguished Service by the Comparative International Education Society of Canada.
Ruth has an active doctoral thesis group, whose members have done sustained field research on higher education issues in all of the following jurisdictions: China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, India, Pakistan, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, France, Belgium, Estonia, Norway, Greenland, Tanzania, South Africa, Venezuela, Iraq and the U.A.E., as well as Canada and the USA.