
Alumni Stories | Ngai Sou (Angela) - Breaking the Mold and Cultivating the Right Mindset





Ngai Sou (Angela), a graduate of the Master of Business Administration at USJ in 2002, shares her experience at USJ and her contribution to her Alma Mater as an alumna.

When it comes to the field of architecture, the general public tends to have the impression that it is predominantly dominated by men. However, regardless of gender, whether it’s “she” or “he,” Angela believes that as long as one approaches interactions with sincerity and acts accordingly, breaking through inherent boundaries and discovering one’s own potential in the process of continuous improvement is possible.

Continuous Learning to Enhance Core Competitiveness

Ms. Ngai Sou (Angela),  Managing Director of  Companhia De Construção e Fomento Predial Hai Fai  Limitada, graduated in 2002 from the Master of Business Administration (MBA) programme at the Faculty of Business and Law at University of Saint Joseph (USJ). Being the first cohort of  MBA graduates at USJ, she has actively supported and contributed to the development of her alma mater over the years, and served as the Vice-President of the Alumni Association of USJ (AAUSJ)’s General Assembly.

“I have always had a keen interest in the field of business administration and I believe that through continuous learning and practice, I can acquire more business knowledge and skills to lay a solid foundation for my career development.” When asked about the opportunity to study at USJ, Angela shared that her choice was based on her own willingness and the reputation of the university. “At that time, I was planning to further my studies, and by chance, I came across the admission information of this university. I learned that most of the teachers and students came from all over the world, and the courses were taught in English. Considering various factors, I saw an opportunity to study at USJ.”

Applying Theory into Practice to Strengthen Insight

The MBA programme at USJ encompasses diverse teaching units such as corporate finance, integrating operations and marketing, and Asian business and comparative management. Angela believes that the programme focuses on cultivating students’ innovative thinking and teamwork abilities. She cited the example of the Business Decision-Making course, where she learned how to make precise decisions in uncertainty and weigh various pros and cons. This has had a profound impact on her current work in the construction industry. “In our industry, we often face complex problems and challenges. Through the learning of business decision-making and simulation planning courses, I have clarified my decision-making principles and methods. I can provide strong support to the team while treating others with empathy at critical moments.”

Looking back on her educational journey, Angela recalls the impressive mentors she had on campus, including Prof. Wong, who founded the Master of Business Administration programme at that time, and Prof. Keith Morrison, the Vice-Rector of USJ, who were dedicated, passionate, and focused in their classrooms. She shared that the most unforgettable experience was probably her time studying statistics . As a student from Arts Stream, she initially found it difficult to grasp the content of the subject, but statistics is an essential part of her management work. She continued. “At that time the professors of USJ gave me tremendous support and encouragement, enabling me to make continuous progress. I am grateful to be able to apply what I have learned in my career, becoming a better business management professional through a wealth of theoretical knowledge and practice.”

With a Grateful Heart, Giving Back to Alma Mater

When it comes to senior alumni who continue to be enthusiastic about the AAUSJ, Angela is undoubtedly one of them. In the early years of the pandemic in 2020, she voluntarily donated a batch of cleaning and disinfecting supplies, demonstrating selfless care and aiming to help the faculty and students of USJ’s fight against COVID-19 together. “As the Vice President of the AAUSJ’s General Assembly, I have always maintained a high level of attention and support for my alma mater. Apart from the pandemic, during the typhoon Hato period, I also spontaneously helped clean up the fallen trees outside the Seminary with my company team, contributing my own efforts.”

In addition to donating supplies, she has also sponsored scholarships and alumni activities at USJ ever since 2009. Over the years, she has been dedicated to participating in public welfare and supporting the comprehensive development of USJ, creating a better learning environment for future generations. “I believe that improving academic standards and supporting young students are important tasks for the university’s development. Therefore, I also call on graduates to join the Alumni Association after graduation or offering donations to give back to our alma mater according to their own abilities.”

Words of Encouragement for Youth to Grow through Experience

For our young students, Angela encourages the new generation to not only focus on classroom learning but also actively participate in various extracurricular activities and experiential learning. Different experiences will help broaden their horizons, enhance their comprehensive abilities, and cultivate a spirit of teamwork. At the same time, she emphasizes that young students should not be afraid of hardships and setbacks, but maintain a positive mindset, and refrain from being overly self-centered. While pursuing personal growth, it is important to consider the well-being and success of the team as a whole.