New Doctorate Awarded | Fr. Daniel António de Carvalho Ribeiro

New Doctorate Awarded | Fr. Daniel António de Carvalho Ribeiro
Fr. Daniel António de Carvalho Ribeiro has successfully defended his doctoral thesis in Religious Studies titled: “The Theology of the Eucharist in the Writings of Pope Benedict XVI and its Implications for the Religious Formation of Adolescents in Macao Catholic Secondary Schools”.
Fr. Daniel António de Carvalho Ribeiro has successfully defended his doctoral thesis in Religious Studies titled: “The Theology of the Eucharist in the Writings of Pope Benedict XVI and its Implications for the Religious Formation of Adolescents in Macao Catholic Secondary Schools“.
The public oral defense was held on 8 July 2024 at the Ilha Verde Campus of the University of Saint Joseph (USJ), Macao, China.
Congratulations to the new Doctor!
The USJ Doctoral Programme aims to provide a holistic, integrative, inter-, multi- and trans-disciplinary learning and research pathway covering nine sectoral sub-programmes: Global Studies, History, Religious Studies, Psychology, Education, Government Studies, Business Administration, Science, and Information Systems.
For more information, please visit:
Novo Doutorado atribuído | Daniel António de Carvalho Ribeiro
Pe. Daniel António de Carvalho Ribeiro defendeu com sucesso a sua tese de Doutoramento em Estudos Religiosos com o título: “The Theology of the Eucharist in the Writings of Pope Benedict XVI and its Implications for the Religious Formation of Adolescents in Macao Catholic Secondary Schools“.
A prova decorreu a 8 de Julho de 2024, no campus da Ilha Verde da Universidade de São José (USJ), Macau, China.
Parabéns ao novo Doutor!
O Programa Doutoral da Universidade de São José em Macau visa proporcionar um percurso holístico, integrador, inter-, multi- e transdisciplinar de aprendizagem e de realização de investigação, abarcando nove subprogramas sectoriais: Estudos Globais, História, Estudos Religiosos, Psicologia, Educação, Administração Pública, Gestão, Ciência, e Sistemas de Informação.
Para mais informação: