Paper Submission Guidelines

Submission guidelines: 

  • (1) Abstracts without identification- Title and summary – maximum 300 words, including the background of the study, the aim of the study, methodology, the findings and discussions, conclusions, and keywords (maximum of 4); and (2) identification page with title, author, institution, and rank. Abstract is submitted in English.

Review process: 

All submissions will be blind reviewed by the members of the conference organizing committee.

Conference Presentation guidelines:

Each presentation lasts 15 minutes and is followed by a 5 minute QA.

Microsoft Word template for proceedings papers

Please fill in with your submission information’s, according to how is written on the template and your work, deleting the unnecessary text.
Download template >

Guideline for proceedings papers

Papers are limited to 6 pages single spaced in English or around 4000 words in English ; 8 pages single spaced in Chinese or around 6000 characters in Chinese, including title, author(s), affiliation, and email address, abstract, keywords, textual content, notes, acknowledgement, disclosure statement (if relevant), references, graphics, tables. Full papers can be written and presented in either Chinese or English. A half-page graphic/figure/table is counted as 400 words/characters.

After conference, prior to the proceeding paper deadline, please send your final version and include identification page with title, author, and institution to us. 

Next steps:

  • Submit your abstract to the email via
  • You will receive a confirmation email letting you know that we’ve received your submission.
  • You will receive an email to notify you of the status of your submission on or before September 30, 2024.
  • Accepted submission will be invited to submit a paper to be published in the conference’s proceedings.


Professor Helen Liu
Research Coordinator for the USJ Faculty of Health Sciences


Last Updated: July 24, 2024 at 3:21 pm
