In accord with what Saint John Paul II wrote in the Apostolic Constitution on Catholic Universities Ex Corde Ecclesiae (15 August 1990), where he pointed out that “the objective of a Catholic University is to assure in an institutional manner a Christian presence in the university world confronting the great problems of society and culture” (no 13), the chaplaincy of the University of Saint Joseph endeavours to provide for the doctrinal, moral, and spiritual needs of all staff and students of the university.
The Chaplaincy is responsible for:
- Making the Sacraments available to Catholics on campus (Holy Mass and Sacrament of Reconciliation)
- Offering catechetical preparation and referral to parishes for those who wish to receive the other Sacraments (Baptism, First Holy Communion, Matrimony, Anointing of the Sick)
- Providing personal spiritual guidance upon request
- Organising activities geared towards introducing or
deepening knowledge of the Catholic faith - Supporting the Catholic student society
- Offering a visible presence of the Catholic Church on campus and actively seeking to engage Catholic and non-Catholic students in dialogue on important questions and issues common to all
Time: Mass to be offered at the Holy Cross Chapel (Illa Verde Campus) according to the following schedule, unless indicated.
18:30, 15/1/2025
18:30, 22/1/2025
18:30, 12/2/2025
18:30, 19/2/2025
18:30, 26/2/2025
18:30, 5/3/2025
18:30, 12/3/2025
10:00, 19/3/2025, at S Joseph Seminary Chapel
18:30, 26/3/2025
18:30, 2/4/2025
18:30, 9/4/2025
11:00, 30/4/2025
18:30, 7/5/2025
18:30, 14/5/2025
11:00, 5/6/2025
Time: Before each Holy Mass or by appointment
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Please feel free to write to any one of our chaplains, or simply call +853 8592 5699.
You may also contact Sister Maria Shan Dao Zhi Mu, SSVM
Cantonese/Mandarin, English
Fr. José Mario O Mandia

Languages: English, Tagalog, Cantonese, Español

The word chaplain 校牧 (a priest dedicated to serving a particular group of people 專職司鐸) is related to the French word chapelle (chapel in English; a small church 小堂). And the word chapel is related to the cape (cloak) of St. Martin of Tours 聖 瑪 爾 定 (316-397), a soldier who became a bishop. Legend has it that Martin had his soldier’s cape cut in half to share with a poor beggar who was later identified to be Jesus in a dream. “The priest who cared for the cloak in its reliquary was called a cappellanu, and ultimately all priests who served the military were called cappellani. The French translation is chapelains, from which the English word chaplain is derived.” (Retrieved from
First and foremost, the Chaplains pray for you and your family (while you are having classes and your family are working or doing household chores)!
El Greco (Δομήνικος Θεοτοκόπουλος), Saint Martin and the Beggar, 1597-1599, NGA 1164 on the left.

Let us now make our prayer to our Heavenly Patron, Saint Joseph:
Hail, Guardian of the Redeemer,
Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
To you God entrusted his only Son;
in you Mary placed her trust;
with you Christ became man.
Blessed Joseph, to us too,
show yourself a father
and guide us in the path of life.
Obtain for us grace, mercy and courage,
and defend us from every evil. Amen.
Chaplaincy Office: Basement, Residential Building, Ilha Verde Campus
Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact or call +853-85925679.
Last Updated: February 10, 2025 at 2:43 pm