Official Title: Assistant Professor

Faculty: School of Education


Short Bio

Dr. Iris Mak holds a doctoral degree in education and a master in applied foreign language. She is an experienced and self-motivated English language teacher in tertiary context in Macau. Her research interests are mainly on second language acquisition, second language writing, and adult English learning. In addition to teaching commitment within campus, she is invited as speakers and trainers for local educational bodies and learning centers. She is also active in promoting global values including SDGs and global competence in her lectures and works.



ORCID: 0009-0006-0254-066X


Dorina、Josephine Lin、麥雁鈴(2012)‧用美國小孩的方法聽出會話力.台北市:台灣國際學村。[Dorina, Lin, J., Mak, N. L. (2012). The American kids’ way of learning speaking. Taipei City, Taiwan, ROC: Taiwan Mansion Books Group.]

李宗玥、麥雁鈴(2010)‧新版全民英檢初級—聽力&閱讀能力.台北市:台灣國際學村。[Li, Z. Y., Mak, N. L. (2010). NEW GEPT. Taipei City, Taiwan, ROC: Taiwan Mansion Books Group.]

李宗玥、麥雁鈴(2009)‧新版全民英檢初級—寫作能力.台北市:台灣國際學村。[Li, Z. Y., Mak, N. L. (2009). NEW GEPT. Taipei City, Taiwan, ROC: Taiwan Mansion Books Group.]

Refereed Journal Articles

Mak, N. L. (2024). One won’t fit all: Designing a collaborative writing model to promote L2 writing for low-level learners. Proceedings of the International Conference on Education and New Development (END), 16-20.,

Xu, W., & Mak, N. L. (2021). “新冠”疫情期間澳門高校大學英語網絡教學研究. 《澳門研究》, (3), 87–100. (Research on college English online teaching in Macau’s universities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Macau Studies)

 麥雁鈴 (2021年12月)。〈疫情下線上教學的可持續發展〉。《澳門高等教育雜誌》, 34 ,16-18。



Mak, N. L. (2015). A study of L1 effects on Macao Cantonese English learners in their English writings. Journal of Modern Education Review, 5(3), 253-260.

Mak, N. L. (2014). Macao English Education in the globalized world: opportunities and challenges. Teacher Magazine45, 48-52.

Mak, N. L. (2014). Adult EFL Pair-work Pattern and Learners' Perception in a University Extension Program. International Journal of English and Education3(4), 273-283.

Academic Conferences

Co-chairing and presenting at the plenary titled as “Using Learning Study as the University Teacher Professional Development Platform: A case study” at WALS, Nov, 2021.

 Mak, N. L. (2018, May). From Description to Prescription: designing a Collaborative Writing model for low-level EFL learners. Paper presented at the 2018 The International Conference on English Language Education in the Chinese Context, Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

 Mak, N. L. (2018, May). Designing a Collaborative Writing model for low-level EFL learners. Paper presented at the 2018 ROC-TEFL Conference, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan.

Mak, N. L., & Chan, W. C. (2015, March). Applying Collaborative Writing to low-intermediate Cantonese EFL learners. 
Paper session presented at the 3rd Annual English Teaching International Conference, University of Macao, Macao.

Mak, N. L. (2014, Oct). An Investigation of L1 effects on Macao Cantonese English learners in their English writings. Paper session presented at the 2nd Annual English Language Teaching International Conference, University of Macao, Macao.

Mak, N.L. (2014, April). A study on Macao Cantonese English learners' L2 writing. Paper session presented at the 7th International Conference on English Language Teaching in China, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China.

Mak, N. L., & Wang, C. L. (2011, Feb). Pair-work Patterns of Adult EFL learners in an English conversation classroom. Paper session presented at The Fifth Conference on College English, National Chengchi University, Taiwan.


Year 1 Doctorate
Year 1 PGDE
3 credits
Year 3 Bachelor
Year 4 Bachelor
2 credits