Official Title: Assistant Professor

Faculty: Doctoral School


Short Bio

Born in Portugal in 1979, he graduated in Communication Design at the University of Lisbon (2003), has a master’s degree in Communication Sciences at the New University of Lisbon (UNL, 2008), and has a PhD Digital Media: Audiovisuals and Interactive Media in an international Doctoral Program with the University of Texas and UNL (2014).

He is an Assistant Professor at the Doctoral School of the University of Saint Joseph, Macao, China.

He was a professor at Beira Interior University (2014-2020), Lusíada University (2015-2022), and IADE—European University (2020-2024), where he coordinated the Graduation Course in Visual Design and the Master’s in Communication and Multimedia both in open distance learning modality. He collaborated as a Visiting Academic at the University of Saint Joseph, teaching several modules in the School of Education and the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (2017-2024).

He designed a graduation program in Visual Design at IADE (Licenciatura em Design Visual), conceived to run in open distance learning mode and collaborated on several others.  He successfully supervised 14 master's candidates.

He participated in several projects related to digital technologies, multimedia, and audiovisuals in education, adding up to over 20 years of experience in e-learning. The most recent projects he collaborated on were the educational project to support learning mathematics using Khan Academy (2019 to 2021) and the digital literacy project PICCLE, developed with Plano Nacional de Leitura (Reading National Plan, 2021).

His research interests are broad in media production, but he is particularly interested in the educational uses of social media, multimedia, interactive media and audiovisuals in education.


Published in Conference Proceedings (most relevant)

Maneira, A. & Fernandes-Marcos, A. (2024). Exploring Emergency Online Teaching Practices’ Influence on Defining a Pedagogical Model for Post-Pandemic Education. In Book of Abstracts of ICOIE2024 - International Conference on Open and Innovative Education, 3-5 July 2024, Hong Kong Metropolitan University, Hong Kong, ISBN: 978-988-8439-71-3,

Pereira, S., Maneira, A. & Fernandes-Marcos, A. (2024). Personal Digital Narratives as an E-learning Tool: From Cultural Sustainability to a Virtual Pedagogical Model. In Proceedings of EDULEARN24 - 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, 1-3 July, 2024, Palma, Spain, ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1, doi:, p. 7520. IATED Digital Library.

Maneira, A. (2018). The challenge of developing semantic based interactive videos: an active learning approach in higher education. International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2018), doi: 10.21125/iceri.2018 Seville, Spain.

Silva, M.C., Villachan-Lyra, P. & Maneira, A. (2018). Digital Educational Games: Inclusive Design Principles for Children with ADHD, Play2Learn, Lisbon, Portugal.

A. Maneira (2014). Teaching arts with semantic hypermedia in online collaborative environments. Post-Screen Festival 2014, International Festival of Art, New Media and Cybercultures, Lisbon, Portugal.

A. Maneira, J. Hughes & J.C. Freitas (2014). Learning with Semantic Hypermedia and the Internet. A Design‐Based Approach Developed in Higher Education. ECER2014, The European Conference on Educational Research, Oporto, Portugal.

A.L. Gonçalves, A. Maneira & J.C. Freitas (2014). “A produção de vídeo em contexto educativo formal: uma experiência de formação de professores” (Video production in formal educational contexto: an experiment on teaching teacher). 2nd Gathering of Confibercom, ISBN 978-989-8600-29-5, pp. 715 -725.

A. Maneira & J.C. Freitas (2013). “Projetos de vídeos interativos no ensino superior: Multimédia semântico e a Aprendizagem” (Interactive vídeo projects in higher educativo: Semantic Hypermedia in Learning). III Colóquio Luso‐Brasileiro de ensino a distância e e‐Learning, (3rd Luso–Brasilian Meeting of distance teaching and e-learning).

Papers in International Journals (most relevant)

M.S. Di Marco, A. Maneira, P. Ribeiro & M.J.P. Maneira (2009). “Blended‐learning in science and technology. A collaborative project‐based course in experimental physics”. eLearning Papers, Nº 16, September 2009, pp. 1-14. ISSN 1887-1542.

M.S. Di Marco, A. Maneira, P. Ribeiro & M.J.P. Maneira (2009). “Project‐based course in experimental physics. Simulation of real‐life R&D program”. Journal of eLearning and Knowledge Society. pp.51-58. ISSN 1826 – 6223.

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Year 1 PGDE