Short Bio
Ms. Stella O is a registered social worker in Macau. She obtained her Master's degree in Social Work from Hong Kong Baptist University and currently serves as a senior lecturer at the University of Saint Joseph. She has previously worked as a lecturer at the City University of Macau and as a internship supervisor at the Macau Polytechnic University. She has also accumulated almost fifteen years of professional experience in the social service field. She has held positions as a social worker and unit supervisor in substance addiction service. She applies Narrative, Empowerment and Strengths-based perspectives in her frontline interventions.
Committee Position
2024/6 - 2026/6: 青年事務委員會正選委員
2024 - Now: 澳門義務工作者協會副理事長
2018/9 - 2020/9: 禁毒委員會候補委員
2018 - 2024: 澳門社會工作人員協進會理事
2025 - Now: 澳門社會工作人員協進會監事長
Iris, 柯麗珊, 秦安琪, 黃恩澤, 翟曉輝, 鍾威文, 鍾詩韻, & 蘇亦斌 (2024). 我不是LOSER!青年人的敘事心療. 張老師文化.
李銳俊, 柯麗珊, 郭穎茵, 李紫婷(2020). 有了你,我更懂得什麼是愛. 澳門基督教新生命團契-S.Y.部落.
李麗萍, 黃健彤, 柯麗珊, 歐少偉, & 李凱笙 (2016). 濫藥青少年輔導精要手冊. 澳門基督教青年會.
柯麗珊 (2011). 濫藥青少年的自控手冊. 澳門基督教新生命團契-S.Y.部落.
黃婉琪,Jossenlino Lam,柯麗珊,何穎賢(2018).「初探澳門隱蔽用藥青年研究-對服務的挑戰及啟示」.《隔閡與共融:青年工作的議題與機遇會議論文集》.香港浸會大學青年研究實踐中心。
何穎賢, 柯麗珊(2011).「“自控”作為介入手法:澳門濫藥青年的危機意識須共減害實踐的狀況探索」.《澳門人文社會科學研究文選2008~2011》.社會科學文獻出版社, 澳門基金會。
Conference paper
柯麗珊(2019).「探討用藥的青少年有效減低傷害之應對策略」.第28屆IFNGO世界大會暨第18屆CADAPT學術會議 (青年優秀論文「二等獎」)
柯麗珊(2015).「澳門現時所推行三減政策下,運用充權概念為青少年的濫藥行為推行減傷策略」.2015年全國藥物濫用防治研討會 (青年優秀論文「二等獎」)
Year 1 Master
This course module will discuss the nature and extent of drug/substance abuse / addiction as global health problems and in Macau contemporary society. It will provide its etiology, theoretical framework of addiction, cycle of addiction, models of addiction, different kinds of addiction, addictive behavior or behavioral addiction and co-dependency. Furthermore, the social worker’s role and responsibilities in the preventive, treatment and rehabilitation, recovery, relapse prevention and after-care programs and services for the drug users / addicts will be covered in this course module.
Year 1 Bachelor
The course aims at developing a useful attitude for observing what is going on in society, leading to more informed decision making beyond sociological investigation as such. After a few exercises showing how we are embedded in social settings, a presentation of various sociological schools and trends will invite students to broaden their vision of society by understanding of different points of view and positive appreciation of them. Then a review of sociological tools will be followed by short experimentation of sociological research.
Year 2 Bachelor
This course aims to help students acquire the knowledge base required to identify ethical issues, the skills necessary to resolve ethical dilemmas, and the capacity to make ethical decisions when confronted with conflicting duties and choices that occur within the context of professional social work at all levels of practice.
"The aims of this module is to discuss and introduce the essential life skills for youth, rights-based approach, policy framework and practical guidelines for national action and international support to improve the situation and quality of life of young people. It shall also discuss the emerging issues of young people in education, employment, health, hunger and poverty, drug / substance abuse, juvenile delinquency, globalization, and other social problems.
It will enhance the knowledge and skills needed to meet the current challenges of the young people, increase the quality and quantity of opportunities available to young people for full, effective and constructive participation in society. "
Year 3 Bachelor
"This course aims to discuss the nature and meaning of deviance, different theoretical framework of deviance, types of deviance, crime as deviance- such as interpersonal violence (i.e. assault and murder, domestic violence, forcible rape, etc.) and non-violent crimes.
It shall cover social justice, its theoretical and pedagogical foundation, and teaching the diversity and social justice. "
"This course module will discuss the etiology, theoretical framework of behavioral addiction or addictive
behavior, cycle of addiction, types of behavioral addiction and co-dependency in the family system. It shall discuss the roles and responsibilities of the social worker in the preventive, treatment and rehabilitation, recovery, relapse prevention and after-care programs and services for the young people with behavioral addiction problems and their family members.
It will discuss the nature and extent of the behavioral addiction problems in Macau, China Regions and other countries. "
Year 4 Bachelor
"The Social Work Skills Laboratory is intended to strengthen integration of theory and practice
through experiential and reflective learning.
Students can learn and practice social work skills through in-house role plays, demonstrations and workshops. In-house skills teaching and demonstration are structured to help students gain mastery of basic communication and social work practice skills. It serves as a preparatory course for the students to acquire intervention skills in casework, group work and community work; to organize programmes or projects; to critically reflect the social work values and to enhance their self-understanding for the preparation to fieldwork placement. "