2024 International Symposium on Children and Youth Health and Well-being

The 2024 International Symposium on Children and Youth Health and Well-being is a interdisciplinary conference aims to be a forum for scholars, practitioners, and decision-makers, to connect and make meaningful contributions to knowledge and policy building on children and youth health and well-being.

This will be a two-day event, co-organized by Macao Observatory for Social Development, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies which will be dedicated to scholarly contributions. We welcome contributions from scholars and researchers, in the fields of Social Work, Psychology, Education, Public Health, and Medical Sciences and other areas that focus on children and youth health and well-being, particularly in light of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3.

The Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG3) is to ensure healthy lives and promote the well-being for children and youth. Health and well-being are important at every of one’s life, starting from the beginning. Childhood is a crucial stage in human development and respecting the “best interest of the child” should be considered a primary social concern (United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of Children,1990). Ensuring that children are happy and socially integrated is a precondition to promote social well-being and development. Still, many challenges exist today to the full protection of children, both regionally and globally.


The organising committee of the 2023 International Symposium on Children and Youth Health and Well-being welcomes you to submit your research to present at this event.

The Conference will address different topics that focus on children and youth health and well-being. Papers are expected to fit into one of the named themes and sub-themes:

  1. Community Health: Topics on Community Well-being and Public Health .
  2. Vulnerable Groups: Issues Related to the Elderly and Children, Medical Social Work, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Social Work Services, Services for Children, Services for Individuals with Disabilities.
  3. Mental Health: Digital Mental Health Interventions, Youth Mental Health Problems, AI and Mental Health, Cyber Bullying, Neurodevelopmental Disorders (Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Dyslexia, etc) .
  4. Other Contributions: Discussions on Healthcare Services, Basic Public Health Services, Rural Public Services, Rural Child Care Services.

View Paper Submission Guidelines >

Submitting is easy! Just email your abstract to the conference email: iscyw@usj.edu.mo

Please forward this announcement to your colleagues. For questions, contact Helen Liu, Research Coordinator for the Faculty of Health Sciences, iscyw@usj.edu.mo

Dates to remember:

Abstract submission deadline: 13 September, 2024
Acceptance decision date: 30 September, 2024
Full-text paper deadline: 8 November, 2024
Conference date: 22 – 23 November, 2024

The Conference will be conducted in English and Chinese.

*Coming Soon




Professor Helen Liu
Research Coordinator for the USJ Faculty of Health Sciences

Email: iscyw@usj.edu.mo

Last Updated: July 26, 2024 at 10:12 am
