USJ PhD Student Warren Man Ho LI presented at an International Workshop in Japan
USJ PhD Student Warren Man Ho LI presented at an International Workshop in Japan
The USJ PhD student, Mr. Warren Li, gave a presentation at an international workshop on Food Loss and Waste Prevention targeting the Southeast and East Asian Region in Tokyo in October.
Mr. Warren Man Ho LI (李文灝), a USJ PhD Student in Science, gave a presentation at the high level International Workshop on Food Loss and Waste Prevention targeting the Southeast and East Asian region from Oct. 16th-18th 2019, Tokyo, Japan. The workshop was organised by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan as the current G20 presidency holder, FAO Japan Liaison Office, UN Environment and the Thünen Institute (Germany).
Mr. Warren gave his presentation in Session 3 of the Workshop: Legal Challenges and Policy Options, with the title “Legal Compliance and Implementation of the Circular Economy for Food Waste Reduction & Handling in Macau and Hong Kong.” The overall aim of the workshop was to support the delivery of Target 12.3 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), which demands to halve food waste at retail and consumer level, and reducing food loss across the supply chain. The 30 participants from various South-East Asian countries were seeking ways to raise awareness in their specific communities and to facilitate increased cooperation and network building among countries in Asia with respect to sharing knowledge and experiences in measuring and reducing Food Loss and Waste (FLW) at all levels. Providing guidance on setting baselines and measuring progress on FLW, defining strategies on FLW reduction, developing effective actions targeting households and the supply chain, and using FLW to raise ambition on greenhouse gas reduction. Food production accounts globally for 24 % of overall Greenhouse Gas Emissions (ICCP 2019), and the global emissions of FLW taken as country come in 3rd after China and the US. Food Waste Prevention is also a serious social issue, as today 820 million people in the world are still hungry, underscoring the immense challenge of achieving the UN Zero Hunger target by 2030.
Mr. Warren Man Ho LI (李文灝) is a USJ PhD student in Science, pursuing research on “COP21 Compliance and Sustainable Development through Integrated Solid Waste Management: Implementation of the Circular Economy in the Pearl River Delta Area.” (supervised by Prof. Franz Gassner). He is also working as General Manager of Ultra Clean Waste Services Limited of Macao, China.