
370 Diplomas Awarded at USJ Congregation 2019





USJ held its 2019 Congregation on Saturday, July 13th, at the Grand Hall of the Macau Tower

The University of Saint Joseph (USJ) held its 2019 Congregation on Saturday, July 13th, at the Grand Hall of the Macau Tower. The Congregation was divided into morning and afternoon ceremonies to accommodate a total of 370 graduates and over 1000 witnesses.

The morning session was officiated by the representative for the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, Mr. Sou Chio Fai, Director of the Higher Education Bureau (DSES). In the morning session, the Rector of USJ, Prof. Fr. Peter Stilwell conferred 2 PhD Degrees in the area of Creative Industries. The morning session also saw the conferral of 29 Master Degrees, 159 Bachelor Degrees, and the award of 23 Associate Diplomas. In the afternoon session, 157 Post-Graduate Diplomas in Education were awarded.

The Ceremony counted with the presence of distinguished guests, including representatives of the Department of Education and Youth Affairs of the China’s People Government in Macao, the DSES, the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (DSEJ), diplomatic corps accredited in Macao, Higher Education institutions, and middle and secondary schools.

During the Ceremony, Prof. Fr. Stilwell, in his speech, remarked “(…) Research shows that students at university learn more from interacting with their colleagues than from the lectures of their professors. With our new campus, and the balanced size of our academic community, I believe this is what many of you may already have experienced. (…) If that is so, remember USJ, your alma mater (…)”.







370 Diplomas Atribuídos na Cerimónia de Congregação da USJ 2019

A Universidade de São José (USJ) realizou no dia 13 de Julho, na Torre de Macau, a Cerimónia de Congregação 2019. A cerimónia foi dividida em duas sessões para acomodar um total de 370 graduandos e 1000 testemunhas.

A sessão da manhã foi presidida pelo representante do Secretário para os Assuntos Sociais e Cultura, Dr. Sou Chio Fai, Director da Direcção de Serviços do Ensino Superior (DSES). De manhã, o Reitor da USJ, Prof. Dr. Peter Stilwell, conferiu 2 Diplomas de Doutoramento na área das Indústrias Criativas. Durante a sessão da manhã, foram também conferidos 29 Diplomas de Mestrado, 159 Diplomas de Licenciatura, e concedidos 23 Diplomas de Associado. Na sessão da tarde, foram concedidos 157 Diplomas de Pós-Graduação em Educação.

A cerimónia contou com a presença de distintos convidados, entre os quais representantes do Gabinete de Ligação do Governo Popular Central na RAEM, da DSES, da Direcção de Serviços de Educação e Juventude (DSEJ), corpos diplomáticos acreditados em Macau, instituições de Ensino Superior, e estabelecimentos educativos de ensino básico e secundário.

No decurso da cerimónia, o Reitor da Universidade de São José, Prof. Dr. Peter Stilwell, mencionou “(…) Investigação indica que alunos na universidade aprendem mais interagindo com os seus colegas do que com as palestras dos seus professores. Com o nosso novo campus, e o tamanho equilibrado da nossa comunidade académica, eu acredito que foi isto que muitos de vós experienciaram. (…) Se assim for, lembrem-se da USJ, a vossa alma mater (…)”.



Opening Speech by Prof. Fr. Peter Stilwell, Rector of USJ


Speeches by Student Representatives

(left to right)  Mr. Wilson Lei, Bachelor Graduates’ Student Representative,

and Dr. Yung Chun Sing, PhD Graduates’ Student Representative


Mr. Wilson Lei, Bachelor Graduates’ Student Representative


Conferral of Dr. Yung Chun Sing’s PhD in Global Studies (Faculty of Creative Industries – FCI)

(left to right) Prof. Carlos Sena Caires, FCI Dean, Dr. Yung Chun Sing, USJ Rector


Conferral of Dr. Ma Fei Chun’s PhD in Information Systems (FCI)

(left to right) Prof. Carlos Sena Caires, FCI Dean, Dr. Ma Fei Chun, USJ Rector

Rector’s Speech – English version

Rector’s Speech – Chinese version

Student Representative Speech – Dr. Alan Yung

Student Representative Speech – Mr Wilson Ferreira Lei

USJ Congregation 2019 Highlight Video here.

USJ Congregation 2019 Group Photoshoot pictures here.

USJ Congregation 2019 Morning Ceremony pictures here.

USJ Congregation 2019 Afternoon Ceremony pictures here.