
Prof. Vincent Yang interviewed by the press: ground breaking progress in Sino-Canada criminal justice cooperation





Prof. Vincent Yang interviewed by the press.

Recently, Prof. Vincent Yang, Pro-Rector of USJ, was interviewed by Mingpao Daily and several other Chinese press to comment on the signing of an Agreement between China and Canada on Sharing and Return of Forfeited Assets during Premier Li Keqiang’s official visit to Canada in late September, 2016 as well as the beginning of discussion of an extradition treaty between the two countries. Prof. Yang indicated that the signing of China’s first treaty on the sharing and return of forfeited asset is a significant ground breaking development, which will help law enforcement agencies work together in a joint effort to fight cross-border crime including organized crime and corruption. The beginning of discussion on extradition treaty between the two governments is also encouraging, given that Canada does not want to become a safe heaven for Chinese fugitives involved in major corruption and economic crimes, and an extradition treaty can provide a solid legal ground for the timely removal of fugitives.

Interview on Mingpao here