Official Title: Lecturer

Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Humanities


Short Bio

Tao Chen holds a Master Degree in Chinese-Portuguese Translation and Interpreting from Macao Polytechnic University, benefiting from a deep experience in both the theoretical and practical aspects of translation and interpreting, Tao Chen has approximately 10 years of professional practice which provides a solid foundation and a holistic understanding of the various subjects related to Chinese-Portuguese translation and interpreting.

From 2022 and 2024, he was a Lecturer at Macao Polytechnic University and currently, a Lecturer at University of Saint Joseph.


Chen, Tao; Han, Lili; Rego, Vânia, Sui, Jiajia. A Bilingual's Balance between Communicative Intention and Use of Strategies in Simultaneous Interpreting: a Case Study. Études romances de Brno. 2024, vol. 45, isso.2, pp. 213-237. ISSN 2336-4416


Year 1 Bachelor
6 credits
Year 2 Bachelor
Year 3 Bachelor