Official Title: Dean of the Faculty of Business and Law | Research Coordinator for the Faculty of Business and Law | Associate Professor

Faculty: Faculty of Business and Law


Short Bio

Jenny Oliveros Lao Phillips is the Dean of the Faculty of Business and Law at the University of Saint Joseph (USJ). Prior to her current position, Prof. Phillips was appointed Registrar from 2016 to 2018, and Head of Public Relations Office from 2015 to 2018. She started working as a full-time academic at USJ in 2008. Before joining USJ, Prof. Phillips taught Business English at the Macao Polytechnic Institute and worked as a Cantonese/English interpreter and translator. She holds a Ph.D. in Business Administration awarded with the highest honor of summa cum laude from USJ in 2015. Prof. Phillips was born and educated in Macao. She holds a bachelor's degree in Tourism Business Management from the Institute for Tourism Studies, where she also received a higher diploma in Hotel Management and undertook specialized management training in public relations. She finished her MBA at USJ (IIUM) in 2003 with a thesis on customer satisfaction. Then, diverging from her management studies, she devoted her time in studying Literature and completed an MA dissertation on "The Ritual and the Sacred in Peter Shaffer's Theatre". In 2008, she was awarded a Master of Arts in English Studies (Literature Specialisation) with the highest grade of "Excellent" from the University of Macau. Prof. Phillips has over 20 years of teaching experience and has taught a wide range of courses, including Creativity, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Global Strategy, Service Operations, Managing Social Services, Creative Writing, and Literature. Her publications and research interests are in the areas of family business, social entrepreneurship, organizational behaviour and innovation, e-government, tourism and hospitality, empathy, and catharsis in tragedy and modern theatre.  She has been a researcher at the Faculty of Human Science at the Catholic University of Portugal, working on a research project bridging cognitive science in empathy and literature studies in catharsis focusing on tragic theatre. She is also a writer and a poet featured at the Macau Literary Festival in 2018 and 2020. Her first children's novel, The Legend of the Chinese Zodiac, was published in 2006. Her poems, poetry translations, and articles have appeared in Poesia Sino-Occidental,, The Drunken Boat, Poetry Sky, and other publications and local press. She wrote a bi-weekly column about local culture and tradition, "Made in Macao", in the English newspaper Macau Daily Times from 2015 to 2019. Prof. Phillips' latest research and academic projects focus on the development of sustainable business. She believes that business enterprises are social entities and should be viewed and developed sustainably as innovative solutions to societal issues and people's daily lives.




Peer-Reviewed Articles

Lei, S. N., & Phillips, J. O.L. (2024). Consumer Purchase Intention towards Floral Products: A Study Based on the Five Consumption Values. Journal of Economics, Business and Management, 12(4), 342-347.

Leng, A. I., & Phillips, J. O.L. (2024). Factors Affecting Teacher Turnover in Private Schools in Macau. In Proceedings of the 2024 SSEME Workshop on Social Sciences and Education (SSEME-SSE 2024) (Vol. 864, p. 94-103). Springer Nature.

Zou, Z., & Phillips, J. O. L. (2024). The Impact of Personal Characteristics of Successors in Chinese Family Firms on Succession Based on Thematic Content Analysis. In SSEME workshop on Economics and Management (SSEME-EM 2024) (pp. 72-80). Atlantis Press.

Phillips, J. O. L., & Mui, U. (2024). Employee Motivation in Elderly Care Social Enterprises in Macau. Journal of Advanced Management Science12(1). 

Chan, J. W. P., & Phillips, J. O. (2023). Factors influencing disability inclusion practice on social media. In Proceedings of the 2023 14th International Conference on E-business, Management and Economics (ICEME '23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 131–139.

Ho, H. W., & Phillips, J. (2023). Death of a Salesman? The new junket regulation and practice in Macau. Gaming Law Review, 27(8), 366-374.

Iong, K. Y., & Phillips, J. O. L (2023) The Transformation of Government Employees’ Behavioral Intention Towards the Adoption of E-Government Services: An Empirical Study. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 7:1, 10485.

Ho, H.-W., & Phillips, J. (2023). Macau 2.0: New Gaming Law and its Implications for Casino Market. Gaming Law Review 

Phillips, J.O.L. and Oliveira, N. (2022). Entrepreneurial Process of SMEs in Macau. In 2022 13th International Conference on E-business, Management and Economics (ICEME 2022), July 16–18, 2022, Beijing, China. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 563-568.

Iong, K. Y., & Phillips, J. O. L. (2022). Examining the Impact of Behavioral Factors on the Intention of Adopting E-government Services: An empirical study on the hard-to-reach groups in Macao SAR, China. Technology in Society71, 102107.

Santos, E.J.P.P., Lobo Marques, J., & Phillips, J.O.L. (2021). Sustainable Buildings’ Projects – A Perspective from Consultants and Contractors based in Macau SAR, China. The 2021 12th International Conference on E-Business, Management and Economics, 865–870.

Marques, J.A.L., Reis, J.M., Phillips, J.O.L, and Diakite, A.D. (2020). The Importance of Readiness for Change: a leadership perspective based on a case study in Macau, S.A.R. China. Journal of Advanced Management Science. 8(4), 116-120.

Diakite, A.D., and Phillips, J.O.L. (2019), Motives of Traditional and Emerging Donors in Aid Giving: Comparative Study between China and France. Journal of Social and Political Sciences. 2 (4), 1026-1037. Available at SSRN:

Phillips, J. O. L. (2018). Open Innovation as Means of Building Social Capital: A Way to Globalization for Traditional SMEs. Journal of Strategic Innovation and Sustainability, 13(2), 115-126.

Phillips, J. O. L., Osorio, A. E., & Alves, J. (2018). Transgenerational Entrepreneurship in Chinese Family Businesses: Proposal for a Model of Work-Life Synergy. International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering12(6), 791-799.

Negreiros, J., Phillips, J. (2018). Evaluation of Deterministic Spatial Interpolators with myGeoffice©: The Utah Grasshoppers Case. International Journal of Geology, Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Vol 6 (6), 1-8.

Book and Book Chapter

Phillips, J.O.L. (2023). Succession in Chinese Family Business: Transgenerational Transmission of Social Capital in Macao. USJ Press.

Phillips, J.O.L. (2021). Ritual and the Sacred in Peter Shaffer's Theatre. In Morgan, S. (Ed.). Sacred and the Everyday: Comparative Approaches to Literature, Religious and Secular. USJ Press.

Other Conference Proceedings

Phillips, J.O.L., Osoria, A. E., Alves, J. (2018 June). Transgenerational Entrepreneurship in Chinese Family Businesses. Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference of Family Business and Regional Development. London, UK. [Best Paper Award]

Phillips, J.O.L. (2017 December). Open Innovation as Means of Building Social Capital. Proceedings of the 2017 Institute of International Business and Governance Conference: Competing in an Innovation-Driven Global Economy: Institutions, Infrastructures, and Organization Design. The Open University of Hong Kong. 

Phillips, J.O.L. (2015 March). Succession of social capital in Chinese family businesses. Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference of Business and Social Sciences. Osaka, Japan. 838-845ISBN:978-986-89298-7-6


Conferences Presentation

Phillips, J.O.L. (2023 July). The Forms of Social Capital and Their Contributors in Chinese Family Business. As the Invited Speaker for the14th International Conference on E-business, Management and Economics (ICEME 2023). July 21-23, 2023. Beijing, China.

Phillips, J.O.L. (2022 November). Succeeding social capital in Chinese family enterprises through bonding with rituals and creating social network gaps. As the Invited Speaker for the 10th International Conference on Business, Management and Governance (ICBMG 2022). November 21-23, 2022. Perth, Australia.

Marques, J.A.L., Phillips, J., Marques, S.L.M.P. (2019 August). Nonlinear analysis of attention and relaxation time series using single-channel EEG during web video advertisements based on entropy measures. ICESP2019 - Hong Kong, China. 

Phillips, J. (2019 July). Towards a Theory of Empathic Catharsis: from Greek Tragedies to on-screen epic drama. IX Lisbon Summer School for the Study of Culture: Neurohumanities. Lisbon, Portugal. 

Phillips, J. (2019 July). Ritual and the Sacred in Peter Shaffer's Theatre. XXII Congress of the ICLA - Macau, China. [selected for publication in the collection of papers in 2020]




Oliveros Lao, J. (2006). Legend of the Chinese Zodiac. Macao: Association of Stories in Macao.

Oliveros Lao, J. (2006). Snow White?. The University of Macau Jubilee Story Book for Girls and Boys. Macao: The University of Macau.

Oliveros Lao, J. (2008). Poems: Drowning; Hide and seek; You; and Spotless glass. In Kelen & Vong ed. I roll the dice: contemporary Macao poetry. Macao: Association of Stories in Macao.

Other English and Chinese poems in Chinese-Western Poetry JournalThe University of Macau Poets’ Jubilee AnthologyThe Drunken Boat (poems of contemporary poets in China), etc.

Poetry translation

Kit Kelen's Macao: Macao and Hong Kong poems of Christopher Kelen. (2007). Macao: Association of Stories in Macao. (co-translated 18 of 29 English poems to Chinese with Yao Jinming)

當魚閉上眼睛: 姚風詩集 When the Fish Close Their Eyes: poems of Yao Feng. (2007). Macao: Association of Stories in Macao. (co-translated from Chinese to English with Agnes Vong and Amy Wong)

Poets and Poems. (2006). Macau: International Institute of Macau; and Lisbon: Jorge Álvares Foundation & National Centre of Culture. (co-translated from Portuguese to Chinese with Yao Jinming)



Year 1 Doctorate
Year 1 Master
Year 1 PGDE
Year 1 Bachelor
2 credits
Year 3 Bachelor
3 credits
4 credits
Year 4 Bachelor
2 credits
3 credits
3 credits