Official Title: Emeritus Professor

Faculty: Institute of Science and Environment


Short Bio

Academic Qualifications

  • Ph.D (Biochemistry) : University Louis Pasteur of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France
  • MBA : University of East Asia (now University of Macau), Macao, China
  • BAS (Bachelor of Administrative Studies): York University, Toronto, Canada
  • B.Sc. (Biology) : Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

Related Working Experience

  • Professor and Chairman of Biology Department, Chu Hai College, Hong Kong
  • Postdoctoral work in Department of Molecular Biology, University of California, Berkeley, USA; Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Medical Centre, Houston, Texas, USA; Cancer Research Laboratory, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada
  • Retired professor (Chemistry): University of Macau, Macao, China


Research Interests

  • Environmental Protection
  • Environmental Management
  • Chinese medicinal herbs
  • Traditional Chinese medicine
  • Mangroves
  • Algae

Recent Research Projects

1.Chinese medicinal herbs of Macao

2. 2010-2012.Tagulao K (PI) and Chan SK (Co-PI). Inventory and Assessment of the Marine Flora of Macao. FDCT, reference 028/2010/A.

3. 2010. Tagulao K (PI) and Chan SK (Co-PI). DNA technology workshops for secondary school students. FDCT, reference 028/2010/P.

Selected Publications

a. Articles:

  • Pinck, M., Chan, S.-K., Genevaux, M., Hirth, L., and Duranton, H. "Valine Specific tRNA-like Structure in RNA's of Two Viruses of Turnip Yellow Mosaic Virus Group", Biochimie, 541093(1972).
  • Lo, W.-H., Tang, S.-Y. and Chan, S.-K. "The Political Economy of EIA in Guangzhou", Environ. Impact Assess. Rev17(5), 371(1997).
  • Pu Shouzhi, Chan Shek-Kiu, Wang Ruji, Zhang Fushi, Zhou Xinhong, Sun Fan, Yuan, P. "Crystal structure of 1,2-bis(2-methyl-5-formyl-thien-3-yl) perfluoro- cyclopentene, C 5F 6(C 4HSCH 3) 2 (CHO) 2, a photochromicdiarylethene.", Z. Kristallogr. NCS 217 (2002): 415 - 416.
  • Song Zhenglin, Zhang Fushi, Li Xue, Chan Shek-Kiu, Zhao Fuqun and Tang Yingwu. "Investigation of a novel phthalocyanine%u2013like photosensitizer", JPorphyrins Phthalocyanines, 2002, 6: 484-488.
  • Pu Shouzhi, Zhang Fushi, Sun Fan, Wang Ruji, Zhou Xinhong, Chan Shek-Kiu. "The allomorphism of a photochromic diarylethene", Tetrahedron Letters, (2003), 44(5): 1011-1014.
  • Lin Lin, Chan Shek Kiu, Zhao Fu-Qun, Tang Ying-Wu and Zhang Fu-Shi. "Study of Nicotine Acting as an Uncompetitive Inhibitor of Lipase", Acta Chimica Sinica,62 (10), 2004, pp. 1003-1006.
  • Hong, C.C., Chan, S.K. and Shim, H. Effect of chloride on biological nutrient removal from wastewater. Journal of Applied Sciences in Environmental Sanitation,(2007), 2(3):85-92.
  • Chan Shek Kiu. 2012. The Rare Earth Elements of China. The Proceedings of Research on Social Development and Cultural Exchnge, Macao, China, August 5-7, 2012: 118-138.
  • b. Books:

  • Chan Shek Kiu and Tan Weiquang. Macao Environment in 20 th Century, Macao: Association of Social Sciences of Macao, 2004.
  • Chan Shek-Kiu and Wu Qi-Gen. Chinese Medicinal Herbs of Macao (Volume 1), Macao, University of Macau, 2003.
  • Chan Shek-Kiu and Wu Qi-Gen. Common Chinese Medicinal Herbs of Macao (Volume 1), Guangzhou: Guangdong Science and Technology Pres, 2007.
  • Chan Shek-Kiu and Wu Qi-Gen. Common Chinese Medicinal Herbs of Macao (Volume 2), Guangzhou: Guangdong Science and Technology  Press, 2009.
  • . Karen A. Tagulao, Chan Shek Kiu, Susan Wong, Put O. Ang and Karen Kam. Macao%u2019s Mangroves, University of Saint Joseph, 2012.

  • c. Report:

    1. Macao Foundation and State Environmental Protection Administration of China. Development Policy of Environmental Protection Industry in Macao and Prioritized Fields of Cooperation with the Mainland, Macao, 2005

    2. Macao Foundation and State Environmental Protection Administration of China. Development Policy of Environmental Protection Industry in Macao and Prioritized Fields of Cooperation with the Mainland, Macao, 2005.(Being one of the authors, English version)

    3. Cooperation between Guangdong and Macao in the new era: how to help the Macao residents living in mainland China. Dec 2007.(Being one of the authors. The report has been submitted to the Macao government.)

     4. Co-ordinator of 3 reports for Macao government on future light rail system.  (Nov 2005, Apr 2006 and Jan 2007. Those three reports have been submitted to the Macao government.)

  • Publications


    Year 1 Master
    3 credits
    Year 2 Bachelor
    2 credits
    2 credits
    2 credits
    2 credits
    Year 3 Bachelor
    2 credits
    Year 4 Bachelor
    2 credits
    2 credits