Official Title: Associate Professor

Faculty: School of Education


Short Bio

Prof. Rochelle Ge (葛贇) obtained her Ph.D. from National University of Singapore. She was a visiting fellow in Yenching Institute, Harvard University (2013-2014). She is an adjucnt professor at National Curriculum Development Base of South China Normal Univeristy. She works from a cross-disciplinary angle, integrating sociological perspectives into the teaching and research of education and development. Based in Macau, her current research interests include but are not limited to: a) Globalization and Education, b) Education and Social Development, c) Educational Organization and Governance, d) Professionalization of Teaching. Her work can be found in Asia Pacific Education Review, Higher Education Quarterly, Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Educational Research and Evaluation etc.

Funded Research Projects:

2021 till 2025: Research Member for international research project “Belt and Road Initiative and Student-Mobilities in China-Southeast Asia” which involves a number of tertiary level institutions in China and Southeast Asia Countries (Singapore Ministry of Education Tier 2 Research Grant);

2021-2022: Principle Investigator for research project "The Role of Universities in High-level Human Capital Formation in Wester Greater Bay Area of China" (Macao SAR DSEDJ Grant HSS-USJ-2021-03);

2018-2019: Principle Investigator of “Culturally Responsive Teaching: Attitude and Practice among Teachers in Macau” funded by Macau Foundation;

2009-2012: Core team member of the international project “Globalizing Universities and International Student Mobilities in Asia”, responsible for research design, partnership recruitment, fieldwork and data analysis (Singapore Ministry of Education Tier 2 Research Grant);

2011- 2015: Principle Investigator of the project entitled “Towards a World Discipline: Internationalizing Chinese Medicine in Mainland and Hong Kong Universities” (Funded by National Univeristy of Singapore);

2007-2008: Research team member of “Macau Tertiary Education Development System”, responsible for data collection and analysis (this project was sponsored by Education and Youth Affairs Bureau).

Research Prize:

Ananda Rajah Prize for Excellent Research and Thesis issued by National University of Singapore


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Ge, Y. & Ho, K.C. (in printing). Social Differentiation and Social Interaction in the Diverse City in Marie Gibert-Flutre, K.C. Ho, Jeremie Molho, Camille Schmoll, Hélène Thiollet (Eds.) City Makers and the Politics of Urban Diversity Governance: Comparative Approaches from Europe and Asia. IMISCOE Springer Series.

Lertpusit, S., Ge, Y., & Ho, K. C. (2025). The shifting landscape of Chinese student mobility to Thailand. Asian Population Studies, 21(1), 21–14. (Q2 Journal, 2023IF=1.5)

Ge, Y. (2024). Career trajectory and cross-system mobility: Career planning of doctoral students in Macao. Higher Education Quarterly, 78(2), 488-504. (Q1 Journal, 2022IF=2.2)

Ge. Y. (2022). Internationalisation of higher education: new players in a changing scene. Educational Research and Evaluation,27(3-4), 229-238. DOI: 10.1080/13803611.2022.2041850 (Q2 Journal, 2021IF=1.235)

Ge, Y. & Ho, K.C. (2022). Belt and Road Initiatives: implications for China’s internationalisation of tertiary-level education. Educational Research and Evaluation, 27(3-4), 260-279. DOI: 10.1080/13803611.2022.2041858 (Q2 Journal, 2021IF=1.235)

Ge, Y. & Ho, K.C. (2019). Conceptualizing the second education circuit for China’s doctoral students in Asia. International Journal of Chinese Education, 8(2), 186-208. DOI: 10.1163/22125868-12340112 (Q3 Journal, 2021IF=0.481)

Ge, Y., & Ho, K.C. (2018). The cultivation of research labor in Pacific Asia with special reference to Singapore. Asia Pacific Education Review, 19(2), 199-210. DOI: 10.1007/s12564-018-9531-z (Q2 Journal, 5Y-IF=2.093)

Ge, Y. & Ho, K.C. (2018). Intra-Asia higher education mobilities. In G. Liu-Farrer and B.S.A Yeoh (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Asian Migrations. London: Taylor and Fancies Books Ltd. DOI: 10.4324/9781315660493-5

Saw, S. H. & Ge, Y. (2014). Enhancing Educational Collaborations between China and Singapore. In S. H. Saw and J. Wong (Eds.), Advancing Singapore-China Economic Relations. Singapore: Southeast Asian Institute. EBook ISBN: 9789814519182

Ge, Y. & Ho, K. C. (2014). Researching international student mobility in Asia: design and practical Issues of survey method. Journal of Population Research, 31(3), 197-217. DOI: 10.1007/s12546-014-9129-1 (Q2 Journal, 2018IF=1.026)

Ho, K. C., & Ge, Y. (2011). Education and human capital management in a world city: the case of Singapore. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 31(3), 263–276. DOI: 10.1080/02188791.2011.595058 (Q2 Journal, 5Y-IF=2.000)

Book Chapter and Preface

葛贇 (2025) 。〈是來時路,亦是前行燈:澳門教師的使命與歸屬〉。載於陳庭鋒與許江雄(主編)《澳門教育的人心仁心:澳門回顧二十五年教師的教育觀點與經驗論文集》.(頁86-91). 澳門:文化公所。

葛贇 (2024). 〈推薦序〉。載於李麗梅著《成長的光譜:認識與支持SEN孩子》.序頁. 香港:香港中文大學。

Selected Conference Papers (past 5 years)

Ge, Y. (2024, October). Global Curriculum Development Trends and Teacher Training Needs: Challenges and Opportunities in Change全球課程發展趨勢與教師培養需求: 變革中的挑戰與機遇, presentation in the Seminar of Curriculum Development and Teaching Materials Preparation in Mainland China and Macao SAR內地與澳門課程發展及教材編制研討會, University of Macau, Macau SAR China.

Ge, Y. (2024, October). Intensifying Higher Education Collaboration between Macau SAR and PSCs: Supporting System and Strategic Implications, presentation at the panel Macau’s Higher Education Collaboration with Portuguese-speaking Countries: Mutual Goals and Challenges, City University of Macau, Macau SAR China.

Ge, Y. (2024, September). China-ASEAN Student Mobilities along the Belt and Road: New Trends and Implications. Presentation at Asian Studies and Indian Ocean Summer School, Catholic University of Portugal, Lisbon.

Saverin, L.; Ge. Y. & Ho, K. C. (2024, August). Chinese Student Flows to Thailand: Thickening of Higher Education Linkages between China and Thailand, paper presented at BRISM Conference, Asian Research Institute, National University of Singapore, Singapore.

Ge, Y. (2023, November). 澳門特殊與融合教育的發展及教師培訓, presentation at 知行合一特殊教育高質量發展國際研討會,Chongqing Normal University, China.  

Ge. Y. (2023, July). 課程變革的趨勢和具澳門特色的課程發展, presentation at the Curriculum and Teaching in a Global Perspective: Reforms, Opportunities and Challenges Symposium, University of Macau, Macau SAR China.

Ge, Y. (2022, December). 澳門課程改革與發展: 政策與實務, presentation at the the 9th Conference on National Education and Teaching Media (第九屆全國教育教材語言研討會) and the 4th Summit of Youth Education and Development in Hong Kong and Macau (暨第四屆港澳青少年教育與發展高端論壇), South China Normal University, Guangzhou China.

Ge, Y. (2022, November). Career Planning of Doctoral Students in Macau: Linking Individual Experience to Macro Picture, paper presented at CHERA Symposium organized by University College London, Peking University and the University of Hong Kong.

Ge, Y. (2022, August). The Role of University in High-Level Human Capital Cultivation in China’s West Greater Bay Area, paper presented at ICHE XVI International Conference on Higher Education, Montreal, Canada. (Best Presentation Awarded)

Ge, Y. (2021, December). 澳門教師文化回應教學認知與實踐研究. presentation at 3rd Summit of Hong Kong-Macao Youth Education, Shenzhen, China.

Tchiang, I. & Ge, Y. (2020, November). 澳門品德與公民教育校本課程初探. presented at 2nd Summit of Hong Kong-Macao Youth Education, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China.

Ge, Y. (2019, November). Belt Road Initiative: Implication on China’s Internationalization Strategy on Tertiary Education. Paper presented at a conference entitled “Belt and Road Initiative, New Knowledge Spaces and Asian Regionalism” organized by Asian Research Institute at National University of Singapore, Singapore.

Ge, Y. (2019, July). Teaching in a Multi-Cultural Society: Awareness and Practice of Teachers in Macao. Paper presented at International Academic Conference on Education and Social Sciences, Paris, France.


Year 1 Doctorate
Year 1 Master
3 credits
Year 1 PGDE
3 credits
3 credits
3 credits
Year 1 Bachelor
3 credits
Year 2 Bachelor
Year 3 Bachelor
Year 4 Bachelor