Master Programme

Faculty of Religious Studies and Philosophy

2 Years (Evening)Chinese/EnglishSeminary Campus

This programme studies Catholicism mainly through the teachings of the Catholic Magisterium, with particular reference to the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council. This programme is not just an exposition based on documents but also a hermeneutical application to the pastoral realities of the contemporary Chinese-speaking churches.

This programme covers knowledge in the field of Philosophy, Biblical Studies, Dogmatic Theology, Patristic Spirituality and Liturgy, Church History in China, Social Teaching of the Catholic Church, Catholic Morality and Ethics, Pastoral Counselling, Research Methods in Religious Studies and Theology. The programme aims to help students to grow intellectually and spiritually, inspiring and preparing them to serve Christ, his Church, and the society in general, at work, at home, and in view of becoming responsible global citizens and good stewards of our common home. By targeting Chinese speaking people who would like to pursue knowledge and virtue at the academic level, this programme seeks to nourish personal spiritual development and academic expertise in Catholic Studies, in order to assist the Church in Macau and the wider society with human resources as well as academic contributions and research in the field of Catholic Studies.

The programme coordinator is Prof. Anna Chan.

During the two years of evening course work, Master of Catholic Studies students hold full-time student status.

Student Experience

With this programme, students will be able to:

  • Facilitate religious and moral character formation and faith sharing through teaching, pastoral work, evangelization, social services, etc. with Christian attitude and knowledge;
  • Gain expertise and develop skills in main study areas, such as Philosophy, Biblical Studies, Dogmatic Theology, Patristic-Spirituality-Liturgy, Church History in China, Social Teaching of the Catholic Church, Morality and Ethics, Pastoral Counselling, and Research Methods based on the Magisterial Teachings of the Catholic Religion;
  • Have the capacity to conduct academic research in the field of religious and Catholic studies as well as in related areas;
  • Deepen historical understanding and intercultural competences. 

Career Opportunities

  • Pastoral Work
  • Evangelization
  • Catholic Formation
  • Academic Research
  • Charity and Social Services
  • Community Development and Leadership
  • Heritage Preservation and Development

Typical Applicants

  • Hold a bachelor degree 
  • Fluent in Chinese (Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing)
  • Interested in pursuing knowledge and virtue at the academic level in terms of Catholic Studies 
  • Have an interest in spiritual and religious traditions

Applicants who are Catholics or Christians are asked to provide a letter of recommendation from a priest, pastor, or professed religious (religious brother/sister, monk/nun). Applicants who are Catholic seminarians or lay people sponsored by a Catholic diocese must also provide a letter of recommendation from their local bishop. Members of a Catholic religious congregation (aspirants, novices, religious brothers/sisters, monks/nuns) must provide a letter of recommendation from their legitimate superior.

Study plan & description of modules

For the programme’s government approval [in Chinese and Portuguese] click here.

Please click on any specific module below to see its description.


Year 1
3.00 credits
3.00 credits
3.00 credits
Year 2
2.00 credits
4.00 credits
28.00 credits