This programme prepares students for professional social work practice.
The Bachelor of Social Work trains students in the methodologies of social work practice, social policy, and organisational management with an emphasis on human values and ethics. Students develop knowledge and skills to promote social change by empowering and liberating people to reach their full potential and enhance their wellbeing.
The programme includes two field placements in community or social services agencies. The work placements provide students with opportunities to apply their acquired knowledge and skills while acquiring new experiences in different and dynamic work environments. Graduates enter the workforce as innovative thinkers, advocates, competent practitioners, care managers, and agents of positive social change.
The programme coordinator is Leona Ng.
- Students gain multiple perspectives, model social work behaviour, and translate social work theory into practice
- Students build practical skills to work effectively with individuals and communities to address social issues and problems
- Students gain knowledge and skills to enable social change and improve the wellbeing of others
- Students examine and apply various social work approaches
- Students gain hands-on professional experience during the field placements
- Social worker
- Aged services worker
- Youth worker
- Child protection officer
- Have strong communication skills
- Are involved or interested in working with people
- Are passionate about making our community a better place
Study plan & description of modules
For the programme’s government approval [in Chinese and Portuguese] please click here.
For the study plan & description of modules prior to the 2024/2025 Academic Year, please click here.
Please click on any specific module below to see its description
Year 1
這個課程是大學英語語言課程的入門級,旨在讓學習者能夠以簡單的方式進行互動,提出並回答有關他們自己、他們住在哪裡、他們認識的人和他們擁有的東西的簡單問題,發起和回應在迫切需要的領域或非常熟悉的主題上進行簡單的陳述,而不是純粹依賴於非常有限的排練過的、按詞彙組織的針對特定情況的短語。 它包括以學習者為中心的活動和學術內容,旨在探索在適當的學習水平上有意義且相關的英語語言使用。
This module introduces and explores the main concepts of academic and digital literacy. Students will gain an overview of research intent and design, methodology and technique, format and presentation, and data analysis and management. Furthermore, this module will guide the students in writing and reading tasks required in an academic context and help them to plan and write essays in academic language and format. To succeed as a student and in the professional world the module's content will help the students develop skills to create and perform academic and professional presentations. Furthermore, educational and digital literacy operate rapidly into the emergence of new forms of communication and interaction; therefore, they are crucial to be understood and used effectively and efficient way. This module will prepare students with the appropriate ability to find, evaluate, and compose clear information through writing and other media on various digital platforms.
Most “Thinking and Reasoning” courses offered in colleges and universities are taught and designed by professors from departments of philosophy and sometimes psychology. Not surprisingly, the questions asked and the critical thinking skills these questions are expected to stimulate and develop tend to be framed, in varying degrees of explicitness, by the instructor’s own disciplinary training and interests. Hence, it is often that “Thinking and Reasoning” courses speak of “higher-order thinking”, “philosophic and logic systems”, “analytical forms of reasoning”, and so on. This module takes a practical approach to thinking and reasoning as a liberal arts standard core module for beginning university students. In designing this course, particular attention is given to critical and analytical skills that are more immediately applied or “useful,” i.e., learning competencies that can be readily transferable across disciplines.
Nevertheless, the module focuses on issues of application, decision and judgment, tangible outcomes and results, and transferable strategies through a rigorous examination of the processes of thinking and learning at the undergraduate level. In other words, the module aims to enhance students’ capabilities to see things from different perspectives, emphasizing the role of imagination and creative thinking in articulating ideas. It will develop competencies in critical thinking and working collaboratively with others.
公共衛生為一科際整合的科學,其範疇橫跨流行病學、社區醫學與預防保健、環境衛生、衛生政策、醫療管理、健康行為與衛生教育等層面。本課程的目的在於提供學習者對於公共衛生的一個鳥瞰圖, 由宏觀的觀點切入,認識何謂公共衛生、公共衛生所涵括的內容、為學生提供公共衛生歷史貢獻的基礎知識,以預防當前的公共衛生問題以及 21 世紀面臨發展趨勢。
Year 2
This module presents the key philosophical concepts as developed in the Aristotelian tradition, including (1) natural being, (2) human being and (3) the source and end of being. Students will first acquire an overview of philosophical anthropology, ethics and ontology. Students will then be exposed to Confucian thought and specifically Thomistic perspectives on virtue and natural law. The study of ethics goes beyond abstract considerations of right and wrong conduct or just and unjust behaviour to encompass inquiry into what constitutes “the good life” or a life worth living. A special focus will be given to the relevance of the Western Canonical tradition on value judgments and moral questions.
This module provides an understanding on the Chinese National Culture, it’s History and Philosophy. Furthermore, the module provides an overview of the key features and evolution of the China's political and legal system. There will be several topics covered in this course, including Chinese political ideology and organizations (the Chinese Communist Party and state institutions), legal and judicial systems and institutions, legislative systems and processes (the People's Congresses and the Political Consultative Conferences), and bureaucratic processes. In addition, the course introduces the concept of the One Country Two System and its operation.
本課程將討論政策過程的理論和概念框架、政策分析的模型和方法。 它將涵蓋問題和情況分析,為製定和製定與社會工作、社會福利和社會發展有關的公共政策收集信息。
本課程是心理學的高級應用課程,幫助學生在有精神病理學的基礎上建立基本的診斷知識,對病理的特性、成因、評估及診斷作出理解。本課程及其延續課程 ‘心理健康與診斷II’,目的給學生從多個角度瞭解當代精神病理學診斷之知識,是臨床和心理諮詢心理學的一個整體訓練。
該核心課程涉及的主題包括經濟分析和最佳決策、消費者選擇和產品需求、生產函數和成本曲線、市場結構和戰略互動以及定價和非價格概念。 如何從社會居民經濟體系理解經濟工具及其解決現實世界問題的潛力。
本單元介紹澳門常用的手語。 學生將培養實用技能和知識,以便在聾人社區內成功互動。 由於語言不能與其文化分開,學生將學習一些關於聾人文化的信息(包括吸引註意力的策略、政治正確的術語和行為規範/價值觀)以及手語中使用的詞彙和語法(包括空格的使用、非 手動信號和分類器)。
跨文化工作在近年來,受到全球的社工專業團體的極大重視,而澳門社會一直以來都是個移民社會,本課程主要強調社會是一個多元群體所建構。從澳門的現況,探討跨文化的不同議題,期待透過過探討、分析,涵養對跨文化的認同,在對等關係下,不同族群、不同文化體系與社會特性之尊重與包容。可以更清楚(A)跨文化能力的意義與內涵,(B)探討文化多元性的價值與重要性 (C)深化自我的跨文化工作能力(culture competence),進而落實在服務提供上,共同為打造優質的社會工作實務而努力。
中國在過去的幾個世紀裡在社會服務和福利體系方面取得了長足的發展。 本模塊概述了現代中國的社會發展。 介紹了公共政策、社會經濟地位、城市化、社會福利、人口流動和農民工、家庭、老齡化和醫療保健等社會發展的主要領域。 將討論社會工作實踐如何圍繞上述領域演變。
Year 3
"Art Appreciation" is a Liberal Arts module that aims to develop students' ability to discuss, analyse, understand and criticise works of Art. Through multi and interdisciplinary approaches, this 2-credit module equips students with a broad overview and knowledge of the theoretical, historical, and cultural aspects and relevance of the Arts in general and the Sacred Aesthetical tradition. The ten sessions will focus on the analysis and appreciation of works of Art based on aesthetic value, historical context, tradition, and social relevance. The assumption, function, and nature of the Sacred Arts (such as painting, sculpture, music, literature, etc.) related to creativity, imagination and innovation will be at the core of this module. Students will learn to deepen their sensitivity to self, community, and society and discover their identity through Art with respect to their background, culture, and nationality. By providing measurable standards for understanding artistic intent and expression through the essential elements of Aesthetics and Beauty, Art and Transcendence, students may increase their Appreciation of the arts' role in today society.
This module provides students with an overview of major debates, trends, and factors that influence China's foreign policy. It will help students understand the pillars, principles and actors that shape the Chinese foreign policy. In this regard, the following topics will be explored in the course: the module will examine the actors, principles, constraints, and tools involved in the process of making foreign policy. On the other hand, the module will describe China's relations with the rest of the world through case studies. In order to achieve this, the course combines theoretical lectures, guest speakers, group exercises, and practical workshops. Additionally, this module will prepare students to conduct research on Chinese foreign policy.
本課程將討論政策過程的理論和概念框架、政策分析的模型和方法。 它將涵蓋問題和情況分析,為製定和製定與社會工作、社會福利和社會發展有關的公共政策收集信息。
Year 4
Sustainable development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. By exploring how interconnected elements, such as economic growth, social inclusion and environmental protection are crucial for the well-being of individuals and societies, this module empowers students to become positive change agents of change, today and in their future professional practices. The module will help students understand sustainability from cultural and canonical philosophy perspective and put into practice the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Furthermore, they will become familiar with the Laudato Si” Sustainable Goals on “care for our common home”. In addition, this module will allow to practice social outreach and to engage with the University of Saint Joseph’s sustainability agenda for Macao.
The course aims to develop a basic understanding of China’s historical relations with the world. Specifically, it explains the socio-historical environment and cultural identity of Macau, covering key aspects of its development over four centuries. The module will enhance understanding of the key socioeconomic aspects in the relationship between China and the Portuguese speaking world. The course addresses Macau’s past and present, including the basic concepts, theories, principles and spirit of the Constitution and the Basic Law. It covers residents’ fundamental rights and duties, political structure, economy, and culture. Furthermore, key events that have shaped its geographical space, its demography and its plural communities will also be covered. The students will study and explore aspects of the history, economic and administrative development, and the social, cultural and artistic patrimony of Macau through lectures, film, fieldwork, and reading of local writers and specialists who had written about Macau and its people.
修讀有關學科指引,以下五科必須全部合格者才能修讀社會工作實習 I,五科包括:社會工作導論、個人與家庭社會工作、社會團體工作、社會工作與社區及社會工作專業倫理。
通過體驗式和反思性學習。 學生可以通過角色扮演、示範和工作坊學習和實踐社會工作技能。它作為學生獲得個案工作、小組工作和社區工作干預技能的預備課程; 組織計劃或項目; 批判性地反映社會工作的價值觀,並增強他們對實地工作安置的準備的自我理解。
探討社會工作者參與以家庭為中心的臨終關懷。 討論了醫療團隊方法如何解決個人及其家人在這個生命階段面臨的無數需求。 臨終關懷和姑息治療的原則被用作本課程的指南。 減少面臨生命終結者的負擔和痛苦的因素,以及為客戶及其家人的身體、心理、社會和精神需求提供支持的能力。
修讀有關學科指引,以下六科必須全部合格者才能修讀社會工作實習 II,六科包括:社會工作導論、個人與家庭社會工作、社會團體工作、社會工作與社區及社會工作專業倫理及社會工作實習 I。