USJ Academic Exchange Tour on Infant Education, Special Education and Inclusive Education in Taipei
USJ Academic Exchange Tour on Infant Education, Special Education and Inclusive Education in Taipei
USJ’s SED held an exchange tour on Inclusive Education to Taipei
During 11-18 July 2019, three graduate students, Prof. Carrie Ho and Prof. Susannah Sun participated in the DSES sponsored academic exchange. Two PhD students Annie Choi and Nair Cardoso presented in the Pacific Early Childhood Education and Research Association (PECERA) Conference 2019 with their graduate studies on Reggio Emilia inspired documentation method and Sensory-based approach. Prof. Carrie Ho and Prof. Susannah Sun also presented at the Conference on the topics of Student Teachers’ perspectives on Sensory-based approach and Chinese Literacy in Early Childhood context. Together with Master student Carman Kuok, the team also visited Keelung Yoyo Kindergarten, Hsin Yi Parent & Child Education Centre, New Taipei City Special Education Resource Centre, and Wenshan School of Special Education. The group also visited the well-known Puppetry Art Center of Taipei for learning the history of Chinese puppetry and its usage in infant education. The academic tour allowed the graduate students to exchange their research studies with international professionals in the field and enrich their understanding on implementation of SEN supports, early interventions, and STEM curriculum development.
PhD student Annie Choi presented her doctoral study topic “Finding a better way to assess young children in a kindergarten classroom”.
PhD students Nair Cardoso presented her master study result topic “Determining the effectiveness of sensory play and exploration in early childhood – A Quasi-experimental study”.
Master student Carman Kuok connected with an Indonesia kindergarten principal.
Prof. Carrie Ho presented “In search of aesthetic education: Student teachers’ perspective and practice with sensory-based approach in Infant Education”.
Prof. Susannah Sun presented “Kindergarten teachers’ beliefs about Chinese early literacy instruction”.
New Taipei City Special Education Resource Centre introduced their latest governmental supports to school, parents, and children with disabilities.
The principal and teachers of Wenshan School of Special Education explained how governmental policy implemented as school practices in curriculum, IEPs, and career development programme design and evaluation.