Public Lecture: How do you look at me? Different looks at people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

Public Lecture: How do you look at me? Different looks at people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
On 26 November 2019, the Faculty of Social Sciences and Macau Autism Association are organising a Public Lecture titled “How do you look at me? Different looks at people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)” by Ms. Fang Jing & Prof. Vitor Teixeira at the Macao Science Center.
It is well known that people with ASD have difficulty in doing eye contact – such a simple characteristic of social interaction is a huge challenge for them. So, they just don’t look and, more than that, they usually don’t care or don’t understand why it is supposed to do it. But this we all know! And you? How do you look at people with ASD? Ms Fang Jing and Prof. Vitor Teixeira will talk about two different but complementary looks: a psychoeducational look and a psychosocial, humanist look.
Ms Fang Jing will make an introduction to the Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) model. The purpose, the principles, the methods, the role of family and the factors affecting the effectiveness of the intervention will be some of the topics covered in this psychoeducational look. Indispensable tutorials will be shown and different strategies on handling problem behaviors will be discussed.
Prof. Vitor Teixeira will share living experiences with people with ASD. In different contexts, in different situations (educational, social, personal,…), in the last 22 years, there were many opportunities to be together with someone with ASD. That changes the way we look at them. Concrete examples of a psychosocial intervention, namely the role of the counsellor in the Occupational Centre, the Social Life Support Groups and the Clubs for Inclusion will be described.
Fang Jing, a postgraduate student in psychology at Southwest Normal University, a member of the Qingdao Municipal Political Consultative Conference, is currently the director of the Yilin Education and Exhibition Center in Ninghai County, the chairman of the Qingdao Autism Research Association, and the director of the Qingdao Yilin Education Exhibition Center, and Macau Yilin Technology Co., Ltd. technical consultant.
Vitor Teixeira is a clinical child psychologist teaching modules of child development and psychological intervention to education, psychology and social work graduate and undergraduate students. Has a major interest in the topic of “children’s time use” but is also doing research in different domains related to child development, specifically with disabilities and special education needs, trying to contribute to a more inclusive society. Is Associate Professor and the Dean of the USJ’s Faculty of Social Sciences.