
Enhancing Global Perspectives: Van Lang University Students Conclude Study Tour at USJ Macao





Van Lang University (Ho Chi Minh City) students experience a transformative week of learning and cultural exchange at the University of Saint Joseph, Macao.

The Van Lang University (VLU) Study Tour Programme for the 2023/2024 academic year at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (FAH) of the University of Saint Joseph (USJ) Macao has concluded successfully, marking a significant milestone in academic collaboration between VLU and USJ.

The programme, which took place from August 23 to August 30, 2023, hosted 14 students from VLU’s Faculty of Public Relations and Communications, and Faculty of Creative Technology.

This week-long study tour provided students with invaluable opportunities to engage in hands-on learning experiences, explore new cultures, and enhance their academic knowledge in a global context.

(Certificate issuance to students by Professors from Faculty of Arts and Humanities)

(Outreach visit at the Macao Art Museum)

Students Sharing

The participating students expressed their gratitude for the enriching experience, highlighting the innovative workshops and supportive environment at USJ.

VLU, Faculty of Public Relations and Communications – Major of Public Relations

My name is Le Thi Thanh Nhi, majoring in Multimedia from Van Lang university. First of all, I would like to thank Saint Joseph university and Van Lang university for giving me this opportunity to join the design workshop series in Macau.

This trip brought me many wonderful first-time experiences. It was my first time joining an exchange study course in a foreign country, my first visit to the vibrant city of Macau, and my first opportunity to stay and study at the modern and beautiful campus of Saint Joseph University. While I am familiar with 2D design and Adobe Illustrator, this workshop allowed me to delve into the world of 3D design and learn how to bring concepts to life.

I really thank the professors for very interesting classes, the student ambassadors for accompanying and supporting us in every class, the staff for your hospitality and caring in our eating and sleeping, and the canteen staff for making such delicious food. The security girl was also very nice and thoughtful. She always says hello to us and supports us with any services we need from cleaning rooms to booking study rooms. To consume, I learn and love this design workshop series a lot.

VLU, Faculty of Public Relations and Communications – Major of Public Relations

The three methods I employ to describe this voyage are: exploration, memory, and nostalgia. The moment I arrived in Macao, I gained a new perspective on transportation, architecture, and culture. Although I am in a foreign nation, the local people maintain their traditional behaviors, which makes me feel at home from a cultural perspective. Particularly, the architecture and transportation in this location are characterized by a futuristic aesthetic, which I have previously only observed in films or television. Additionally, I was most impressed by the transportation infrastructure; it is civilized, well-organized, and flawless.

Next, I would like to discuss my memories. I am profoundly grateful to Saint Joseph University for providing me with the opportunity to visit this vibrant land. I am grateful for the captivating lessons you have imparted to me, which I have never encountered before. I spent time immersing myself in the culture of this land, amusing myself with the walking paths, or fretting about missing the last transport, in addition to completing the new lessons. I am profoundly appreciative and hold this fleeting moment in my adolescent voyage in high regard.

Finally, the adjective “nostalgic” is the most affective. Last year, I embarked on a comparable journey. Upon its conclusion, I was deeply disheartened to depart from the room to which I had been affixed for nearly a month, as well as my companions and the students who had accompanied me, as they had become like family to me. Upon my arrival at this destination, those memories resurfaced, evoking feelings of nostalgia. There is no doubt that the day I bid farewell to this room will be a deeply sorrowful occasion. Upon my return to my country, I will long for this place, the route to catch the bus, and the mornings spent at the school cafeteria, where I would share breakfast with my peers.

Lastly, I am truly grateful for this excursion and extend my heartfelt gratitude to Saint Joseph University, the institution where I spent my adolescence.

VLU, Faculty of Public Relations and Communications – Major of Public Relations

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the leadership of both universities for providing me and my fellow students from Van Lang University with the invaluable opportunity to participate in the academic exchange program at the University of Saint Joseph Macau for the past week.

This trip has brought me incredible learning and cultural experiences. I had the chance to learn new and insightful knowledge about design from the experienced lecturers at the University of Saint Joseph Macau. The modern and creative teaching methods, along with the enthusiasm of the professors, helped me expand my professional knowledge and gain a broader perspective on my field of study.

Besides the enriching classes, I also had the opportunity to explore Macau’s unique cultural attractions, such as museums and historical sites, which gave me a deeper understanding of the history, culture, and people of this place. The experience of Macau’s street food, with its unique dishes and rich flavors, has left a lasting impression on me.

Throughout the trip, I received dedicated support from the lecturers and local students of the University of Saint Joseph Macau. Their friendliness, hospitality, and enthusiasm helped me quickly integrate into the new environment and feel at home. The exchanges and conversations with Macau students not only helped me improve my foreign language skills but also allowed me to learn more about the culture and lifestyle of Macau’s youth.

This exchange trip was truly a memorable and meaningful experience for me. It not only helped me enhance my professional knowledge and broaden my understanding of Macau’s culture but also helped me develop soft skills and improve my adaptability and communication skills.

I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the leadership of both universities, the lecturers, and the students of the University of Saint Joseph Macau for their warm welcome and enthusiastic support throughout the trip. I hope that the exchange program between our two universities will continue to be maintained and developed in the future, bringing valuable learning and experiential opportunities to future generations of students.

VLU, Faculty of Creative Technology – Major of Cinema Television Technology

Macao, a place renowned for its grand casinos, vibrant culture, and a love for the Western style of living. A place that I know little about, that I don’t give much thought to. Yet after this trip, everything changed.

My name is Nguyen Ngoc Dang, I’m a year-one student from Van Lang University of Vietnam, specializing in Video Game Producing (Film and Television Technology), part of the Faculty of Creative Technology. During this trip, there were so many things that I found fascinating. When I first arrived on the campus, I thought that the place had a special kind of architecture. The campus is clean, vibrant, and with lots of space for many activities. The whole vibe of the school is youthful, energetic, and open. When I checked into my dormitory room, I was surprised to see how prepared everything was. This is actually my first time staying at any kind of dorm and it was a very good experience.

The school has many classrooms with modern equipment. For me, my favorite room was the 3D-printing lab. It has everything, from many 3D printers to a workstation and laser-cutting machine. Although the duration of the program was short, we have learned so many things. The teachers and professors from USJ are very friendly. Even the dean himself is very gentle with us. They are very skillful in their respective areas and they help us with everything.

Another aspect that I found special was that the food on the campus was also a lot different than I had thought. Despite having similar cultural taste in food, it still took me a few days to adjust to the taste from here, because everything is a lot more bland than in Vietnam. In the end, I find that Macau’s cuisine was very special in its own way and I would love to try more of it.

For me, this study trip to Macao holds a special place in my heart. The experience was more than stellar, with many new things and special people. I’m very grateful to have this opportunity to be involved with USJ, and to learn a lot about Macao’s culture. I hope that in the future, I will have another chance to be here and to learn once more.

VLU, Faculty of Creative Technology – Major of Communication Technologies

I am Mai Minh Nhut, a student of Van Lang university who came to saint joseph university in Macao to experience culture and study, I come from the major of Media Technology.

After 7 days of experiencing and studying at school, I feel very happy and have many experiences. With a modern and dynamic learning environment, I can study well and be creative. Thanks very much to university of Saint Joseph for creating a very interesting and meaningful workshop for me to participate and learn. This trip has allowed me to develop in many aspects, I have more experiences, discovered many new things, and made new friends. In addition, the dormitory that the school provided for me to stay in was very clean and secure, helping me have a comfortable place to stay and have a good night’s sleep. I feel that the school is very good, the lecturers are very enthusiastic and instruct students in a dedicated and thoughtful way, the facilities are modern, the canteen is delicious and the school is near bus stops so it is convenient to study and move . I enjoyed and experienced this trip to the fullest .

Once again, I thank the school very much for being present in part of my youth wanting to study and explore the world.