本課程的課程主任為Cyril Law.。
- 學生學習亞洲的各種哲學、靈修和宗教傳統,例如 印度教、佛教、道教、儒教、神道教、基督宗教和伊斯蘭教
- 學生發現宗教傳統對塑造文化和社會的重要性
- 學生學會對所選課題進行獨立研究
- 學生在國際學術界分享他們的見解和思考
- 對靈修和宗教傳統感興趣
- 願意尋找意義和真理
- 熱愛閱讀、寫作和系統演講
- 天主教徒或基督徒報讀者須提供神父、牧師或已發願之修會成員(會士或修女,隱修士或隱修女)的推薦信。為天主教修生或天主教教區贊助的平信徒,須提供當地主教的推薦信。天主教修會成員(望會生/備修生/保守生、初學生、會士或修女、隱修士或隱修女)須提供合法長上的推薦信。
入學資訊 >
Year 1
The Dissertation is the capstone module for the course, which integrates the taught materials and tests the student’s depth of understanding of the field and their ability to work independently within it. For the Dissertation, students work individually with a supervisor on a project related to their specialization. The Dissertation topic is chosen in consultation with the supervisor and work cannot commence until an individual and his /her formally written Dissertation Proposal have been accepted by the university.
Students will be introduced to the various approaches and methods of doing research. Practical exercises in aid of understanding such approaches and methods will be provided in view of their application to the field of religious studies research.
The module tackles pre-historic roots of Chinese religion, Ancient Chinese beliefs and practices, Confucius and his followers, philosophical and religious Daoism, the introduction and adaptations of Buddhism, Neo-Confucianism, and the gradual development of the major Chinese religious movements in China today.
Tackles Brahmanical religion in India from introduction of the Vedas and Upanishads to the modern period. Explores Hindu beliefs, ethics, everyday and ceremonial practices, philosophies, mythologies, and movements.
The module includes Early Shinto and its developments, importation and modifications of Korean and Chinese cultures and religions up to the modern era. Also the emergence of the Japanese empire in the 7th century, and the developments of Tendai, Kegon, Zen, and Shingon beliefs and practices.
Studies the historical and scriptural foundations of Islam, its theology, religious traditions and ethics and social structures, Sunni-Shiite divide, reform and renewal movements, spread of Islam, Muslim contributions to world culture.
An overview of the historical development of Christianity in Asia from its inception to the present-day. Major events and their consequences are presented and analyzed from an Asian perspective. Special attention will be placed on the “accommodative” strategies by the missionaries and questions regarding the indigenization of the Church.
This module examines the identity and mission of the Church in the context of religious pluralism and its challenges; proposes a theology of religious dialogue as well as theological principles in inter-religious dialogue. Special attention is given to Christian adaptation to the life of Asian peoples and to inter-cultural and inter-religious relations.
"New Religious Movements" (NRMs) has become, in recent years, the preferred term for what used to be called "cults" and "sects." They refer to a religious faith, or an ethical, spiritual or philosophical movement of recent origin and different from existing religions. Examples are Hare Krishna movement, Falun Gong movement, Japan’s Tenrikyo and PL Kyodan, and Korea’s Unification Church.