
In Memoriam Fr Luis Lei Xavier





Fr Luis Lei Xavier passed away on 16 February 2016 at the age of 66

The staff and students of the University of Saint Joseph remember with gratitude Canon Luís Lei Xavier’s years of dedication to the Inter-University Institute of Macao and USJ as its Administrator, and his constant support for Catholic higher education in the Region. We extend our heartfelt condolences to the Diocese and his family. May he rest in peace.

Os docentes, funcionários e alunos da Universidade de São José recordam com gratidão o serviço dedicado do Cónego Luís Lei Xavier ao Instituto Interuniversitário de Macau e à USJ enquanto seu Administrador, e o seu apoio constante ao ensino superior católico na Região. Apresentamos as nossas sentidas condolências à Diocese e à família. Que o Senhor o tenha na sua Paz.



The diocese has arranged for Fr Xavier’s body to be moved to the Cathedral this Saturday 20 February 2016 at 10am for members of the Church to pay their respect. A mass officiated by Bishop Stephen Lee will be held at 11am at the Cathedral. His body will be moved to the Catholic cemetery for the funeral after the mass.

二月二十日早上十時奉移其靈柩於主教座堂。讓教友瞻仰遺容。十一時由李主教主持安息感恩祭。隨後舉行辭靈禮。之後安葬於聖山教區墓園。[information from Se Catedral’s Facebook page].