Official Title: Adjunct Associate Professor (Visiting Academic)

Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Humanities


Short Bio

(樊飛豪) Francisco V. Pinheiro, PhD, is Associate Professor Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Architecture and Design at University of St. Joseph in Macau, and Visiting Professor in Jiangnam University (江南大学), in Mainland 2006 received is doctorate (phD) on Engineering in Architecture and Building Engineering at the Technological Institute of Tokyo, Japan (東京工業大学). 2017 received a Master of Environmental Sciences and Management at the Institute of Science and Environment, University of Saint Joseph, Macau-China. In 1984 received his Licentiate in architecture from the University of Lisbon, Portugal. His work involves the urban rehabilitation projects in Macau historical centre. He work for several years in private and different government institutions related with city planing like, for example IAM. Several of the projects were recognised and listed on the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage. His research is to study the demographic and social impact of public housing in an ageing society, the green urbanism synergies with revitalizations, and the tourism in Macau. The core of his research is to provide an insight to the realm where the values of our local culture were replaced by massive cooperative trends and seemed to vanish in a tsunami of globalization. Citizens feel like robots and even lost in the city.  Is heritage a relic of our past, or a reflection of our present identity, or a by-product of corporations? In a globalized world, the search for preserving cultural and identical factors, (i.e. our cultural DNA, memories, cultural patterns, spirits of places and traditions), are critical for future generations.  He challenges the concept that contemporary style intervention and modern narratives on heritage facilities represent “authentic” narratives of preservation. The intromission of different architectural languages on the concept and work of other author’s represent an adulteration of originality as well copyright infringement. He links “Authenticity” concepts with the word and work of “Author”. Authenticity is in many cases embodies by the local communities traditions, the authors, that transmitted from generation to generation, in a process often compared with “re-incarnation” assuming in reality the original idea and concepts. He advocates the urban rehabilitation and architectural conservation as important parts in urban planning and city development, in an Holistic and Sustainable planning, heritage is not and hindrance but a complement of a balanced urban development. He sees the need to find new ways to protect local Asian traditions and to break the strong colonial and intellectual dependence of the western culture, creating new bridges for mutual understanding and dialogue.  


Peer review articles.

Journal Papers

Pinheiro F V, Zhu H (2023) Adaptive Reuse for Modern Industrial Heritage in Macao: A Case Study of Yec Long Firework Factory[J]. Journal of Human Settlements in West China, 2022, 37(5): 143-150. DOI: 10.13791/j.cnki.hsfwest.20220520. Paper in Chinese, original title: 澳门近代工业遗产适应性再利用研究——以益隆炮竹厂为例, by 樊飞豪, 朱慧. (it is also a conference paper)

 Pinheiro, F & Wan, P. (2022) Sustainable scenarios for Macao to expand its spatial tourism carrying capacity and to re-use heritage sites. ELS publishing. "Proceeding
in Humanities, Education and Social Sciences"2022(1): 0006, ISSN: 2958-258X

Cooperation with a paper for Mark Hansley Chua (HKU), (2021) entitled Macao Squares: Discerning the triadic sign model of built heritage. Sustainability Journal.

Pinheiro, F (2017) "Redesigning historic cities facing rapid tourism growth: The case of Macao’s World Heritage centre and San Ma Lou Avenue", Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism. Themes, Vol. 9 Issue: 3, pp.274-288

 Pinheiro, F, (2017) “Preserving Cultural Identity by Rehabilitation of Public Spaces, Case Study Analyses on the Historic Center of Macao. Urban Design Journal, Tsinghua University Press.N.9, 2017.

 Pinheiro, F, 高武洲 and 李傳義 (2017) “澳門《新城區總體規劃方案》之建議 (Suggestions on Macao’s Master Plan)” for the Center of Macau Studies《澳門研究Macau Studies. Journal of Macau Studies- Boletim de Estudos de Macau

溫艷瓊,樊飛豪(2016).《澳門旅遊業發展總體規劃》文本建議. 澳門研究, 澳門大學出版 Wan, Y.K.P., Pinheiro, F.V. (2015). Comments on the Macao Tourism Industry Development Master Plan. Journal of Macau Studies, University of Macau.

溫艷瓊,樊飛豪(2015).提升澳門文化遺產保護與管理的水平. 澳門研究2015年第4期 (12月), pp.25-28. Wan, Y.K.P., Pinheiro, F.V. (2015). Approaches to enhance Macao’s heritage protection and management. Journal of Macau Studies, University of Macau, 4(Dec), 25-28. 

2014. Macau’s Tourism Planning Approach and Its Shortcomings: A Case Study. Penny King Wan & Francisco Vizeu Pinheiro. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration. Vol. 15, Issue 1, 2014 pp 78-107.

 2008. Korenaga, M, Pinheiro, F. Yagi, K. (2008) Complexo of open spaces in the old district of Macao. Journal or Architectural Planning. AIJ (Architectural Institute of Japan). Vol 73 n.623, 137-144. January.

 2007. Wan, Y.K.P., Pinheiro, F.V. and Korenaga, M. (2007), Planning for Heritage Conservation in Macao. HKIP Journal. Planning and Development, 22(1), 17-26.

 2005. Pinheiro, F, Yagi, K, Korenaga, M (2005) St. Paul College Historical Role and Influence in the Development of Macao. Architectural History and Theory. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering. Vol. 4 (1) 43-50

 Pinheiro, F (2005) Using a comparative graphic method in the analysis of the evolution of the Macao Senate. Architectural History and Theory. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering. Vol. 4. (1) 69 - 76

 Pinheiro, F, Yagi, K, Korenaga, M (2005) Role of the Iberian Institutions in the evolution of Macao. Architectural History and Theory. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering. Vol. 4 (2), 285-292.

Pinheiro, F & Costa, Georgia (2005) Yec Long Firework Factory. A Chinese Relic industrial Architecture. HKIA Journal. Issue 41/1st quarter.

Pinheiro, F, (2004) Macau Western Soul. HKIA Journal. Culture & Heritage 37 (1), 10-19.

Pinheiro, F (2002). HKIA Journal Issue 31/2nd Quarter. The Tower of Macao.

Conference papers, Peer-Reviewed

Pinheiro (樊飞豪), 朱慧. (2022) 澳门近代工业遗产适应性再利用研究——以益隆炮竹厂为例[J]. 西部人居环境学刊, 37(5): 143-150. Original paper is in Chinese, English translation: Pinheiro F V, ZHU H (2022) Adaptive Reuse for Modern Industrial Heritage in Macao: A Case Study of Yec Long Firework Factory[J]. Journal of Human Settlements in West China. DOI: 10.13791/j.cnki.hsfwest.20220520. Prepared for the international conference. On heritage conservation and sustainable development, Guilin, China, July 24-27, 2022-co organized with USJ.

 Pinheiro, F (2017) “Redesigning historic cities facing rapid tourism growth—the case of Macao’s World Heritage Center and San Ma Lou Avenue”, Peer Review journal WHATT (Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes) journal (v9 n3 2017). Publication on 12 June 2017.

Pinheiro, F. (2016) Housing Policies Impact in Ageing Societies. Published in the For the Family Engagement, First Conference, organized by Hon Lam Education & Research Association. March 20th, 房屋政策對老年中國家庭的影響 85-110. ISBN:978-99965-358-0-2

 Pinheiro, F.V., Wan, Y.K.P. (2016). A sustainable housing solution in an ageing society of Macao. 7th International Conference on “Public Management in the 21st century: Opportunities and Challenges” University of Macau, China on Oct 27-28, 2016.

 2012. Comparative history to the international conference on Portugal and South-East Asia: 500 years of History. October 30th to November 1st.Organized by Portuguese Department of the University of Macau. Two papers published in Macao’s RC (Review of Culture), number 42 and 43 (please see other publications reference)

 Pinheiro, F and Ong, C (2011). “A comparative Social History of Coolies and Coolie Trade development in Macao and Singapore. Presented at the IPM International conference on “Macao and China Foreign Maritime Trade”. November 2nd to 4th. Macau.

Pinheiro et al (2010) Scenarios for Macau Future Sustainability or Collapse in the Planned Integration of the pearl River Delta Conurbation. Paper presented at the to International Conference on China Urban Development, December 7-8, 2010 at The University of Hong Kong.

 Zhu Rong, Wu Yao, Pinheiro, F Sally Chio and Steven Zhao (2010). November 9th to 12th.Preserving Macao Industrial Heritage for a Sustainable Urban Future. 8th ISAIA (Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia) Kitakyushu International Conference Center. B22 proceeding.

Pinheiro, F and Chaplin, I (2010). Africans in Macau. Presented at the conference China – Africa. Organized by the Center of Africa Research and Development Studies of the University of St Joseph, Macau. Published in the proceedings of the conference.

Chaplin, I, Pinheiro, F and Yagi, K (2009). Present State of Catholic Church Built Heritage in Macao and its Potential for Propagating Ecclesiastical Architectural Studies. Paper presented at Conference on “The Role and Status of Macao in the Propagation of Catholicism in the East”, organized by the Center for Sino-Western Cultural Studies, Macao Polytechnic Institute. Nov 3rd to 6th. Published in the proceedings of the conference.

Wan, P and Pinheiro, F (2009) The Development of the Gaming Industry and Its Impact on Land Use. UMAC conference on “The 2nd Workshop on Gaming, Governance and Public Policy in Macao”. The joint paper becomes part of a book named Gaming, governance and Public Policy, edited by Newman Lam & Ian Scott. Published by Hong Kong University press.

AAHM (2009). The 2nd UNESCO-ICCROM Asian Academy for Heritage Management Conference Urban Heritage and Tourism: Challenges and Opportunities. Heritage Studies Centre, Institute for Tourism Studies, Macao. 1-3 December. Coauthor of three papers (below) related with heritage planning and management in Macau, presented during the conference, numbered and named as follows:

 (A052) Heritage Impact Assessment and Sustainability Study for Macau’s Inner Harbor Chinatown in San Ma Lo: Past history and future scenarios

 (A051) Place & Memory Role in Urban Heritage Sustainability:Managing Challenges for Urban Public Spaces in the Historical Centre of Macao

 (B014) Adaptive re-use and authenticity of Mandarin Mansion Rehabilitation: Authenticity criteria and the difficult choice between a tourists-oriented facility and a local community Centre.

Pinheiro, F.V. & Wan, Y.K.P. (2007), Urban Planning Practices and Scenarios for Macao Development: Case Studies of Macao’s Urban Sustainable Development. Proceedings from the International Conference on 12th Asian Real Estate Society Annual Conference, organized by UMAC 9-12 July 2007, University of Macao, PRC.

 Wan, Y.K.P. & Pinheiro, F.V. (2007), Challenges and Future Strategies for Heritage Planning and Conservation in Macao. Proceedings from the International Conference on Heritage and Tourism, Community, Enterprise, Government & Tourists, organized by the Center of Tourism Planning & Research, Sun Yat Sen University, China, July 8-10 2007, Zhongshan, PRC.

Pinheiro, F (2007) Macao and the western influences in East Asia military Architecture Proceedings of the Conference on China and Spain during the Ming and Ching Dynasties. October 3 to 2, November 2. Center for Sino-Western Cultural Studies, IPM. Macao, PRC.

 Pinheiro, F. Yagi, K, Korenaga, M (2006). Urban De fragmentation and Infrastructure role of open public spaces in the City Historical Center of Macau. Invited keynote speaker. Third Symposium on Sustainable Development of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau. 23-26 November. Macao, PRC.

 Korenaga, M, Pinheiro, F (2006) Reorganization of Pedestrian Spaces in the Historical Center of Macao. 6th ISAIA (Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia) Kitakyushu International Conference Center.

 Pinheiro, F, Kiu, C, Seng, C (2006) Rehabilitation of Squares in Macao’s Historical Sites. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Modern Asian Architecture Network (mAAN), November 1-5, Tokyo. Japan.

 Wan, Y.K.P. & Pinheiro, F.V. (2005), Heritage Brand Improvement through Streetscape Rehabilitation: A Case Study of Macao, China”, Proceedings from the International Conference on Destination Branding and Marketing for Regional Tourism Development, jointly organized by the Purdue University and the Institute for Tourism Studies, 8-10 December 2005, Macao PRC

 Pinheiro, F, (2004) Townscape Preservation in Macao. Proceeding of the 5th International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia. Matsue.

 Pinheiro, F (2000) Macao Western Architecture. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia, Cheju, Korea

Books & chapters

Jose Simões et al. (2019), 27th. “O Macaense, Identidade, Cultura e Quotidiano”. Article entitled “Um General Liberal em Macau”. Published by Católica, Centro de Estudos e dos Povos e Cultura de Expressão Portuguesa. Universidade Católica Editora.

 Augusto Moutinho Borges e Francisco Vizeu Pinheiro (2019) General Antônio Joaquim Garcia: Um Militar Liberal entre Portugal e o Oriente. A Publicar nas Actas do XXVII Colóquio Militar, O Liberalismo e os Militares em Portugal, Lisboa 12 a 15 de novembro de 2018.

 Walter Jamieson and Engelhardt (2018) The Planning and Management of Responsible Urban Heritage Destinations in Asia. Paper on Contemporary rehabilitation design conflicts with traditional culture. Goodfellow Publisher Limited. Oxford, UK.

Pinheiro, F & Rong, Z (2016). Historical Spaces in Macau. Published by the IACM, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau. English and Chinese version

Wan, Y.K.P., Pinheiro, F.V. (2011). The Development of the Gaming Industry and Its Impact on Land Use in Gaming, Governance and Public Policy in Macao, N. Lam and I. Scott (eds), Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, pp.19-36.

Seabra, L et al. (2010) Dicionário Temático de Macau. Pinheiro, F, chapter on Urbanização de Macau & Fortificações. Ditema. AULP. Associação das Universidades de Lingua Portuguesa 

 WU Yao, Francisco Vizeu Pinherio, Miki Korenaga (2009): The Integrated Memory: Development and Conservation of heritage building in Macau. Published by China Electric Power Press. 吴尧、樊飞豪、是永美树:拼合记忆--澳门历史建筑发展与保护,中国电力出版社.

 Macao Western Architecture (1999). The Student’s Association of the Open Institute of the University of East Asia of Macao.

 Advisory and technical reports

2014. August. Report on the Rehabilitation Process for the Huishan old town, Wuxi, Jiangnam province.

 2013. April. Report on how to increase the Tourist Carrying Capacity of Macao for IFT Tourism Research Center and Macao’s Government.

 2012. July. Report on public housing strategies for an ageing society. Elaborate for OFAP (Organization of Families of Asia & the Pacific) a report answering many issues related with the public auscultation on Strategies for Development of Public Housing (2011-2020), by the Public Housing Department of Macau. (July 2012)

2007. Report on the International Seminar: “When Creative Industries Crossover with Cities” organized by Hong Kong Institute of Planners (HKIP) e Urban Planning Society of China (UPSC).

 2007. Two reports on the impact of the elevated Light Transit Railway (LRT) on Macau Heritage and the city, sponsored by AAM Environment and Urban Planning group.

 2006 Report on The First International Summer and Winter Workshop on Integrating Macao's World Heritage Sites.

 Pinheiro, F (2005) Renovation of Public Spaces in Historical Center of Macau. Annual Report Academic Activities. Laboratory of Regional Design with Ecology. Graduate School of Hosei University. Tokyo.

Pinheiro, F (2003) Macau Cultural Tourism Products in the Context of Pearl River Delta. Conservation and Regeneration of Historic Cities and housing in East Asia. Architectural institute of Japan, Special Research Committee on Conservation of the Third World Historical city and Housing. September, Tokyo

 2003. Report on The Principles of Architecture for Science and Hi-Tech Facilities. Report on the High-Tech Facilities Work Programme Annual International Seminar & Members’ Meeting, at Scottsdale, Phoenix, Arizona USA October 31 - November 1,

 2002. September, Survey on Historical Macao by a Tokyo Institute of Architecture team.

2002. Report on the participation at the XXI International union of Architects (UIA) Berlin, Jun 22 to 26. In charge the group presentation of the UIA Work Program on Science and High-Tech Facilities

2001. Report on “Technopolis – The City of Science” Seminar and Third Annual Meeting of UIA Work Program on Science and High-Tech Facilities. Moscow,

 2000. Report and proposal for the revision of the Macau’s Draft on fires safety rules based on Decree Law N. 24/95/M.



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