
Study Tour Programme for Visiting Medical Students from Shaoxing University Opening Ceremony at USJ





The Study Tour Programme for Visiting Medical Students from Shaoxing University Opening Ceremony was held at University of Saint Joseph (USJ) on 15 July, 2024.

The Study Tour Programme for Visiting Medical Students from Shaoxing University Opening Ceremony was held at University of Saint Joseph (USJ) on 15 July, 2024, 10 students and 2 teachers from the Faculty of Medical Shaoxing University are visiting the USJ for three weeks study tour programme. 

‘Looking at Death from Life: Hospice and Hospice Care from Medical Humanities Education,’ ­— the teaching theme of this programme; The programme covers clinical psychological coping skills for healthcare professionals, analysis of men’s mental health in today’s society; ageing and dying in modern society and the healthcare system; basic Concepts of Hospice Care; the needs and care of the end stage patients and their families; the rights of having medical treatment and rights to refuse medical treatment; visit to local integrated elderly services centres, life education resource centre and nursing home.

Dr. Teresa Loong, Vice-rector for Student Affairs of USJ, and Prof. Jacky Ho, Dean of Faculty of Health Sciences, attended the opening ceremony. Dr. Teresa Loong welcomed students from Shaoxing University. Prof. Jacky Ho delivered the aims and purposes of courses offered by USJ and Prof. Xing Haiyan, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Medical Shaoxing University expressed that would be a precious opportunity for students to study at USJ and experience life in Macao. 

(Dr. Teresa Loong, Prof. Jacky Ho and Prof. Xing Haiyan exchange souvenir.)

(Students and teachers from the Faculty of Medical Shaoxing University are visiting the USJ.)