
The Inauguration of "Traditional Western Bookbinding and Conservation Student Work Exhibition"





The “Traditional Western Bookbinding and Conservation Student Work Exhibition” was officially launched on the afternoon of 7th of November, 2020, at the Kent Wong Exhibition Gallery in USJ Ilha Verde Campus.

The University of Saint Joseph (USJ) and the Macao Institute of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Relics (MICRCR), with the support of Macau Design Centre, jointly organised the “Traditional Western Bookbinding and Conservation Student Work Exhibition” aiming to promote inheritance and craftsmanship.

The inauguration ceremony was officiated by Prof. Kevin Hannam, Pro-Rector of USJ; Mr. Francisco Chan, President of MICRCR; Mr. Dirco Fong, CEO of Macau Design Center; Mr. Francisco Peixoto, Head Librarian of USJ; and student representative, Ms. Sam Hoi Ieong, on the afternoon of 7th of November, 2020, at the Kent Wong Exhibition Gallery in USJ Ilha Verde Campus.

The exhibition features the works from 14 students using Islamic Binding and Limp Binding techniques, experience sharing and it also displays restored old books and its reports. A workstation for book restoration will also be available to the public at the exhibition along with an on-site “consultation service” to repair books. The exhibition also features a range of seminars on binding and restoration; and workshops on paper making, binding and printing.

The exhibition is open to public from now until 18th of December, 2020. A virtual tour is also available on USJ Library website. For more information, please contact USJ Library – library@usj.edu.mo or +853 8592 5633.

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