
SEMINAR | Creative and Cultural Industry: Perspectives from Europe, Portugal, and China



The Seminar “Creative and Cultural Industry: Perspectives from Europe, Portugal, and China” will take place on 13 June, from 7 – 9PM, in the Media Lab (Ilha Verde Campus).

About the Seminar:

This seminar will address conceptual aspects of developing the concept of creative and cultural industries in China and the West, especially Europe, and its implications for designing and implementing public policies in the respective continents and countries. Some critical indicators on the development of Cultural and Creative Industries (ICC) in Portugal, Europe, and China, including the Guangzhou region, will also be presented.

About the Speakers:

Rui Pedro Cunha

Rui Pedro Cunha is Director and General Manager of C&C Lawyers, and Vice-President of the Rui Cunha Foundation. He is also currently the President of the Macau European Chamber of Commerce. He holds a bachelor degree in Telecommunications Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico, and two post-graduate degrees in Management from Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão and Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

José Carlos Matias

José Carlos Matias is a Macau-based journalist, editor, and lecturer. He is the CEO of the media group Project Asia Corporation and the director of the monthly magazines Macau Business and Business Intelligence (商訊), as well as the online news hub Macau News Agency. He also serves as the chair of the General Assembly of the Macau Portuguese and English Press Association and as Vice-President of the Board of Directors of the Macau Media Workers Welfare Union. Additionally, he is a visiting lecturer in journalism and communication at the University of Saint Joseph (Macau) and the University of Macau.

Paulo Faustino

Paulo Faustino is a Faculty of Arts and Humanities professor at the University of Porto and director of the Master’s in Communication and Management of Creative Industries. He is a member of CITCEM, a Research Centre, and a Senior Fellow at Columbia Institute of Tele-Information at Columbia University. He is the Director of the master’s in communication and management of creative Industries at Porto University. He is a member of the Executive Commission of the Opinion Council of RTP, and co-director of JOURNAL OF CREATIVE INDUSTRIES AND CULTURAL STUDIES – JOCIS. Paulo Faustino was Chairman of the International Media Management Academic

José Miguel Encarnação (Moderator)

José Miguel Encarnação is the Editor of the Portuguese Section of O CLARIM – the official Catholic Weekly for Macau Diocese. He is also Correspondent for Aid to the Church in Need Pontifical Foundation (Portuguese Delegation) and Canção Nova TV (Brazil). Apart from these, he is also appointed as the cooperator of EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network) for Macau. He studied International Relations at Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas (ISCSP) in Lisbon, Portugal. Very often he participates in congresses and seminars around the world. His papers are mainly focused on the Macau Diocese and Catholic Media affairs.


Date: Thursday, 13 June 2024 
Time: 19: 00 – 21:00
Location: USJ 604 (Media Lab), 6/F Academic Building, University of Saint Joseph (Ilha Verde Campus)
Language: English

Organised by: Department of Media, Art & Technology, Faculty of Arts and Humanities of USJ
Organiser: Prof. José Manuel da Silva Simões

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