
Prof. Filipa Simões launches the first guide to Street Art in Macao





The University of Saint Joseph is proud to announce the launch of the “Guide to Street Art in Macau”, a book authored by Prof. Filipa Simões, Programme Supervisor of the Bachelor of Design.

The University of Saint Joseph (USJ) Macao is proud to announce the launch of the “Guide to Street Art in Macau“, authored by Prof. Filipa Simões, Programme Supervisor of the Bachelor of Design at USJ. The book launch event was held on May 29 at Ponte 9 – Creative Platform.

The “Guide to Street Art in Macau” is published by CURB – Center for Architecture and Urbanism, with the sponsorship of the Cultural Development Fund and the support of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of USJ. The publication offers a curated selection of ephemeral street art manifestations, organised into six hubs — four in Macao and two in Taipa and Coloane — proposing alternative itineraries to discover the city. 

The book is a celebration of the enthusiasm and interest in Macao by artists, street art promoters, and visitors alike. It aims to highlight and make accessible Macao’s street art, aiding in the consolidation and recognition of urban culture in Macao. The guide is also an invitation to stroll through the city, discovering its hidden treasures and unique stories.

The event featured a discussion moderated by Prof. Nuno Soares, President of CURB and Head of the Department of Architecture and Design, with the author, Prof. Filipa Simões, David Lopo, the project photographer, and Macao-based street artists duo ANHZ and FEW, also known as AAFK. 

Present at the book launch were Mr Cheng Wai Tong, Deputy Director of Macao Government Tourism Office, Mr Chan Ka Io, member of the Administrative Council of the Cultural Development Found, Prof. Carlos Sena Caires, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, as well as the organizers of the !Outloud Street Art Festival, Ms Chan Ting Ting and Mr Lam KA Pou (also known as P.I.B.G.), and numerous local street artists.

The book is available for purchase at CURB – Center for Architecture and Urbanism, located at Rua das Lorchas, Ponte Nº9 3/F, and in selected bookstores around the city.