


Putonghua Course (C1 Level) is an advanced course, which is the next level of Putonghua Course (B2 Level). This course is for those interested in learning Mandarin. The main learning of Chinese Pinyin and Mandarin pronunciation rules and methods; Mastering the basic skills of listening, speaking and reading Mandarin; Understanding the differences in vocabulary and grammar between Cantonese and Mandarin; Learning to use Mandarin for simple daily conversations. Putonghua Course (C1 Level) is a series of step-by-step courses that systematically introduce the characteristics of Mandarin in pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar, and develop students’ listening and speaking skills. This course aims to strengthen the depth of learning, train pure Mandarin, improve spoken Mandarin ability, and deepen life topics. In addition to the training in proficient and fluent Putonghua conversation, other forms of learning such as debate, presentation, speech and reading will be added to the course to train students to use Putonghua fully.


  • To understand and use Chinese phonetic symbols, pronunciation and phonetic principles
  • Understand communication knowledge and requirements
  • Spell syllables
  • Read accurately in Mandarin
  • Understand the main points of standardizing Chinese
  • Be familiar with the linguistic and cultural differences between Cantonese and Mandarin
  • Practice idiom vocabulary
  • Reading and reciting In Chinese
  • Speechwriting, Unscripted speech


  • Know basic phonetic knowledge, phonetic symbols and spelling rules
  • Understand communication knowledge and requirements; Spell syllables
  • Read accurately in Mandarin
  • Understand the main points of standardizing Chinese
  • Be familiar with the linguistic and cultural differences between Cantonese and Mandarin
  • Know the grammar of common adverbs
  • To understand the usage of commonly used auxiliary words can flexibly use the function of adjectives to describe or describe the daily lifestyle through abundant words.

評估/測驗要求 :

  • Chinese writing exercises
  • Presentation
  • Quiz
Session 1

  • Course Introduction
  • Review Chinese Pinyin
  • Lesson 1 Distinguishing Tones
  • Tone Training (1)
  • Practice text
Session 2

  • Lesson 2 Tone
  • Distinguish tone; First and fourth, second and third
  • Tone exercises – homophones
  • Practice text
  • Active Use of Chinese Idioms
Session 3

  • Lesson 3 The tone change
  • Intonation exercises: modulation of the third tone
  • Comparison between Cantonese and Putonghua
  • Practice text
Session 4

  • Lesson 4 The Tone Sandhi of “一” and “不” in Putonghua Read, read, recite, tone training
  • Practice text
Session 5

  • Lesson 5 The tip of the tongue before the sound z, c, s and The lingual sounds j, q, x in Putonghua
  • Pronunciation discrimination exercises: tongue surface j, q, x and tongue tip anterior z, c, s
  • Distinguish z, c, s from z, c, s
  • Quiz 1
Session 6

  • Lesson 6 Pronunciation Practice: The lingual sounds j, q, x and the tip of the tongue after the sound zh, ch, sh
  • Distinguish j, q, x from zh, ch, sh
Session 7

  • Lesson 7 Pronunciation Practice: nasal, side and back consonant n & l, r & y of the initial tip in Mandarin; N — L and R — Y
  • Initial training: Comprehensive Spelling of Chinese pinyin
  • Reading and Comprehension
Session 8

  • Lesson 8 Comparison of anterior and posterior nasal vowels
  • Pronunciation Exercises: Distinguishing anterior nasals of an, en, in, and final nasals of ang, eng, ing
  • Nasal finals training
  • Practice text
Session 9

  • Lesson 9 Polyphonic Words
  • Common Polyphonic Words
  • Finals training
  • Practice text
Session 10

  • Lesson 10 Total phonological review
  • Final exam



時間:週一至週五, 18:00 – 21:00
對象:公眾及有興趣人士(已完成普通話課程(B2 級別)或具有至少90小時普通話學習經驗之人士)
網上登記表:Click here


┃95折優惠(澳門幣 1,900)

  • 報名早鳥優惠

┃9折優惠(澳門幣 1,800)

  • 在職員工及學生優惠
  • 聖若瑟大學校友會成員(AAUSJ)
  • 本校在職員工、學生或校友會成員之直系親屬,即配偶、子女或父母
  • 持續進修處課程舊生

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